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Monthly Donation Day | Monthly Donor Honor Roll CZ:Monthly Honor Roll of Users Editing the Wiki Featured Article about 2012 doomsday predictions were irrational fears fueled by certain booksellers, fearmongers, moviemakers and other hucksters to encourage public panic for the purpose of making money. The hoax used dubious claims about astronomy and ancient Mayan calendars to promote nonsensical predictions regarding apocalyptic events supposed to occur on December 21st or 23rd of 2012. Doomsayers suggested there will be destruction caused by global floods, solar flares, exploding sun, reversals of the magnetic field, or planetary collisions.[1][2] Many people are scared.[3][4] Scientists agree 2012 doomsday forecasts are "bunk".[5][6] The 2012 doomsday pop culture phenomenon was similar in many respects to the "Y2K" phenomenon which marked New Year's Eve in 1999, when the new millennium happened. {*style:<i>*}{*style:<a href='

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User:Anthony.Sebastian - Citizendium From Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium Introduction Most recent research publications Brief Biography Though I packed my university curriculum with biology subjects, I majored in chemistry, at UCLA, receiving a B.S. in 1960. Public Library Of Science Concurrencée par Wikipédia, Encyclopædia Universalis dépose le bilan La société, qui édite depuis 45 ans la célèbre encyclopédie, a souffert de la baisse des crédits publics à l’e-éducation. Elle illustre les difficultés que rencontrent les vieilles entreprises à s'adapter au nouveau monde numérique. Le Monde | • Mis à jour le | Par Denis Cosnard Enciclopedia Fin dai tempi della Preistoria l'uomo ha avuto il bisogno di esprimersi attraverso segni e forme, l'arte appunto, disciplina che è stata coltivata nei secoli e che si è evoluta in molteplici forme. Attraverso codici di volta in volta differenti, ha raccontato la storia dei sentimenti: dalle incisioni rupestri alla Gioconda, dai visi scomposti di Picasso alla fotografia. L'arte più pratica, l'architettura, nasce come necessità di difendere l'uomo dalla natura, e nel tempo ha assunto il compito di modellare ciò che lo circonda, costruendo l'immagine dei luoghi e insieme l'immagine dello spirito umano. Fin dai tempi della Preistoria l'uomo ha avuto il bisogno di esprimersi attraverso segni e forme, l'arte appunto, disciplina che è stata coltivata nei secoli e che si è evoluta in molteplici forme.

Alfred Russel Wallace From Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium Alfred Russel Wallace in 1902, at age 80, three years before publishing his autobiography, eleven years before his death. Courtesy: The Alfred Russel Wallace Page PHPIndex : La passerelle francaise des Technologies PHP Vikidia, l'encyclopédie des 8-13 ans Key Chords Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically. Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed Or role the dice and Key Chords will automatically generate a nice sounding progression. Select a Key:

Biological networks From Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium Biological networks resemble many types of man-made networks, in particular those types of man-made networks consisting of diverse structures and functions, like the World Wide Web, consisting of a collection of parts, the parts themselves differing in type, with multiple copies of each type, parts capable of interconnecting, the interconnections tying all the parts together into a whole entity with a particular topology (i.e., road map, or blueprint) made up of subtructures and modules of subtructures, the interconnected parts capable of interacting, the interactions capable of producing particular changes in the structure of each other, in their properties, enabling intercommunication with signals that convey information, the whole structure a functional unit designed for a purpose, with collections of networks functioning more or less autonomously. Overview See also: Systems biology Small world networks

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