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awesome Wheel Menu with CSS3 | css3 menu,Wheel Menu, There’s no better way to learn CSS3 than to get your hands dirty on an actual project and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I’m going to teach you how to create an awesome, layered CSS3 wheel menu using a few beginner to advanced CSS techniques. So break out your favorite text editor or IDE and let’s get started on some CSS3 magic! Today you’ll be learning how to create the candy cane teardrop out of the many different styles and color variations available. Note: Support for IE is limited at the moment. Step 1: The Layers The first thing we want to do is create some layers that will overlap each other and stay in place while using as little code as possible. The Code: As you can see the code is pretty straight-forward. Next we want to add an image to the center of the wheel, or teardrop in this case. Now we’ll want to add some styling to each layer one by one. #menu-wrap: This will be the main container for your wheel menu. .wrap1: .wrap2: .wrap3 & 4: .wrap5 & .nav-holder: What about IE?
