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Innovative Support To Emergencies Diseases and Disasters

Innovative Support To Emergencies Diseases and Disasters

Desis Lab Vision DESIS Lab members explore the relationship between design and social change. Our goal is to advance the practice and discourse of design-led social innovation to foster more equitable and sustainable cities and practices. In a complex world facing numerous systemic challenges, DESIS Lab members rethink assumptions about cultural and economic environments, bringing nuanced approaches drawn from integrated design practices to communities of all kinds. In the DESIS Lab, service design is considered an advanced approach, one integrating many design disciplines. Foundations Three foundations guide our research in design strategies: Bridging structural holes: Social settings often suffer from severe information asymmetries. Local and Global The lab works with local partners in New York City and with global partners through the DESIS Network, participating in large-scale research programs and projects to effect social change. Visit the DESIS Network website for more information.

Moderating internal discussion forums, blogs and other social media Written by Alex Manchester, published April 28th, 2009 Categorised under: articles, collaboration, enterprise 2.0, intranets When starting intranet-based online discussions in an organisation, whether they are forums, blogs, comments on articles, or internal Twitter-style tools, how should you go about moderating them and maintaining their effectiveness? Where do you begin with writing policies and guidelines on use? These questions come up frequently for intranet and internal communication teams. some best practice examples of policies and guidelines several different models and approaches for moderating online discussion the need for a clear post-launch strategy to encourage discussion Fundamental to success One point to recognise is that good governance and moderation is vital to the success of these platforms. Many organisations share similar concerns about online employee discussion. Establishing guidelines Good governance and moderation is vital to success Writing guidelines Figure 1.

How Does Calais Work? Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/08/2008 - 15:55. Calais: Connect. Everything. We want to make all the world's content more accessible, interoperable and valuable. Some call it Web 2.0, Web 3.0, the Semantic Web or the Giant Global Graph - we call our piece of it Calais. What Calais does sounds simple – what you do with it could be simply amazing. The Core: The OpenCalais Web Service The OpenCalais Web Service automatically creates rich semantic metadata for the content you submit – in well under a second. The tags are delivered to you; you can then incorporate them into other applications - for search, news aggregation, blogs, catalogs, you name it. If you're not familiar with OpenCalais, the Document Viewer is a way to get a quick peek at OpenCalais output. You can also visit our Showcase for examples of how developers have implemented OpenCalais in a variety of ways. The Tools: A Growing Ecosystem of Calais-Enabled Capabilities The "Open" in Calais Having Trouble?

Social Innovation Generation ( BT Intranet best practice example – 2 « Mark Morrell Here’s another example the Intranet Benchmarking Forum identifed as best practice when benchmarking BT’s intranet. You can find the first example of best practice here. The latest example covers how people in BT use HR processes for managing their teams and their own information. If a person wants to book and complete a training course or change their own details – change of address, status, name, bank details, etc – they will use an online HR process to do this. If a manager needs to report a person in their team sick, complete their performance review or their training is completed for follow up, they will also use an online HR process to do this. Here are some examples showing best practice to help you. Like this: Like Loading...

InSTEDD iLab América Latina Crez votre En France en particulier il est souvent impopulaire d’avouer faire son autopromotion et si vous en parlez attention vous allez vous faire taxer d’egocentrique comme cela m’arrive souvent. Pour trouver un emploi ou progresser dans ses propres projets, savoir faire son propre marketing est pourtant précieux. La plupart des personnes que vous rencontrez vous “googlent” avant l’entretien et pas uniquement pour un entretien d’embauche mais pour n’importe quelle réunion. Si vous ne le faites pas vous même avec vos rendez-vous importants, vous devriez vraiment en prendre l’habitude car cela vous permettre de mieux connaître votre interlocuteurs et d’évoquer des sujets qui l’intéressent, toujours une bonne entrée en matière. Que trouve t-on sur vous quand on effectue une recherche sur votre nom? La meilleure manière de contrôler ce qui se dit sur vous sur Internet est d’être vous meme un emeteur, c’est a dire de devenir la meilleure source possible, c’est facile puisqu’il s’agit de vous.

Open Living Labs | The First step towards a new Innovation System
