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Ateneu Popular. El blog de diseño gráfico y publicidad

Ateneu Popular. El blog de diseño gráfico y publicidad

This is why you need to learn how to talk to developers The microchip computer was, arguably, the most significant invention of the latter half of the twentieth century. The closest preceding innovation to provide humanity with such a large opportunity for intellectual advancement was the printing press. Computers have redefined every aspect of human life, from how we communicate and do business to how we study and explore our universe. In just a few years, we have moved from telegraphs to video conferences; from the first manned flight to sending robot rovers to Mars. Despite the depth and complexity of the problems computers are tasked to solve, the general populace expects them to function with the simplicity and ease of a household appliance. Consumer demand for computing simplicity is so strong that Apple, the most valuable computer hardware and software company on Earth, has centered their entire public image around the slogan, “It just works.” Be quick to ask questions and slow to offer solutions.Avoid micromanaging at all costs.

a desgana …to those who wait. “Las cosas buenas vienen a aquellos que esperan”. Después de un mes desde la última actualización del blog, me vienen que ni pintadas estas interpretaciones irónicas y cáusticas de Michael George Haddad a esa famosa frase-cliché de mierda. Si me deja la vida, actualizaré otra vez en este mes. Igual no. Leer el resto… La canción, que es un truño, corre a cargo de este grupo ucraniano (cosas de la globalización suenan igual que otro cualquiera de cualquier otra parte), pero lo que importa es el vídeo. Visto en Quipsologies. Kalen Hollomon se pasea por Nueva York con el móvil (y su cámara) en una mano y un buen lote de recortes de revistas porno de los 70-80 y de anuncios de moda en la otra. Aquí, una entrevistilla para el que guste de más información. Leer el resto… Cuánto cuesta estar parado en un semáforo, ¿verdad? Pues la gente de Smart… ¿Cómo? Pues lo que os contaba. Mola, ¿eh? Visto en Osocio. ¿Os acordáis de aquello de “Pitagora suichi“? Leer el resto…

belle maison Designers Workspace: Creative and Inspirational Examples What’s in a desk? A pen and a laptop, with a chair and maybe a mug? On a typical desk, yes of course – however, on a creative’s desk there is so much more. I have decided to take a closer look at what it is that makes up a creative’s workstation and my findings are nothing shocking but I think overlooked. Clean, simple and useful A creative’s workstation is very clean. Toy oriented Oh, there are just so many toys – by which I mean technological gadgets. Sophisticated and stylish For some reason all of the workstations looked very upscale and sophisticated, as if a creative’s workstation was better than a typical desk. The same yet custom As I’ve looked at the various workstation images posted on blogs, social networks and what not, I have noticed that they are all practically the same. Lastly What this analysis has taught me is that the workstation of a creative is a very personal and sacred place where, basically, magic happens.

evasèe 10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.1 Powerpoint has produced more bad design in its day that perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft paint. In this post we’re going to address the epidemic of bad presentation design with ten super practical tips for designer better looking and more professional presentations. Along the way we’ll see a number of awesome slide designs from Note & Point along with some custom examples built by yours truly. Let’s get started! Also be sure to check out 10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.2! Not a Designer? Most of the content on this site is targeted specifically towards professional designers and developers, or at the very least those interested in getting started in this field. You’ve chosen a visual tool to communicate and should therefore take the time to learn a thing or two about visual communications. Follow the ten tips below and see if you don’t start getting comments about your awesome presentation design skills. Kuler Piknik

Living Lines Library Barcelona's Chiringuito Design Your Revolution
