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SurfTheChannel - Home August 28, 2014 Question 1 of 4: How often do you use Mozilla Firefox? Question 2 of 4: How satisfied were you with the previous versions of Mozilla Firefox? Question 3 of 4: Where are you using Firefox right now? Question 4 of 4: How often do you use the Internet? That's it, all done! As we submit the answers to your questions, we are checking our inventory to see what we can offer you as a way of saying "thank you" for answering our survey questions. Submitting your answers... Qualifying your answers... Checking offer inventory... In exchange for your participation, we have the following products available for FREE + Shipping and Handling. Copyright 2008-2013 All rights reserved. * S&H charges do apply.

12 Apps and Websites to Help You Plan Every Detail of Your Life The Internet offers a lot in terms of productivity applications. So much so that it can be difficult to filter through the garbage to find something that actually works. If that problem sounds familiar, then this is the right list for you. This list features apps and websites you need to help you accomplish your specific goals — whether that be getting fit, doing your homework, or just getting shit done. 1. Todoist is a sleek application that allows you to manage tasks wherever and whenever (even when you’re offline). 2. Make your list, set a due date, get reminders, and collaborate with anyone. 3. Set timed and location based reminders. 4. Schedule time to work on tasks by putting them directly in your calendar. 5. A daily planning aide that helps users to organize their tasks by category and priority. 6. Weekis is as simple as planners come. 7. 8. Roadtrippers allows you to plan a road trip from start to finish. 9. 10. Create your own custom workouts and plan your weekly routine. 11.

Did Kevin From ‘Home Alone’ Grow Up to Be Jigsaw? A Deadly Serious Investigation « The holiday season is upon us, and you know what that means: rampant consumerism. Hordes of sheeple leaving their families to queue for hours in front of big-box stores across the nation in hopes of scoring cheap electronics without being crushed to death. The dystopian horror of mass transit hubs. The inevitable gaining of 15 to 20 pounds of ham, turkey, and pie weight. And, of course, constant re-airings of holiday entertainment such as Home Alone, Chris Columbus’s 1990 classic about young Kevin McCallister — played by a cherubic Macaulay Culkin — who spends a solitary Christmas in a vast Winnetka mansion after his family, in a rush, accidentally forgets to bring him along on a trip to Paris. Home Alone launched young Macaulay Culkin to international hang-out-with–Michael Jackson–level fame. Home Alone’s impact on modern holiday culture cannot be overstated. I’ve been working on this theory for several years, researching, poring over the film. Just hear me out. 20th Century Fox

How does Shazam work - Coding Geek Have you ever wondered how Shazam works? I asked myself this question a few years ago and I read a research article written by Avery Li-Chun Wang, the confounder of Shazam, to understand the magic behind Shazam. The quick answer is audio fingerprinting, which leads to another question: what is audio fingerprinting? When I was student, I never took a course in signal processing. I’ll start with the basics of music theory, present some signal processing stuff and end with the mechanisms behind Shazam. Since it’s a long and technical article (11k words) feel free to read each part at different times. A sound is a vibration that propagates through air (or water) and can be decrypted by ears. A vibration can be modeled by sinusoidal waveforms. Pure tones vs real sounds A pure tone is a tone with a sinusoidal waveform. Its frequency: the number of cycles per second. Those characteristics are decrypted by the human ear to form a sound. pure sinewave at 20 Hz composition of sinewaves Musical Notes

Portraits of a Dancer For Numero Magazine Pour le magazine Numero Homme, le photographe Jacob Sutton a réalisé un shooting avec le danseur de ballet ukrainien Sergueï Polounine. Sur le thème des « jeux de scène », le danseur s’est adonné à des postures élégantes et des élancements aériens majestueux. L’ensemble des photos est disponible dans la galerie. A voir également : le clip de David LaChapelle pour le titre « Take Me to Church » de Hozier, avec le danseur Sergueï Polounine. Try Re-constructing the Samples of Popular Producers' Beats 0614016 Citation Nr: 0614016 Decision Date: 05/12/06 Archive Date: 05/25/06 DOCKET NO. 03-34 119 ) DATE ) ) On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in St. Petersburg, Florida THE ISSUE Entitlement to a disability rating in excess of 30 percent from an initial grant of service connection for psoriasis. REPRESENTATION Appellant represented by: Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States ATTORNEY FOR THE BOARD Linda E.

Burning Soap Bubbles In this Instructable, we look at the way to fill soap bubbles with the gas. Why would you want to do that? So, you can set them on fire. Just like fire breathing - it's for the show. What's needed: Plastic pipe with the cap Empty Lighter Bubble wand (ring) Metal wire Electrical tape (optional) Soap Bubbles Butane Gas (Lighter refill) Epoxy glue What's God got to do with religion? : TrueReddit
