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Red Moon Rising

Red Moon Rising

Amya - A Graphic Novel The Dreamer D 0 0 R - Comics - D00R : TG 076 Kickin Rad | Petite Symphony KnuckleUp! As many of you have probably already noticed, Godai has started up another regular comic to post on Sundays. Join Rushana, Hawke, and Moon as they travel across the galaxy tracking down shards of a magical talisman in KnuckleUp! Also, Year of the Cow has been moved to hiatus for the time being while Simon and Dew tackle some life events. We’ll keep you posted on updates of it’s return to active status. Generation 17 Joins and PS turns Three Welcome Ethan Qix of Generation 17 to the team. And in other news, Happy Birthday to US! reMIND [dream*scar] - updates every tuesday and friday The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal

The Zombie Hunters Flipside Unsounded September 23, 2016, at 12:00 AM With these two NSFW pages and a Ch12 preview, that's a wrap for chapter 11! Unsounded's been going since July of 2010. Six years! But I need a little break - not for my own sake but for the comic's. So I have to ask you marvellous readers to be understanding these next few months while I'm working hard for you. But maybe you need more? It's been a heckuva ride and a real honour playing your storyteller. 72 Comments Fey Winds
