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29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

60 Reasons To Be Proud In 2012 14 Stories That Prove Animals Have Souls No More Steubenvilles: How To Raise Boys to be Kind Men When Max was just a few months old, I sat cross-legged on the floor with him in a circle of other mothers. The facilitator for our “Mommy and Me” playgroup would throw a question out to the group, and we would each volley back an answer. “What quality do you want to instill in your child? What personality characteristic would you most like for your son to be known for?” One by one, the mothers answered. The answers blended together until it was my turn to speak. I want my son to grow up to be kind. The eyes of the other mothers turned toward me. Max is almost 4 years old. Sexual assault is about power and control. Teach your child to go toward a child who is upset, instead of walking away. Date rape is often saturated with entitlement. As a community we give our athletes free reign. We have created this. It is time. We must teach our boys to be kind. A toddler can learn how to use words of kindness. Teach your boys that bravery can be terrifying. Bravery doesn’t always feel good.

This video is one of my inspirations for my field of study. Truly amazing. by tlohman3 Apr 24
