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PrimaryGames: Free Games and Videos 15 top fun pronunciation games 1. Shadow reading Students try to speak at exactly the same speed and rhythm as the CD, then try one more time with the sound turned down in the middle of the recording to see if they are still in time when the sound is turned back up. 2. Syllables snap Students take turns turning […] 1.

Pronunciation Poem - Dearest Creature in Creation - Study English Pronunciation That English Pronunciation Poem! Listen to this tricky little poem and you can practise your pronunciation and listening skills, and don't worry if you don't know all the words and their different pronunciation. Even Lynne got Arkansas wrong the first time round! In fact, this was the first poem Lynne ever recorded for the site, and she's re-recorded it three times now, just to improve the quality. This will probably be the last time, unless someone buys her a recording studio.

Rendez votre anglais plus naturel grâce aux expressions idiomatiques - Expression Anglaise Dans cet article nous allons parler des expressions idiomatiques ou “idioms” en anglais. Ces expressions permettent de rendent notre anglais plus naturelles et en apprendre quelques uns et les utiliser permettent de fluidifier vos conversations. Les expressions idiomatiques c’est quoi? Les expressions idiomatiques sont des expressions qui lorsqu’elles sont traduites mot à mot dans une autre langue, n’ont aucun sens.

10 ways to use tongue twisters in your class! I LOVE tongue twisters! Sometimes I am pretty good at them. I feel like I have an agile frog's tongue attacking sounds as they come. Other times I get so tangled I feel more like I have the dog's tongue, a useless appendage that just hangs from my mouth. OK, so we all know what a tongue twister is, but how can we best use them in class. How in questions -ENGAMES The word “HOW” is one of the most productive words in English. It helps us create meaningful questions and sentences. The word “HOW” combines with many other words to create these questions. In this post I try to introduce the basic phrases “How much”, “How many”, “How often”, “How well”, “How long”, “How far” and “How old”. How in questions – mindmap Here the students can practise the basic usage of the word HOW in questions.

How To Get Your Creativity All Hot & Bothered Arouse your creativity Electric flesh-arrows … traversing the body. A rainbow of color strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears. Emoji Get to Know You Activity “Emoji and emoticons have developed to mean much more in language than the faces they represent.”- Lauren Collister (2015) For the past year, I’ve been studying how learners use emoticons, emoji, and text speak to communicate, read and write. Emojis are part of digital literacy and citizenship. When our learners use emojis in their writings, they are humanizing their digital experience.

Améliorez vos révisions grâce à ces astuces psychologiques ! Réviser, c’est facile… BIEN réviser, c’est une autre paire de manches. Voici donc quelques conseils piochés dans la psychologie ! Identifier (et accepter) son propre fonctionnement À l’approche de partiels ou autres examens, nous sommes souvent inondés de conseils : notre entourage, plutôt bienveillant, nous affirme qu’il faut se coucher tôt, ou tard, qu’il faut manger tel ou tel aliment, que ça ne sert à rien d’apprendre par cœur, qu’il faut surtout retenir le plan et qu’écouter de la musique classique, c’est toujours bon pour le cerveau… BON. En fait, pour la professeure de psychologie Tara Kuther, le meilleur conseil que l’on puisse retenir, c’est surtout de nous connaître nous, de connaître notre fonctionnement, de savoir ce qui marche pour nous.

English Listening Lesson Libary Online Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Lesson Plans EFL ESL Teaching Activities, Lessons, Games, Worksheets, Ideas
