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How to Create a Facebook Business Page in 5 Simple Steps (With Video!)

How to Create a Facebook Business Page in 5 Simple Steps (With Video!)
It's no longer a "good idea" for most businesses to be on Facebook. With 829 million people actively using Facebook every day, it's become a go-to component of almost any inbound marketing strategy. Thing is, as more and more Facebook features change, so does the process of setting up a Page. Don't waste another day poking around aimlessly on Facebook, trying to figure out what the heck to do to get your Facebook Page up and running like a social networking pro. Click here to download our free Facebook business page guide. The following presentation provides a visual tutorial to help you get your Page up in no time (you can also read the transcription below). Step 1: Choose a Classification. To begin, navigate to Local Business or PlaceCompany, Organization, or InstitutionBrand or ProductArtist, Band, or Public FigureEntertainmentCause or Community Each of these classifications provides more relevant fields for your desired Page. Add to Favorites

How to Create Content That Actually Resonates With Your Readers Most content creators have probably felt like that puppy to the right ... you try so hard to get a point across, but your audience just doesn't seem to "get it." Or maybe they just don't care. What's the deal, guys? The task of not just creating content, but creating content that resonates with your readers, is a critical but difficult task to master. But the content that tickles a reader's fancy is the stuff that gets shared socially, forwarded, and linked to from other sites. But ... how do we do it? Develop Personas The first step to creating content that resonates with readers is getting a better understanding of who your readers are, especially the ones you want to convert into leads and customers. But in addition to buyer personas, consider also creating reader personas. Deliver Content in the Right Format You know how people get into debates about which is better -- reading a book on a tablet, or reading a real-life book with pages you can actually flip through? Paint a Picture

Facebook es conocido por su uniformidad. Puedes enviar todo tipo de contenido, pero el diseño actual y el diseño de su perfil es el mismo para todos y para todo. Sin embargo, con las páginas de Facebook de fans y la gama de aplicaciones que puedes conectars a ellas, hay algunas maneras con las que se puede personalizar lo que se ve cuando se llegan a tu página. En Inglés son las:LANDING PAGES Si habeís visto Páginas de fans como los de Best Buy y Victoria's Secret.

Agency Review: Likeable Media Loves Being Liked stumbleupon All advertising agencies want to be loved more than ever. Virtually every agency website has one or more social media feeds, a blog and the desire to be “liked,” followed and loved. But when it comes to true passion, New York’s social media agency Likeable Media leads the field. To give you an idea how liked it is, Likeable Media has 25,384 more Facebook “likes” than the ad industry’s current darling, 72andSunny. Likeable Media stood out in a review of ad and digital agency social media self-promotion programs for the agency’s unabashed love of all things social. The agency was literally born at a social media event. As one might expect from a social media specialist, Likeable is on all of the major social media platforms, including SlideShare, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ and Twitter. In the realm of agency social media programs, ubiquity alone is not enough. All of Likeable’s social platforms drive the agency brand. Pinterest SlideShare Twitter and Vine

Marketing Via Blogs: Why Companies Should Work With Bloggers The question of why companies should work with bloggers comes up a lot and there are so many reasons. It is a remarkable way to reach the modern consumer through social media. Everything is on the internet today in some form or another. Infinite Reach: Each blogger has a reach that exceeds just their stats or follower count. Cost: Working with bloggers is an affordable option for incredible advertising. Blogger Reputation & Audience: The company is also getting access to the bloggers thousands of followers that they spent time and work to build up. Ted Rubin, a leading social marketing strategist and Chief Social Marketing Officer at Collective Bias says it very well: Bloggers know how to build relationships with their audience. Reviews, Blogger Feedback & A Positive Advocate: Bloggers are generally honest but positive. Lasting Relationships & So Much More: Lastly, bloggers like to create long term relationships and they value those relationships. Influence and Results:

El 40% de los usuarios ha utilizado alguna vez Facebook para buscar información de una marca Los principales resultados de la Segunda oleada del estudio Observatorio de Redes Sociales dibujan un panorama favorable a la presencia de marcas en las redes sociales: no hay excesiva sensación de presión publicitaria ni se la percibe invasiva. Incluso uno de cada tres usuarios considera que puede llegar a ser “interesante o divertida”. Este trabajo analiza la presencia de marcas en las principales redes sociales: • En Facebook, las marcas se han convertido en un actor más en el tejido de relaciones: alrededor de la mitad de los usuarios de la red declaran unirse y seguir la actividad de las marcas. • En Tuenti, derivada de la naturaleza de la red, esta interacción con marcas y productos no se hace tan evidente y se presenta como minoritaria. Los datos obtenidos reflejan cómo las redes sociales comienzan a adquirir un carácter de plataformas de consulta de marcas o productos. 1. 2. 3. 4. Acceder al informe de carácter público aquí.

Contest on Facebook | How to create a contest on Facebook One of the best ways to increase your “likes” and capture leads through Facebook is to run a contest. FaceItPages offers a contest application that enables you to easily create a contest on your Facebook page in minutes. Following is an overview on how to create a contest on Facebook using the FaceItPages Facebook Contest Application. First setup an account here on FaceItPages or login to your existing account. After logged into your account click the “Create a New Page Tab” option from your members main menu. This will bring you into the first step of the page creation tool where you can name your page and choose if you would like to setup a fan gate. Next you will be presented with different layout and template choices. After choosing your template you will be taken to the editor screen. Feel free to setup other modules on your contest page such as a header banner, video, Twitter feed, etc. by clicking on the other module blocks within the template editor.

How to Start a Podcast – Pat’s Complete Step-By-Step Podcasting Tutorial Starting a podcast has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Ever. In this complete tutorial, you’re going to learn, step-by-step, how to start a podcast. Thank you to the thousands of people who have emailed me and also those who have let me know in person that this is the very tutorial that helped you get started. That’s why I do what I do, and so let’s get right to it… Since starting The Smart Passive Income Podcast in July of 2010: The show has surpassed 23,000,000 total downloads (as of May 2016)The podcast has become the #1-way people who read my blog found out about me – that’s above search, social media and links from other websites. Most importantly, the podcast has enabled me to build a stronger relationship with my audience – much stronger than I could ever do with just my blog alone. “Thanks for keeping me company while I was…”“I was scrambling, taking notes while you were talking about…”“Pat, I feel like I know you.” It’s incredible. This Tutorial Commit. 1. 2. 3. 4.

MARKETING ONLINE VALENCIA de cara a los buscadores. Como en todos los aspectos del SEO la elección del nombre es un aspecto vital, el nombre de tu empresa suele ser una buena idea siempre que el primero este bien elegido, no caigas en la tentacion de incluir muchas keywords especificas del sector, esto no esta muy bien visto por lo usuarios que detectan títulos que denotan cierto grado de spam, tampoco trates de buscar algo demasiado genérico que puede ser baneado por infringir los terminos de uso de Facebook como puede ser una ciudad o una marca registrada. Si tienes mas de 100 fans puedes acceder a las vanity url y cambiar la poco posicionable cifra que facebook otorga a las paginas de forma predeterminda, para ello puedes acceder a esta url medita bien tu decisión ya que esta url no puede cambiarse y puede darte unos buenos puntos de cara al posicionamiento SEO de tu página de Facebook. 9.

9 Tips for Running Successful Facebook Contests Have you considered using a Facebook contest? These days, it seems like just about everyone is giving away something on Facebook. iPad or $100 gift certificate, anyone? Keep reading to learn nine tips for making Facebook contests more successful. Do Contests Really Work? Some business owners recognize that contests can increase the number of people who Like their business, and even more importantly, they realize that contests can provide valuable customer information. So do contests work or not? They do—but only if you do them the right way, with a reason for your fans to want to interact, a good prize and a clean design like Pocono Mountains features in their latest contest. Pocono Mountains offer an interactive contest where fans are asked to create a "life's greater" equation then enter for a chance to be featured on a billboard in Philly and/or NYC. The businesses that are disappointed in the contests they’ve run have probably made a couple of fundamental mistakes. #6: Keep it Simple

5 Key Characteristics Every Social Media Community Manager Should Have Social media is an effective tool to engage your target audience, drive website traffic and, ultimately, boost sales; so why do so few companies employ a social media community manager? You know, the person that manages the whole thing? It seems crazy, in the midst of a global financial crisis, to suggest that companies should go to the expense of hiring a community manager to oversee their social media presences. But at our company, Tomorrow People , we've been developing our community management team and processes to real effect over the past 16 months. I also know that HubSpot invests in employees dedicated solely to managing their social media presence, as well as many other companies we work with -- and they're all seeing great results from it. First, what are the benefits of having a community manager? We've also noticed that employing a community manager drives approximately 30% more traffic to our website every month . Where does the community manager role fit?

daFlores: Una de las mejores estrategias de Social Media Marketing en el mercadeo Hispano A pesar de que en Estados Unidos la disciplina del Social Media Marketing está siendo dominada ya por cientos (sino miles) de empresas que han logrado conquistar a millones de fans y usuarios de sus aplicaciones, en el mundo hispano aún son escasos los ejemplos que podemos encontrar de casos éxitosos en el aprovechamiento de Facebook. Hay casos como el de DaFlores sinembargo, que demuestran que sí se puede sacar provecho del hecho de que haya más de 20 millones de hispanos que todos los días ingresen a Facebook y que por medio de una buena estrategia de social media marketing, se puedan convertir en evangelizadores de su marca. Actualmente hay más de 250.000 páginas de Fans (Facebook los llama Perfiles Públicos) y más de 350.000 aplicaciones. En el caso de las páginas de Fans, la mayoría no son comerciales ni representan marcas a pesar de que Facebook las creó para que fueran utilizadas por las marcas interesadas en cautivar a los usuarios de Facebook. : Eso no tiene precio. : Sí creo.

10 tools to create Facebook promotions & contests - Social Media, Online Marketing, Blogging Creating Facebook contests and promotions is a great way to build up your fan base (likes) as well as engage your audience with your brand. I have personally never executed any contest on Facebook however, I will be creating one soon. A typical Facebook promotion requires users to “Like” your page first and then be eligible for the promotion give away. It can be a white paper, coupon, a discount or anything you can come up with. This way you increase your Facebook likes and at the same time engage your fans with your brand. Both tools are great to build brand awareness and push viral content for free. A tip to remember, have always at least 3 winning prizes, otherwise, if contestants see that 1 user is way ahead of the rest, the contestants lose interest, therefore, give more chances for everyone to win something. You do not need to be a genius to create Facebook contests and promotions; here are some tools to help you out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Improve Your Newsletter I was once named a Constant Contact Email Marketing All-Star because I consistently send out a newsletter – a feat in itself – but also, because I have extraordinarily high readership. My open rate is nearly double the average. Here’s 5 tips from my best practice files. 1. I only put people on my mailing list who want to be there. A person either has to join through my website, my Facebook Page, by being a client, by being in my referral club, or by asking to be on there. 2. 3. 4.
