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PHP Variables Higher Education Reimagined With Online Courseware - Education L “Everyone is in one way or another doing O.E.R. today,” says Roger C. Schonfeld, research manager at Ithaka S+R, a nonprofit service that helps academic institutions use technology for research and teaching. If the mission of the university is the creation of knowledge (via research) and the dissemination of knowledge (via teaching and publishing), then it stands to reason that giving that knowledge away fits neatly with that mission. And the branding benefits are clear. The Open University, the distance-learning behemoth based in England, has vastly increased its visibility with open courses, which frequently show up in the Top 5 downloads on Apple’s iTunes U, a portal to institutions’ free courseware as well as marketing material. In December, iTunes U itself surpassed the 100 million download mark. Undoubtedly, open educational resources have given higher education unprecedented reach. So, a decade in, what has it taught us? This is not an idle question. Mr. Mr. The Educated Consumer Mr.

The Best Websites for Free Online Courses, Certificates, Degrees, and Educational Resources Have you thought about expanding your knowledge by taking some courses? There are several colleges and other sites that offer free online courses, certificate programs, some degree programs, and education resources for teachers and professors. MIT OpenCourseWare MIT OpenCourseWare offers free lecture notes, exams, and videos from classes at MIT. OpenCourseWare (OCW) was proposed by the MIT faculty in 2000 and they have been publishing educational materials from their courses freely and openly on the Internet since the first proof-of-concept site in 2002, containing 50 courses. By November 2007, MIT had published almost the entire curriculum, over 1,800 courses in 33 academic disciplines. No registration is required to take advantage of these educational materials. OpenCourseWare (OCW) Consortium The OpenCourseWare (OCW) Consortium is a free and openly licensed digital publication of high quality college and university‐level educational materials organized as courses. edX Open Yale Courses

- The Subversive Copy Editor - Iceweasel PaintGo | Kid's Coloring, Drawing, Stickers & Painting Activity ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more! ABCya’s award-winning Kindergarten computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years.

Course Catalog 200 Free Online Classes to Learn Anything Written by: Thomas Broderick Universities, colleges, and private organizations offer free online college courses to help students acquire new knowledge and skills. These courses cover a variety of traditional academic topics and other subjects that can lead to career advancement and personal enrichment. Courses occur online, allowing learners from all over the world to participate. At the end of a course, students may qualify for an official certificate. Some institutions charge a small certificate fee. Most online courses provide an introduction to a topic, although there are some intermediary and advanced courses. Some free college courses use the term massive online open course (MOOC). Benefits of Open Courses Free online college courses allow students to learn from home, a significant advantage for learners who prefer to eliminate a commute. In a free college course, learners can explore new academic topics without incurring high tuition costs. Should You Take Open Courses?

(Open) Text - Iceweasel Smart materials get SMARTer Cambridge, Mass. – July 11, 2012 – Living organisms have developed sophisticated ways to maintain stability in a changing environment, withstanding fluctuations in temperature, pH, pressure, and the presence or absence of crucial molecules. The integration of similar features in artificial materials, however, has remained a challenge—until now. In the July 12 issue of Nature, a Harvard-led team of engineers presented a strategy for building self-thermoregulating nanomaterials that can, in principle, be tailored to maintain a set pH, pressure, or just about any other desired parameter by meeting the environmental changes with a compensatory chemical feedback response. Called SMARTS (Self-regulated Mechano-chemical Adaptively Reconfigurable Tunable System), this newly developed materials platform offers a customizable way to autonomously turn chemical reactions on and off and reproduce the type of dynamic self-powered feedback loops found in biological systems.

Tuition-Free Online Degree, Tution Free Online Degrees Completing programs that offer academic degrees has become a real and attainable opportunity at University of the People. University of the People provides access to structured, tuition-free online degree-level programs in Business Administration and Computer Science. UoPeople accepts qualified applicants who have successfully graduated from high school, have access to a computer and Internet and have sufficient English skills to complete the English-only courses offered by UoPeople. Comprised of students from around the world, the student body learns through the support of instructors with the aid of peer-to-peer learning. The corresponding tuition-free online degree programs offered by UoPeople functions effectively on a limited budget without sacrificing the quality of education by encouraging collaborative learning and using open-source e-learning principles. UoPeople offers tuition-free education, and charges only processing fees for Applications and Examinations.

Pestel Analysis | - Iceweasel Citizen news: A democratic addition to political journalism Editor’s note: Herbert Gans is one of America’s preeminent sociologists, and some of his most notable work has come in examining the American news industry. His seminal 1979 book Deciding What’s News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek and Time was born out of years spent in newsrooms, watching how the never-ending flood of human activity was distilled into the news. Here he argues for a new area of emphasis in political reporting for a democratic society — what he calls citizen news. Journalism and the news media are supposed to be a bulwark for democracy. But through their history, they have more often served as messengers for the high-level public officials whose actions and pronouncements they report regularly. Political news has not paid much attention to the citizenry. True, citizens — like the 127 million Americans who voted this month, and the approximately 100 million who didn’t — may not always seem particularly newsworthy. Journalism and the citizenry

Khan Academy Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. The Khan Academy é uma ONG educacional criada e sustentada por Salman Khan. Com a missão de "fornecer educação de alta qualidade para qualquer um, em qualquer lugar", oferece uma coleção grátis de mais de 3.800 vídeos de matemática, história, medicina e saúde, finanças, física, química, biologia, astronomia, economia, ciência da computação, entre outras matérias.1 2 A Khan Academy já deu mais de 200 milhões de vídeo-aulas gratuitas.3 História[editar | editar código-fonte] O fundadador da organização, Salman Khan, nasceu e cresceu em New Orleans, Luisiana, Estados Unidos.2 Formado em matemática, ciências da computação e engenharia elétrica pelo MIT, Khan começou a ensinar matemática para a sua prima Nadia em 2004 com serviços do Yahoo! Brasil[editar | editar código-fonte] Referências Ligações externas[editar | editar código-fonte]

English Composition I: Achieving Expertise | Coursera - Iceweasel About the Course English Composition I provides an introduction to and foundation for the academic reading and writing characteristic of college. Attending explicitly to disciplinary context, you will learn to read critically, write effective arguments, understand the writing process, and craft powerful prose that meets readers’ expectations. You will gain writing expertise by exploring questions about expertise itself: What factors impact expert achievement? What does it take to succeed? Who determines success? Two overarching assumptions about academic writing will shape our work: 1) it is transferable; 2) it is learnable. Share why you want to improve your writing Learn what other says about their motivations **English Composition I has earned a Certificate of Recognition from Quality Matters, a non-profit dedicated to quality in online education Course Syllabus Unit 1 (Weeks 1-3): Critical ReviewHow do we become experts? Recommended Background In-course Textbooks Suggested Readings Yes.

Proporciona cursos a nivell universitari en línia, d'àmbits molt diversos, a nivell mundial i ofereix quantitat de cursos de caràcter gratuït. Així mateix, els cursos consisteixen en seqüències setmanals d'aprenentatge i cadascuna d'aquestes està formada per vídeos que s'intercalen amb activitats d'aprenentatge interactius, per tal que els estudiants puguin practicar de manera immediata els conceptes presentats. by nataliaprietocarvajal Oct 27

EdX, es una plataforma MOOC, fundada en el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts, Universidad de Harvard en 1912. Su rastreo se realizó a través de Internet, cabe comentar que las universidades Javeriana y del Rosario (colombianas) son miembros actuales de edX y ofrecen cursos cursos gratuitos para todas las personas del mundo. by jorgeca May 19

EDX es una empresa sin ánimo de lucro cuyos socios fundadores son la Universidad de Harvard y el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts que ofrece aprendizaje diseñado específicamente para el estudio interactivo a través de la web. Además de ofrecer cursos en línea , las instituciones utilizarán edx para investigar cómo aprenden los estudiantes y cómo la tecnología puede transformar el aprendizaje , tanto en el campus y en todo el mundo. Los objetivos de EDX combinan el deseo de llegar a los estudiantes de todas las edades , los medios y las nacione , para ofrecer estas enseñanzas de una facultad que reflejan la diversidad de su audiencia . EDX se localiza en Cambridge, Massachusetts, y se rige por el MIT y Harvard . by eznerto Apr 17

Esta plataforma es el resultado de la unión de Harvard y el MIT. En ella se tiene acceso a más de 400 de los mejores MOOC de la red by jcgonzalez81 Apr 3

About edX

EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that features learning designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Based on a long history of collaboration and their shared educational missions, the founders are creating a new online-learning experience with online courses that reflect their disciplinary breadth. Along with offering online courses, the institutions will use edX to research how students learn and how technology can transform learning–both on-campus and worldwide. Anant Agarwal, former Director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, serves as the first president of edX. EdX's goals combine the desire to reach out to students of all ages, means, and nations, and to deliver these teachings from a faculty who reflect the diversity of its audience. EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is governed by MIT and Harvard. by angel_aldana Jan 11

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