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Color Selector Connect to the power in color to see how different colors can affect your space. Before putting brush to wall, take some time to explore the limitless color options Valspar offers. To get started, pick the space you want to paint. Use My Own Photo To really get a feel for how a color will look in your space, add a photo of the actual room here. Upload FromMy Computer Please use a photo that is greater than 1MB, less than 4MB and is in .jpg format Computer screens and printers vary in how colors are displayed. Browse the Photo Libraries Select an image from the Valspar libraries that resembles the space you'll be painting. Choose From My Projects Pick up where you left off on previously saved projects. Choose FromMy Projects Pimagic. Retouche photo en ligne Posted on Oct 24, 2012 in Photographie, Web2 | 1 comment Pimagic est un service ultra simple pour retoucher facilement vos photos en ligne sans vous compliquer la vie avec des éditeurs photos complexes ou lourds. Ici vous n’avez rien à télécharger sur vore ordinateur, et le service est accessible de partout sur n’importe quel navigateur web, depuis n’importe quel système d’exploitation. Seule obligation : Une connexion à Internet… Pimagic est le service de retouche photo pour tous de 7 à 77 ans si j’ose dire. Pimagic permet d’utiliser ses services sans même vous inscrire. Pimagic se singularise surtout par sa fonction d’effets artistiques. Une fois content du résultat, Pimagic vous invite à sauvegarder votre image sur votre disque dur et de choisir entre un format Png ou Jpeg. Un essai s’impose. Like this: Like Loading...

Top 10 Social Networking Sites by Market Share of Visits [March 2012] For a detailed view use interactive chart at the bottom of this post. Pinterest is moving sideways and its market share of visits went down a bit from 1.00 in February to 0.94% in March 2012. This is due to the fact that Facebook, Twitter and Youtube moved slightly up. With this result Pinterest is 5th on the list. Two social networking sites that increased their market share in February were Twitter and Google+. Google+ is up, too from 0.47% in February to 0.55% in March. LinkedIn went down from 0.80 percent to 0.77 percent in March 2012. Percentages for the big players in March: Facebook 63.18%Youtube 20.16%Twitter 1.64% Let us know in the comments what will happen with Pinterest and Google+ in 2012. About this chart The chart below is in logarithmic scale so that the smaller sites wouldn’t just a single line around 1% of social network market share. I used an interactive chart making software Tableau Public for this visualization.

Fotowall Fotowall is an opensource creative tool that lets you play with your pixels as you've always wanted! Make the perfect arrangement with your photos, add text, live video from your webcam and the best internet pictures.You will get this and much more. Get Fotowall today! Source code here. create original pictures, wallpapers, postcards and covers print superbig posters with a small printer play with live video, internet content, text and pictures Fotowall is OpenSource! And all of this for free, it's a gift to you and to the people around you.

The 50+ Best Ways to Curate and Share Your Favorite Social Media and News Content There’s so much information online just begging to be curated: news, social media, images, video, websites… the list goes on. Reading great content from my favorite blogs and websites is one of my favorite down-time activities. It’s also an important part of my job as an IT Director because I need to stay on top of the latest trends, announcements and tech news. More recently I’ve discovered some great new tools to read and share my favorite content which I’ve included here in this list. Content Gathering and Personalized Newsfeeds Faveous – The place for everything you like.Trapit – Captures personalized content. iPad Curation Flipboard – Your social magazine.News360 – Next-generation news personalization and aggregation.persona/ – Everything you care about There’s more to this article!

Top 100 Marketing Buzzwords for 2012 - Marketing Jive - Discussions About Online Marketing & Organic Search 2012 marks the sixth anniversary of our annual top 100 marketing buzzwords feature. What are some of the topics that we can expect to hear from marketers in 2012? Buzzword - a phrase or word that entices people to discuss a topic in repetition. Here is our list of the top marketing buzzwords for 2012. Top Marketing Buzzwords for 2012 Labels: marketing buzzwords

Software gives visual representation of who’s following you online By Stephen C. WebsterThursday, March 1, 2012 11:08 EDT A new piece of software released this week by browser-maker Mozilla does something unique: it provides a real-time visualization of who is tracking your movements online. The software is called “Collusion,” developed last year by Mozilla programmer Atul Varma, who became inspired to code the program after reading extensively about online privacy matters. “Each dot in the graph represents a website,” Alex Fowler, the global privacy lead at Mozilla, explained to Raw Story. While it doesn’t sound all that creepy, just wait until you see your own graph. “Mozilla’s goal is to raise awareness of users about one part of their online experience,” Fowler explained. “Policy makers have been working on this issue for some time now, so for many of the regulatory veterans to privacy Collusion won’t be a surprise,” Fowler said. (H/T: PCWorld) Copyright 2012 The Raw Story Stephen C. Stephen C.

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