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Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad
Operation Blau: German advances from 7 May 1942 to 18 November 1942 to 7 July 1942 to 22 July 1942 to 1 August 1942 to 18 November 1942 Historical Background[edit] The Germans decided that their summer campaign in 1942 would be directed at the southern parts of the Soviet Union. The German operations were initially very successful. The Soviets realized that they were under tremendous constraints of time and resources and ordered that anyone strong enough to hold a rifle be sent to fight.[20]:p.94. Prelude[edit] Case Blue[edit] If I do not get the oil of Maikop and Grozny then I must finish [liquidieren; to kill off, liquidate] this war. Hitler intervened, however, ordering the Army Group to split in two. The initial advance of the 6th Army was so successful that Hitler intervened and ordered the 4th Panzer Army to join Army Group South (A) to the south. Infantry and a supporting StuG III assault gun advance towards the city center. Attack on Stalingrad[edit]

Bataille de Stalingrad Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La bataille de Stalingrad désigne les combats du 17 juillet 1942 au 2 février 1943, pour le contrôle de la ville, aujourd'hui Volgograd, entre les forces de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques et celles du Troisième Reich et de ses alliés. Ils incluent l'approche de la ville par les armées de l’Axe, les combats urbains pour sa conquête à partir de septembre, puis la contre-offensive soviétique, jusqu'à l'encerclement et la reddition des troupes allemandes. L'ensemble de ces combats, dans et hors de la ville, se sont étendus sur un peu plus de six mois et ont coûté la vie à environ 750 000 combattants[1] et à 250 000 civils parmi six nations, ce qui en fait une des batailles les plus meurtrières de l'histoire. Résumé[modifier | modifier le code] Le 28 juin 1942, l'Allemagne nazie lance sa deuxième grande offensive stratégique en URSS, l'opération Fall Blau, qui vise les pétroles du Caucase. Contexte[modifier | modifier le code] - The German Armed Forces 1919-1945 Axis History Factbook: Home Trapped Stalingrad Armies Liquidated - Times Archive Scandal of British troops left to face murder lies A group of Iraqis demanding compensation for alleged ill-treatment by British soldiers would not have got substantial legal aid if a document that undermines their case had been handed over, their lawyer has admitted. Chris Grayling, the justice secretary, has been urged to investigate how the allegations led to a £23 million inquiry into the conduct of British soldiers in Iraq ten years ago. I’m sick of blog bullies, says MP A prominent Tory backbencher has hit out at “aggressive male bloggers” who, she claims, target female MPs.

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