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AllThingsPLC ? Research, education tools and blog for building a professional learning community

AllThingsPLC ? Research, education tools and blog for building a professional learning community

Learning Master As Twitter has made its impression on every sphere of life and professionals from every sphere of life are Tweeting on it. Field of education and especially, teachers, are one of the largest community using it intensively. Below are some famous tools which teacher can use for their benefit while on Twitter: TweetDeck This is on one of the most popular Twitter applications that can be used by anyone irrespective of their profession and area of working. However, for teachers it plays significant role to remain connected with students for communication and teaching purposes. TweetBackup As teacher when you are delivering something important to your students as in form of tweets and at the same time students being sometimes careless may not lose instructions provided by you, can have backup of your Tweets at TweetBackup that provide great utility in time of emergency.

Finding Ways for All Kids to Flourish Reimagining School:When Teachers Run the School Today, it has become nearly impossible for a single individual to properly administer and lead a school. School leaders must assume responsibilities in an ever-wider range of areas: instruction, school culture, management, strategic development, micropolitics, human resources, and external development (Portin, 2004). Any one principal will have difficulty successfully managing all these areas on his or her own. One alternative approach to school governance has great potential for success—the democratic and distributed leadership model. Beyond Distributed Leadership The democratic and distributed leadership model is similar in some ways to the distributed leadership model, which involves distributing responsibility on all administrative levels, working through teams, and engendering collective responsibility (Ritchie & Woods, 2007). does not necessarily imply that the entire faculty controls decisions related to the school. Two Defining Characteristics Democratic and Full Participation
