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Take a personality test

Urban Balance Counseling Blog - Current info for good mental health Anna Kultys is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with experience in providing adults with individual and group therapy in a variety of settings. Her key areas of clinical expertise consist of depression, anxiety, coping with trauma, concerns related to stress, work, and relationships, as well as confidence and identity issues. She is also fluent in the Polish language and culture. Anna works from UB’s Evanston Counseling office. View Anna’s Full Bio What made you become a therapist? I’ve always been curious about what people do and how they feel. What are your specialties? My key areas of clinical expertise consist of depression, anxiety, coping with trauma, concerns related to stress, work, and relationships, as well as confidence and identity issues. Did you have a career before becoming a therapist? During my undergraduate career, I worked with adolescents in an effort to help them succeed through some tough times in their lives. Why do you believe that counseling can help?

Best Online Psychology Tests Want to know what’s really going on in your own head? The mental health Web site PsychCentral offers a list of the best online psychology tests. Some of these are used to collect data for research experiments, while others are skill tests or quizzes that offer personal insights. Here are a few of the best. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. And for even more insight, take PsychCentral’s own Sanity Score quiz, which is designed to assess aspects of your mental health, including your risk for depression, anxiety and other emotional disorders. For additional tests and more information about online psychology assessments, read the full PsychCentral article by clicking here.

How to Use the Psychology of Color to Increase Website Conversions Color wields enormous sway over our attitudes and emotions. When our eyes take in a color, they communicate with a region of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which in turn sends a cascade of signals to the pituitary gland, on to the endocrine system, and then to the thyroid glands. The thyroid glands signal the release of hormones, which cause fluctuation in mood, emotion, and resulting behavior. Research from QuickSprout indicates that 90% of all product assessments have to do with color. “Color,” writes Neil Patel, is “85% of the reason you purchased a specific product.” So, the bottom line is: use the right colors, and you win. What is Color Psychology? In order to really appreciate the tips below, you’ll benefit from a little information on color psychology. Color psychology is the science of how color affects human behavior. There are key facts of color theory that are indisputable. Where Should You Use Color? Let’s get oriented to our context. Color is a tricky thing. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Creating a Generation" Generation Me is a product of a massive, pervasive shift in cultural attitudes that took place in the U.S. between the end of World War II and the year 2000. Earlier eras, particular the 1950s, are often characterized as conformist. Culture was somewhat monolithic -- everyone watched the same TV shows and listened to the same music. This attitude shifted drastically in the 1960s. Even though the Boomers had discovered within themselves a new spirit of individualism, they had grown up in that earlier era, when conformity and obedience were paramount. Generation Me grew up in a world that had already established the primacy of the individual as a basic fact. Ironically, Generation Me managed to develop a deep cynicism, despite all the praise and prizes. Another possible factor in the creation of Generation Me is the splintering of culture itself. If the change in attitude brought on by the Baby Boomers created Generation Me, what will Generation Me's children be like in10 or 20 years?

Sigmund Freud - En son temps et dans le nôtre - Élisabeth Roudinesco Recension détaillée de Jacques Van Rillaer « Le métier de biographe est bien souvent une activité dont la paire de ciseaux et le tube de colle constituent l’indispensable outillage. » « Celui qui devient biographe s’oblige au mensonge, aux secrets, à l’hypocrisie, à l’idéalisation et même à la dissimulation de son incompréhension, car il est impossible d’avoir la vérité biographique. » Sommaire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. « Environ 160 patients » 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. Ce « Sigmund Freud » fait contraste avec les précédentes publications d’É. É. En quatrième de couverture, elle précise que le sien « est d’abord un Viennois de la Belle Époque, sujet de l’empire austro-hongrois, héritier des Lumières allemandes et juives, […] transformant volontiers ses amis en ennemis ». Freud, en effet, a souvent été hostile à l’égard d’amis et de disciples qui émettaient des doutes à l’égard de ses conceptions. É. 2. Les références bibliographiques de Mme Roudinesco sont abondantes. Exemple : É. 3.

How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love “Find something more important than you are,” philosopher Dan Dennett once said in discussing the secret of happiness, “and dedicate your life to it.” But how, exactly, do we find that? Surely, it isn’t by luck. I myself am a firm believer in the power of curiosity and choice as the engine of fulfillment, but precisely how you arrive at your true calling is an intricate and highly individual dance of discovery. Every few months, I rediscover and redevour Y-Combinator founder Paul Graham’s fantastic 2006 article, How to Do What You Love. What you should not do, I think, is worry about the opinion of anyone beyond your friends. More of Graham’s wisdom on how to find meaning and make wealth can be found in Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age. Alain de Botton, modern philosopher and creator of the “literary self-help genre”, is a keen observer of the paradoxes and delusions of our cultural conceits. His terrific 2009 TED talk offers a taste: 16. 28. This is your life.

Video Causes Natural Hallucinations Who needs drugs when you have science? If you follow the video’s instructions, when you look away you will continue to see wavy lines in your wall or on the floor. This happens due to an optical illusion that is the result of repeated psychological stimulation. When the video ends and you look away, your brain still expects to see the waves, and therefore it creates them for you. Saying the letters out loud doesn’t really play a role, it just ensures that you are focusing on the center of the screen, where you can best receive the stimulus. For best results, view the video full screen on an HD display. WARNING: Please use your discretion when viewing.

Second Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology 2nd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology July 16 Pre-conference Workshops: Register Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Ottawa For more information on the 2nd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology download the preliminary program now. About the 2nd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology The conference will bring together internationally-renowned researchers in positive psychology, positive psychology practitioners, clinicians, educators and teachers, business consultants, coaches and the general public from across Canada and the world. Presentation formats include posters, workshops, symposia, keynote lectures, and conversation sessions. Please join us July 16th - 18th, 2014 in Ottawa, Ontario at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier for the Second Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology. Stay in the hub of our conference activities. To register for the main conference: Please join our mailing list NOW to get the latest updates on our 2nd Canadian Conference. Downloads

Jacques Van Rillaer déboulonne "Sigmund Freud en son temps et dans le nôtre" écrit par Élisabeth Roudinesco Le prix "Décembre" vient d’être décerné à Madame Elisabeth Roudinesco pour son livre sur Freud. Il s’agit d’un prix qui récompense une œuvre littéraire. Il convient de souligner que "Sigmund Freud en son temps et dans le nôtre" est un roman historique et nullement un travail universitaire original. J’ai reçu de la part du professeur Jacques Van Rillaer (Professeur émérite de psychologie à l’université de Louvain) une analyse et une critique rigoureuse du contenu de ce livre que je ne peux m'empêcher de partager avec vous. Vous pouvez donc télécharger à partir de ce billet (ci-dessous) l'excellente analyse qu'à pu réaliser Monsieur Van Rillaer à partir des graves imprécisions contenues dans ce livre. Si vous avez besoin de mettre un lien dans un forum, ou dans un texte, vers cette publication de Van Rillaer, il vous suffit d'utiliser les liens ci-dessous :

Self-evaluation maintenance theory Self-evaluation maintenance (SEM) theory refers to discrepancies between two people in a relationship. Two people in a relationship each aim to keep themselves feeling good psychologically throughout a comparison process to the other person.[1] Self-evaluation is defined as the way a person views him/herself. It is the continuous process of determining personal growth and progress, which can be raised or lowered by the behavior of a close other (a person that is psychologically close). People are more threatened by friends than strangers. Abraham Tesser created the self-evaluation maintenance theory in 1988. Description[edit] A person's self-evaluation (which is similar to self-esteem) may be raised when a close other performs well.[1] For example, a sibling scores the winning goal in an important game. At the same time, the success of a close other can decrease someone’s self-evaluation in the comparison process. Research example[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit] References[edit] Feld, S.
