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Primary Interactive - Activities and games for primary students

Primary Interactive - Activities and games for primary students

eThemes Interactive Learning Sites for Education - Home Welcome to Crickweb Per Kornhall: Digitala läromedel – när, hur och varför? #framtidenslaromedel | Hannas skolblogg Under två dagar i oktober samlades drygt 400 lärare, pedagoger och skolutvecklare på konferens “Framtidens Läromedel” i Solna utanför Stockholm. Det här blogginlägget är baserat på föreläsningsanteckningar och toppas med några av mina egna reflektioner. Per Kornhall, debattör, författare och oberoende konsult Digitala verktyg – inte OM utan HUR Per Kornhall utgör en klok och välbehövligt kritisk röst i skoldebatten. Han inleder sin föreläsning med en disclaimer: han är inte ett anti-IT-freak. Varför fungerar det då så dåligt? Utvärdering av effekterna av skolors 1:1-satsning (bland annat Unos Uno) visar negativa resultat i form ökade skillnader mellan skolor, ökade kostnader, och ökat ensamarbete. Hur skapar vi digitala verktyg som fungerar? Resultaten av användning av digitala verktyg måste utvärderas, och goda exempel spridas. Hur kan vi sprida digitala lärresurser som träffar målet (lärande) lite oftare? Ur Hattie J. och P. Källa: Per Kornhall #framtidenslaromedel Paradigmskifte?

Sheppard Software: Fun free online learning games and activities for kids. Super Teacher Tools Teacher Tap: Interactive Websites, Games, and Activities What websites will get my students actively involved with learning rather than just reading off the screen? Where can I find simulations and other interactive learning experiences? I need to address individual differences. Interactives Interactive websites engage students by providing information and resources along with practice, simulations, and other learning activities. Go to Mission US: A Revolutionary Way to Learn History and Zebrafish for examples. This page is divided into two sections. Interactive Activities, Simulations, and Learning Games There are many websites that contain tutorials, simulations, and problem solving activities. There are many websites that appear to be simple games. General Websites Activity Search from Education Place Links to lots of activities by topic/theme. BBC Schools Lots of great activities. Gr Explore fun, children's educational games from the UK. PBSKids Quia

ImageQuiz Teacher Tap: Interactive Websites, Games, and Activities What websites will get my students actively involved with learning rather than just reading off the screen? Where can I find simulations and other interactive learning experiences? I need to address individual differences. Some students need more practice than others. Where can I find interactive, practice activities for students? Interactives Interactive websites engage students by providing information and resources along with practice, simulations, and other learning activities. Go to Mission US: A Revolutionary Way to Learn History and Zebrafish for examples. Some people think of interactive games as "low level." This page is divided into two sections. Interactive Activities, Simulations, and Learning Games Drill and Practice, Puzzles, and Quizzes There are many websites that contain tutorials, simulations, and problem solving activities. There are many websites that appear to be simple games. General Websites Activity Search from Education Place BBC Schools
