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Getting More Views and Traffic

Getting More Views and Traffic
Want more traffic? Here are some tips for attracting more visitors to your site: Tell people in your social networks about your new post. You can do this using’s Publicize feature, which will automatically tell your Twitter followers and Facebook friends as soon as you publish a new post. You can find more ideas in our Social Tools support pages. ↑ Table of Contents ↑ Make your content visible to search engines If you want your post to be indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing, you should set your blog privacy settings to make your blog visible to all search engines. Pay for traffic to your site Web applications like StumbleUpon can bring visitors to your posts with rates starting at $.10 per visit. Bug your real-life friends Encourage friends and family to read your blog: send them reminder emails when you update and talk to them about it when you meet in person. Attach appropriate categories and tags to your entries and people may find your blog through those.

FPC-Virtual « CloudTops FPC-Virtual is a web development service & social network for web designers. It houses massive internet resources & leads folks to the best online tooling for cloud computing, web design, & business applications. Members have the option to join & set up their user profile just as any other social network on the web, the difference at FPC is that we actually go virtual, which means we have established a virtual portal for web designers to connect with their users on many of our web, we also have communities on Google+ for folks to meet, communicate, and to get help. This site was developed and founded by Mike Pugh, new age flash web developer on January 1st 2010. Utilizing social networking Mike managed to attract users from around the world, and currently has reached over 50 countries, not including the actual territories within. Today, FPC-Virtual has helped many average users on the web to obtain what is needed to compete, on these differing digital levels we all face currently.

Publicize This guide provides instructions for how to connect your blog to various social networking services. Once connected to a service, all of your posts will be shared with that service automatically. To connect your blog to your social networks, go to Settings→Sharing in your blog’s Dashboard. You’ll see six types of social networking sites under the Publicize heading at the top of the screen: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, Path, and LinkedIn. To connect to any service, click the Connect button and follow the prompts. Need more information or having trouble with connecting to a particular service? Using Publicize Once you’ve approved a connection to any of the below services, you’ll see a Publicize section in the Publish box on your post writing screen each time you write a new post. When you publish your post as usual, you’ll see it show up on the services you’ve enabled. You can then uncheck whichever services you don’t want your post to appear on. Twitter

Geotagging « Support — allows you to geotag your user profile and posts. That means you can assign an earthly location to your account and to each of your posts. Turn Geotagging On To start geotagging, you must first activate the feature in your profile. Under My Location, click the checkbox to Enable Geotagging. ↑ Table of Contents ↑ Enter your location Once you see the map, there are several ways of inputing your location. Type an address in the Enter address box, then click the Find Address button.Click the map at the location you want.Click the Auto Detect button. The Auto Detect feature attempts to figure out where your computer is automatically. Depending on your browser, you may be asked to confirm that you want to send your location when you click the Auto Detect button. Type an address Adjust the auto detected location Auto detect your location Note: The red circle does not show up in some browsers. Privacy Make sure to adjust the privacy settings to your taste. Remember to Save

About « CloudTops CloudTops is a unique Flash web navigation site developed on the Wix platform. CloudTops began as an idea to rid the internet of harmful web locations simply by developing a system of safer web locations to navigate. It’s evolved into a powerful web resource that allows it’s users access to the most frequently surfed web locations. We thought deep and hard about all the content that goes into this flash web design. The fight against the harmful effects of poor web surfing, computer hackers, viruses, trojan’s, and all forms of malicious activity on the web, has begun. If you choose to join the fight with us come visit: CloudTops, It was developed in good faith to help free people from the clutches of unsafe, unguided web surfing which tends to render the user into the hands of harmful web developers, or hackers whom took advantage of some website owners web location. Once someone either has a bad or good web experience all they have to do is share it on their profile for others to see.

Webmaster Tools provides you with built-in stats that give you lots of information about your traffic, but if you’re a stats junky and you can’t get enough info about how people are finding your site, some search engines and social sites offer additional “webmaster tools.” For example, Google’s webmaster tools will give you some additional statistical data about your traffic, such as how many people are arriving at your site through Google queries, what part of the world your traffic is from, and how many visitors landed on each specific post or page. It will also show you the total number of individual URLs on your site that have been indexed by Google, which search keywords are most significant for your site, and other information about how Google is indexing your site. Please note that verifying your site in order to use the webmaster tools is not necessary in order for your site to be indexed with Google, Bing, or any other search engine. Google Webmaster Tools ↑ Table of Contents ↑

Facebook Integration Publicize to Facebook Publicizing your blog posts to Facebook is an excellent way to get more traffic on your blog and to keep your friends and family involved in your site. ↑ Table of Contents ↑ Facebook Like Button You can add a Facebook Like button (and other sharing options such as Twitter, Google or Pocket) through Settings → Sharing in your dashboard. To add it to your blog, enable the sharing options you want and drag the Facebook button from Available Services to Enabled Services. Read more about this on the Sharing support page. Facebook Like Box If you have a Facebook Page (not just a profile), you can add a Facebook Like Box to your sidebar or other widget area simply by adding the Facebook Like Box widget from Appearance → Widgets in your blog’s Dashboard. The page needs to be public and shouldn’t have any age or geographic restrictions if you want it to be visible to everyone, like in this screenshot below:

CloudTops The Raw Diet for Dogs Welcome! If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal Lifestyle. Thanks for visiting! We imagine many of our readers are strict adherents to the Primal Blueprint. Consider the wolf, a dog’s closest relative. Genetically, dogs are virtually still wolves. And does commercial dog food really work? Before you listen to the vet, check out the ingredients on the package. The truth is following a Primal Blueprint for dogs is the best way to ensure happy, healthy dogs. The Chow A Primal eating plan for dogs should consist mainly of organ meat, raw meaty bones (like chicken carcasses or turkey necks), and muscle meat, naturally and humanely-raised if you can swing it – just like us! Dogs don’t need filet mignon to lead happy, healthy lives. The Transition The Benefits Common Concerns Just meat? Have Fun

Likes The Like button: how to like others’ posts, how to review what you’ve liked, and how to control how Likes appear on your site. The Like button is an easy way to show appreciation for a post: Simply click it, and your Gravatar will appear next to it. Click it again to unlike. How to Like a Post Let’s say you’ve found a particularly awesome post on Note: You must be logged into in order to use the Like button. Click it, and the button changes to show that you’ve liked the post, and your Gravatar appears as a visual indicator of your appreciation: Your Gravatar is clickable and linked to your Gravatar Profile. Over time, as the post grows in popularity, the number of Likes will increase. To see the rest of the Likes, click on the total count, and the rest of the Likes will display in a scrollable pop-up: You can also like posts from the admin bar that appears at the top of your screen when you’re logged into ↑ Table of Contents ↑ How to Unlike a Post

Welcome to Exodesk – An entirely new way to see things digitally EXOPC been working on their touch screen technology for years, and today I’m very happy to announce they are close to ready in fully launching their very first fully active Exodesk, here a cool video to get an idea of what’s to come in the near future.Lets all hope that once this technology gets released it all comes with a very affordable price as well. From the looks of things they may not have a choice in the matter, but you never know the projected cost is $1300.00 per unit. Powerful technology is on the horizon, and we’re on top of whatever new tech that’s near hit us soon. Stay tuned for more!! Like this: Like Loading... About Cloud Tops I enjoy web design & helping people on the web.

Dog Training | Q&A Feeding a Raw Diet Leerburg » Dog Training Q&A Archive » Q&A Feeding a Raw Diet Q&A Feeding a Raw Diet Disclaimer: I am not a vet or a health care professional. Feeding a raw species appropriate diet can be a controversial topic, and like any feeding regimen can have health risks associated with incorrect feeding and preparation. Do your own research FIRST before diving into a new method of feeding your dog. The ideas and opinions in this section of the web site are my own, and come from feeding my dogs this way since 1994. I hope you and your dogs enjoy many healthy years together. Cindy Leerburg German Shepherd Dogs & Kaiserhaus Belgian Malinois I am interested in feeding the BARF diet, what do I do first? My vet told me my dog would get sick or DIE from feeding a raw diet? Why should I switch my dog to a raw diet? Is kibble actually bad for my dog? I want to breed my female. What about my new puppy? What is a RMB? What is a recreational bone? How Do I Make The Switch? What is ACV?

Facebook and Twitter Comments Here at you and your visitors can use your Facebook, Google+, Twitter or account to leave comments. This unified comment form including Facebook, Google+, and Twitter login is active on all blogs. Logging in When your readers click on the icon for Facebook, Google+, or Twitter, a new window will appear from that service asking them to log in and approve giving their information to your blog. It is possible to be logged in to different services at the same time, in which case visitors to your blog will be able to choose which identity to use when posting a comment by simply clicking the appropriate icon in the comment area. The comments area will detect the theme you are using and switch between a light or dark version automatically to better blend in. ↑ Table of Contents ↑ Changing the Prompt If you want to change the prompt that appears before the comment area (Common defaults are “Leave a Comment” and “What are you thinking?”) Help us improve:

“NAO” The Personal Robot is signs of the future Emerging As amazing as it is, we have moved into a whole new future altogether, we are in for a rude awakening with the likes of personalized robotic assistants coming into existence, with artificial intelligence on the rise. Hopefully people are prepared to accept the awesome helping robotic hands of such a cool invention known as “NAO”.This robot is smarter than the average, with built in WiFi sensors, and is loaded with high tech capabilities, such as sensitive stabilizers for maintaining the standing, walking and balancing act, auditory sensors for music detection, voice and face recognition/detection as well as reactive response in terms of speech feedback mechanisms. Each of its actions can also be fully calibrated via web communications devices making this little guy, the best at response to its owners commands. Awesome is all I will say for now and I can’t wait till it hits the stores for purchase. Like this: Like Loading... About Cloud Tops I enjoy web design & helping people on the web.

Raw Fed Dogs - Natural Prey Model Rawfeeding Diet A Starter Guide People new to raw feeding all have the same questions: “how do I start”, “what exactly do I feed?”, “how much do I feed?” As you will learn, there really are only a few hard and fast rules in canine nutrition. i) RAW FEEDING GUIDELINES The key points to remember with a raw diet are: · Balance over time – one meal could have more bone content, another more meat or organ. 80% meat, sinew, ligaments, fat 10% edible bone 5% liver 5% other organ meat · Meats are high in phosphorus, bones are high in calcium. · Organ meat should not exceed 10% of the diet overall and 5% of that should be liver (beef liver has the highest nutrient levels). · If feeding pork or salmon, be certain to freeze the meat for two weeks before feeding to reduce the small risk of parasites. · NEVER feed cooked bones of any type as when bones are cooked they become harder and are dangerous for the dog as they can splinter and pierce the stomach or intestines. ii) HOW MUCH TO FEED So for example: Puppies Notes:
