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Florence and the Machine Shake it out

Florence and the Machine Shake it out

Galactosemia - PubMed Health Facebook Best Collection of Earth Day Quotes | The April 22 is recognized as the “Earth Day” and it is celebrated every year to understand recent environmental issues affecting our planet. Our earth is the only planet in the solar system which is filled with wide range of biodiversity. The main aim of the Earth Day is to teach and emphasize the significance of environment together with its prevention from further biodiversity devastation. Earth day encourages people to get familiar with the means which help to save environment. Image Source: How it started? Earth day was commemorated for the first time on April 22, 1970 in the United State. Some facts related to the increased Pollution: Today, human has made many drastic changes in the climate due to his strenuous utilization of natural resources. Arctic region is mainly affected by the increased temperature as ice in this region is dissolving at a faster rate. Importance of Earth Day: Ways to support Earth Day: Try to do the following things to support Earth day.

Stop Wasting, Start Saving (The Environment) - Living Green - Life-Inspired i would strongly urge this site to look into replacing plastic made from petroleum with plastic made from hemp. in fact, on this coming Earth Day, everyone should contact their Member of Congress to encourage them to co-sponsor H R 1831, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011, sponsored by Rep. Ron Paul, R., TX, and co-sponsored by at least 25other Members of Congress. this bill, if enacted and signed into law would differentiate between marijuana and hemp and allow the production of industrial hemp once again in the U S. you want green? there are over 20,000 uses for hemp. but until we end the prohibition against it, we cannot benefit from it the way farmers and industry in Canada, Great Britian, France and China do. let's make this an Earth Day cause. bring back hemp. the nation's founders, all of who grew hemp, would be proud.
