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6 Storytelling Trends Marketing Leaders Should Know About Today's consumers and business decision makers are becoming less and less susceptible to sales promises and banner advertising. Now more than ever, people strive to invest in a brand's narrative or story. In fact, a recent study suggests that by telling their brand story well, companies have the power to increase the value of a product or service by over 20 times. To be able to do that, companies need clear leadership with a vision that is both innovative and intuitive. Customer needs change all the time and their behaviors shift meaning that leaders and their teams need to be aware of the marketplace, adaptable and agile in their approach to marketing their brand to consumers. From video to VR, social media and beyond, there is a host of mediums through which a brand can tell their story - and many ways to do so. 92% of consumers want brands to make ads feel like a story - One Spot 1) Data-driven storytelling 2) Mini-ads 3) Customer-led storytelling 4) Philanthropic storytelling

Consommation de drogues chez les jeunes : la France "en retard" dans la prévention À l'occasion de la 30e journée mondiale de lutte contre l'abus et le trafic de drogues, le professeur Amine Benyamina, chef du service d'addictologie à l'hôpital Paul Brousse de Villejuif, a estimé lundi 26 juin sur franceinfo que la banalisation des drogues chez les jeunes en France est "un phénomène grave qui est en train de se mettre en place". Le professeur, également président de la Fédération française d'addictologie, affirme aussi au sujet des nouvelles drogues de synthèse type MDMA, que "la science, la police, les cliniciens ont toujours un retard sur ce type de drogue", d'autant que la facilité d'accès à ces produits est dopée par un "marketing international" très "puissant". franceinfo : Les cocktails de médicaments qui agissent comme des drogues sont-ils fréquent ? Amine Benyamina : C'est de plus en plus fréquent. Quels sont les effets sur l'organisme ? La codéine est de la même famille que l'héroïne. On peut donc mourir de ce genre de prise de médicaments ?

MindMeister The Power of Storytelling as a Marketing Tool *Note: This is Part I of a two-part series. In Part II, we explore how B2B companies can leverage storytelling in their visual brand and marketing efforts! Sit down, and let me tell you a story. President Theodore Roosevelt was an avid bear hunter – and in 1902, took a hunting trip with Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino. After three days of hunting, other members of the party had spotted bears… but Roosevelt was still empty-handed. In an effort to cheer him up, the hunt guides tracked an old black bear and tied it to a willow tree – inviting the president to kill it so the trip wouldn’t be for naught. The story spread, and not long after a Brooklyn candy shop owner put two stuffed toy bears for sale in his shop window – calling them “Teddy’s bears.” There – now you’re unlikely to ever forget the origin of the Teddy Bear. Storytelling is one of the most unifying elements of mankind… which makes it a powerful marketing tool. The psychological superpowers of storytelling …And that’s it.

Drogues en Europe : les jeunes Français en tête du peloton  D’après le rapport européen sur les drogues de 2017, la France se situe en tête à la fois de la consommation de cannabis et de la consommation des plus jeunes. L’Observatoire européen des drogues et des toxicomanies (EMCDDA) a publié en juin son rapport sur les drogues de 2017. Ce rapport évalue la consommation, le trafic et la dangerosité des drogues en Europe, en Turquie et en Norvège. Le cannabis toujours en tête En Europe, le cannabis reste la drogue illicite la plus susceptible d’être consommée. En France, le cannabis est donc en tête, avec 22,1% des jeunes adultes qui en ont consommé dans l’année passée (le pourcentage le plus élevé des 30 pays étudiés). Jusqu’à récemment, l’usage de MDMA était plutôt en baisse, mais cette tendance semble s’inverser pour plusieurs pays. Les très jeunes français consomment plus qu’ailleurs Pour leur consommation au cours du mois écoulé, la France prend encore la première place avec 17% de jeunes concernés, pour une moyenne européenne à 8%.

Kidspiration® Using visual thinking methodologies, Kidspiration provides a cross-curricular visual workspace for K-5 learners. Students combine pictures, text, numbers and spoken words to develop vocabulary, word recognition, reading for comprehension, writing and critical thinking skills. Kidspiration works the way students think and learn and the way teachers teach. As students make visual connections, they build fundamental skills in reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Kidspiration helps students: Develop strong thinking skills Strengthen reading and writing skills Build conceptual understanding in math Develop Critical Thinking SkillsStrengthen Reading and Writing SkillsBuild Conceptual Understanding in MathEducator Developed Resources Support Curriculum IntegrationEasy Navigation and Simple Operations Support for Every K-5 LearnerTeacher Options Keep Students Focused on LearningSupport for ELL and ESL StudentsKidspiration Whiteboard Support Develop Strong Thinking Skills

ThingLink Fiction books are sorted into Reading Levels first to make it easier for you to find an AR book within your reading range. Within the Reading Level, books are sorted in alphabetical order by author's last name. You can see the white Reading Range label at the top of each Fiction shelf along with the guide letters to tell you which authors can be found there. The Media Center is hosting a schoolwide reading challenge this year called "Let's Stick Together!" Our Media Center houses a 3D printer! This greenscreen studio enables students to create video projects using any background they'd like. In the center of our Media Center, under the skylight, is probably one of the most popular features in the whole room...the fun seating area. Over here on the far side of the Media Center is where the non-fiction books live. Oh No! When you come to the Media Center out of class, make sure to sign in at the desk and let us know you're here! Thanks for visiting our Media Center.

Mobile : Fruitz, l'appli qui va vitaminer les rencontres amoureuses des Millennials ? Tinder a de quoi se mettre sur ses gardes, une nouvelle appli dating est en approche. Vous le savez, la rédaction d'Air of melty vous présente régulièrement différentes applications susceptibles de trouver leur place dans le quotidien de la jeune génération, au même titre que Snapchat, Instagram, Tinder et compagnie. A l'heure où l'on évoque un amour des jeunes pour le mobile si fort que l'on parle d'addiction (baptisée la nomophobie), il est normal de vous présenter les services qui devraient les occuper un certain temps au quotidien. En la matière, récemment, nous vous présentions Maguss, l'appli en mode Harry Potter GO tant attendue par les jeunes, ou encore Hater, l'appli qui fait matcher les jeunes en fonction de ce qu'ils détestent.

Explain Everything ISS Viewbook | International School Stuttgart Skip to main content Search form ☰ Menu Navigate To You are here ISS Viewbook Our Viewbook is a visual representation of a typical day at ISS from the breakfast club in the morning through to sports activities in the evening. "An open-minded, internationally minded, friendly community of staff and pupils who work in collaboration to achieve amazing things!" Our ISS Overviews provide more detail about the sections in the school and about after school, sports and global citizenship programs: Early Years Degerloch Campus Elementary School Degerloch Campus Middle School Degerloch Campus High School Sindelfingen Campus International Sports TeamsISS Sportverein/ Sports Club After School, Performing Arts and Global Citizenship Programs The Middle Years Program certificate is equivalent to the German Mittlere Reife, and the Diploma Program diploma is equivalent to the German Abitur. (link is external) (link is external) Imprint / Impressum & Privacy Policy Non-Discrimination Statement Acknowledgements

digitale flipchart. Goed om iedereen te laten noteren, heel gestuctureerd. Minder goed als je wat meer "freeform" wil werken. by bartdelahaye Nov 25

Padlet works like an in-class message board where the teacher can pose a question and each student can post an answer. The students can see each other's responses, but cannot interfere with another person's post. You might use it to get a single page, whole-class reflection. Copy the link and then save the link into your portfolio. by missbell Jul 15

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