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Comments A part of the comments plugin is a powerful moderation tool. This tool makes it easy and fast for your community management team to moderate multiple comments at once. Setup To use the comments moderation tool, you need to complete the moderation setup instructions. Moderation Setup Instructions Parsing URL The scheme name (or protocol) of a URL is the first part of a URL - e.g. For web pages, the scheme is usually http (or https). The iPhone supports these URL schemes: Showing a "Loading..." message over the iPhone keyboard Introduction "Loading..." messages When waiting for data loaded from the internet, many iPhone applications use a mostly black, semi-transparent view to block the display. Most use a basic "spinner" (UIActivityIndicatorView) to reassure the user that the application is still running, frequently accompanied by "Loading..." text. Despite the prevalence of this type of loading message, it is not a standard control and must be constructed manually. Finding the keyboard

Registration Custom Fields You can use custom fields in this plugin to request any data from people that isn't present on Facebook. To do this, you can use JSON in the fields attribute instead of the values mentioned above. Any standard fields are included in this JSON by simply using a name attribute, with the standard field type as the JSON value. call apps from url Many app-related tasks depend on the type of app you are trying to create. This chapter shows you how to implement some of the common behaviors found in iOS apps. Configuring Your App to Support iPhone 5 Apps linked against iOS 6 and later should be prepared to support the larger screen size of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) devices.

Open Source iPhone App Store Apps Welcome to the sixth iteration of the open source iPhone and iPad apps list. A For those that have seen similar listings on other sites using the exact wordings, and links below welcome to the source for the original list. Also included are some open source iPad apps, and universal open source iOS apps. It can be tough to learn how to develop, especially when it comes to finding complete examples. That’s why I put this list together. Each of these open source iPhone apps is not just open source, but has been in the app store, and all but one are in there right now.

The Most Useful Objective-C Code I’ve Ever Written « Vincent Gable’s Blog Actually, it’s the most useful code I’ve extended; credit for the core idea goes to Dave Dribin with his Handy NSString Conversion Macro. LOG_EXPR(x) is a macro that prints out x, no matter what type x is, without having to worry about format-strings (and related crashes from eg. printing a C-string the same way as an NSString). It works on Mac OS X and iOS. Here are some examples, LOG_EXPR(self.window.screen); self.window.screen = <UIScreen: 0x6d20780; bounds = {{0, 0}, {320, 480}}; mode = <UIScreenMode: 0x6d20c50; size = 320.000000 x 480.000000>>

UITableViewCell from a NIB file Feb 12, 2009 by Bill Dudney I have had several questions recently on how to use Interface Builder to create table view cells. And more specifically how to add stuff like controls to the table view cells and have them invoke methods on a controller object that can mediate the connection to the model.

NSPredicate predicateWithBlock & bindings - wannabegeek Since Mac 10.6 and iOS 4.0 NSPredicate has supported a method predicateWithBlock. I looks to be a pretty commonly used method, but I could find no examples and only limited documentation on the bindings dictionary argument to the block method. + (NSPredicate *)predicateWithBlock:(BOOL (^)(id evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings))block If you wanted to just to a slightly more complex search than predicateWithFormat can provide.
