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The Global Magazine of News and Ideas

The Sunday Times Bonmarché blames Brexit and weather for sliding profits new Bonmarché, the discount clothing retailer, blamed a string of factors, from bad weather to Brexit, for sliding annual profits and its failure to increase market share. The company, which specialises in clothing for women aged over 50, complained that last year had been more challenging than it had expected and that it had not managed to...Bonmarché, the discount clothing retailer, blamed a string of factors, from bad weather to Brexit, for sliding annual profits and its failure to increase market share.

Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs What is RSS? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are files which can be loaded into RSS viewers, and automatically display new content from the Chatham House website. This allows you to keep up to date with news from Chatham House without having to view every section of the website. An RSS service (or channel) consists of a list of items, each of which contains a headline, a description, and a link back to a web page on the Chatham House site. You can choose to sign up to the main feed (Chatham House - What's New below), which will stream the headlines of all new Chatham House content to you, or you may prefer to receive a feed only on, for example, new Africa-related material. Essentially, RSS allows you to choose what you want to read and have it delivered directly to you.

Folios - Cultural differences in the global world: unresolved issues for indigenous people from Latin America Diferencias culturales en el mundo global: cuestiones irresueltas para los pueblos indígenas de América Latina Cultural differences in the global world: unresolved issues for indigenous people from Latin America *Docente de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Programa Educación Infantil. Israel/Palestine Over the past two days Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken his most aggressive—and outlandish—tone yet on critics by accusing them of anti-Semitic tropes, following a collapsed effort to sanction Israel at the international soccer association, FIFA. Speaking to Knesset today Netanyahu said his country’s “actions are being twisted,” telling his parliament those who speak against Israel are initiating “false libels.” Al Jazeera reports: Adoption of a bill by Israeli cabinet ministers aimed at imposing tougher penalties on stone-throwers is the latest discriminatory measure by Israel, singling out Palestinians, a Palestinian diplomat has told Al Jazeera.

10 Motivational TED Talks to Watch With Breakfast One of my favorite innovations in recent years is the idea of TED Talks. Whether you attend a session in person or watch online, you can learn and gain inspiration and see and hear people tell their stories and share their expertise firsthand. It's accessible, substantive information on virtually every topic imaginable. If reading the news first thing in the morning is bringing you down, why not save that task for a bit later in the day? Instead, take in one of these great TED talks with your breakfast. صحف عربية وعالمية القاهرة – “رأي اليوم” – محمود القيعي: تصدّرت إقالة وزير العدل أحمد الزند “مانشيتات” وعناوين صحف الاثنين ، وهي الإقالة التي فتحت أسكتت المدافعين عنه، وأنطقت الناقمين عليه ، المهاجمين له، وفي كل الأحوال سقط “الزند”، فكثرت يرى تقرير نشرته مجلة ذي ناشيونال إينترست أن الدولة الإسلامية تفوقت على تقنيي الولايات المتحدة في استخدامها لموقع تويتر، والترويج لنفسها، ومتابعة عملياتها من خلاله.

The Trilateral Commission News, in-depth analysis and reportage Adam Smith Institute
