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Global protests

Indignados preparan manifestación mundial para el 15 de octubre 30 de mayo 2011.-El grupo español Democracia Real Ya (DRY) realizará una convocatoria mundial para el próximo 15 de octubre en la que buscan unir voces para manifestarse en contra de los sistemas gubernamentales que "usan a los ciudadanos como mercancía". Las concentraciones mantendrán el mismo tono de la acampada que desde el 15 de mayo se mantiene en Madrid. El colectivo cuenta con cinco voceros quienes explicaron en rueda de prensa en la sala principal del centro sociocultural autogestionado Tabacalera en Madrid, un balance de las repercusiones desprendidas de las protestas del domingo 15 de mayo. Los dirigentes, Paco López, Olga Mikailova, Iván Olmedo, Aída Sánchez y Chema Ruiz, recordaron que tras los hechos de la acampada realizada en la Puerta del Sol en Madrid, los indignados decidieron impulsar el movimiento político Democracia Real Ya para reclamar los derechos ciudadanos de manera independiente. Acciones similares en Francia Indignados en Grecia

Noam Chomsky: My Response to #OccupyWallStreet With #OccupyWallStreet, the linguist and political critic sees a reason for hope that lies closer to home. By **Noam Chomsky** When Guernica interviewed Noam Chomsky in 2009, it seemed notable that he was emphasizing “hopes and prospects.” But in the #OccupyWallStreet movement, Professor Chomsky apparently now sees a reason for hope situated a little closer to home. “The #OccupyWallStreet initiative and the efforts it has spawned throughout the country are among the rare really hopeful signs that we might find a way to escape very dark times, not just the criminality and thuggishness that Wall Street has come to exemplify, but also… the vicious cycle that has been gaining strength for over 30 years, undermining the prospects for decent life for the large majority while spectacular riches are pouring into very few pockets, and the remnants of real democracy are being shredded by highly concentrated wealth and power. Spotlight photograph by Duncan Rawlinson.

Social Media: 4. Political Uses and Implications for Representative Democracy-2010-10E 1 Introduction Social media offer innovative opportunities for political actors, political institutions and the public to interact with one another. Drawing on examples from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, this paper outlines how social media are currently being used in the political arena. It also discusses benefits and risks that have been attributed to the use of social media for political purposes, and explores the implications that the use of these technologies may have for representative democracy. 2 Political Uses of Social Media 2.1 Politicians and Political Parties Social media are becoming increasingly popular among politicians and their organizations as a means to disseminate political messages, learn about the interests and needs of constituents and the broader public, raise funds, and build networks of support. All four political parties represented in Canada’s parliament have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Flickr. 2.2 Civil Society

Protest.Net: A calendar of protest, meetings, and conferences. Occupy Wall Street | NYC Protest for American Revolution Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges on the 99 Percent - Truthdig Radio Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges on the 99 Percent Posted on Oct 6, 2011 This week on Truthdig Radio in collaboration with KPFK: Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Chris Hedges explain why the 99 percenters are “the best among us.” Plus: Occupy L.A., Obama’s “secure communities” and modern midwifery. A full transcript is available below. Listen to the show: Segments Chris Hedges on “the best among us”: Rep. The occupation on Wall Street has spread to cities across the country, with protesters camping out in downtown Los Angeles since Saturday. The White House is trying to thread the needle on immigration by reprioritizing deportation rules. Ina May Gaskin, author of “Birth Matters: A Midwife’s Manifesta,” has been an advocate and innovator of natural birth for decades. Transcript Peter Scheer: This is Truthdig Radio in collaboration with KPFK Los Angeles. Let’s begin with Chris Hedges. Chris Hedges: Thank you. Peter Scheer: How are you? Chris Hedges: Princeton, about to leave for Washington.

Occupy Wall Street Pushes Social Media in New Directions Interviews Published on October 13th, 2011 | by Tina Casey As the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations unfold, Twitter has established itself as an important form of social media for communicating about the movement, just as it has done during the course of the Arab Spring uprisings. However, if you go and take a look at what is actually happening on the ground, a more full picture of the impact of Internet-based communication emerges. CleanTechnica visited Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park in Manhattan earlier this week, and this is what we found. Communicating Occupy Wall Street Globally with Images While tweets are pure language, photos break down the language barrier, and cameras are very much in evidence at Zuccotti Park (by the way, “park” is something of a misnomer; Zuccotti Park is a, small, narrow fully paved plaza wedged between tall office buildings, punctuated by raised beds that contain modestly sized trees). Using Photos to Share Messages Occupy Wall Street and Facebook

Facebook User Account Frozen After Posting Photo » Facebook User Account Frozen After Posting Photo ATTENTION CHEMTRAILS ACTIVISTS AND ONLINE RESEARCHERS I just got booted from facebook out of nowhere. When I signed back into facebook a new screen pulled up saying my account was frozen by facebook. They stated in a lengthy contract that they had removed a photo from my page CHEMTRAIL COVER UP and that I was not allowed to use it. Facebook literally threatened me that if I used the photo again they would deactivate my account. This is the photo that was removed:
