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Ladépê : Actualités Toulouse, informations annonces emploi sport économie... FunnyLearn Map of Trinidad and Tobago - Caribbean Island Maps, Trinidad and Tobago Map Information Trinidad and Tobago, the earliest-settled part of the Caribbean, was originally inhabited by Amerindians of South American origin. In 1498, Christopher Columbus discovered the islands. In 1530, Antonio de Sedeno, a Spanish soldier intent on conquering the island of Trinidad, landed on its southwest coast with a small army of men. Sedeno and his men fought the native Carib Indians on many occasions, and subsequently built a fort. In 1595, Sir Walter Raleigh, searching for the long-rumored "City of Gold" in South America, arrived in Trinidad. By the early 1700s, following the total conquest of the Aztec Empire, Trinidad belonged to New Spain, formally called the Viceroyalty of New Spain, with Mexico City its capital. Spanish King Charles III authorized free lands in Trinidad if settlers would swear their allegiance and loyalties to him. Near the end of the 18th century, Port of Spain's population exceeded 10,000 and the total population of Trinidad was almost 18,000.

SIA 40 maps that explain the world By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. [Additional read: How Ukraine became Ukraine and 40 more maps that explain the world] Click to enlarge. Time Zone Map Loading Map.. DST – Click red dot for more info Accuracy of the Time Zone Map All clock changes worldwide are automatically taken into account and displayed in real-time as soon as you reload the page. Future changes are usually incorporated into our database before they take effect, so the map accurately reflects the current situation. Please note that the Time Zone Map is not a political map but a time zone map showing the time zone boundaries. How to Use the Map Search for any city in the search field above and place a black "pin" by that city on the map. Need some help? Loading Map.. DST – Click red dot for more info Accuracy of the Time Zone Map All clock changes worldwide are automatically taken into account and displayed in real-time as soon as you reload the page. Please note that the Time Zone Map is not a political map but a time zone map showing the time zone boundaries. How to Use the Map Search for any city in the search field above and place a black "pin" by that city on the map.

Computer display standard Computer display standards are often a combination of aspect ratio, display size, display resolution, color depth, and refresh rate. This article describes the different display standards for computer displays. History[edit] Various computer display standards or display modes have been used in the history of the personal computer. They are often a combination of aspect ratio (specified as width-to-height ratio), display resolution (specified as the width and height in pixels), color depth (measured in bits per pixel), and refresh rate (expressed in hertz). Associated with the screen resolution and refresh rate is a display adapter. Beyond display modes, the VESA industry organization has defined several standards related to power management and device identification, while ergonomics standards are set by the TCO. Standards[edit] A number of common resolutions have been used with computers descended from the original IBM PC. Display resolution prefixes[edit] Quarter (Q or q) Wide (W)

Openschool Country Profiles Understanding other people's languages, cultures, etiquettes and taboos is of great value to the traveller or visiting business person. Scroll down the page for information on a selected number of countries. Topics include language, useful phrases, the society, culture, business and social etiquettes. You can access Useful Phrases here or through the corresponding country. Please feel free to share comments you may have about our guides as we are always looking to improve the quality and accuracy of information. This information is also available as an App for the iPhone. Etiquette, Customs and Protocol Guides Warning! It is important to bear in mind that these guides act as basic and general introductions only. Each society, country and culture will have numerous nuances that would make it irresponsible to suggest a uniform approach to understanding any country's social/business culture or etiquette.

Nemertes Research Nemertes Research is a research-advisory firm that specializes in analyzing and quantifying the business value of emerging technologies headquartered in Mokena, Illinois. The Times called it "a respected American think-tank",[1] while others mention its name as a concrete example in an article criticizing "unscrupulous think tanks".[2] Research focus areas[edit] Nemertes Research focuses in the following areas: Network, Communication and ServicesBig Data, Analytics, and VirtualizationUC, Contact Center, Social BusinessMobile Devices and ServicesCloud DeliveryCost Models, Financials, and Lifecycle ManagementSecurity & Compliance Internet infrastructure[edit] In 2007 and 2008 Nemertes published widely publicized reports on Internet infrastructure trends focusing on bandwidth demand versus build-out, and more recently, logical Internet issues involving IP address depletion and route table scalability. References[edit] External links[edit] Official website

Longitude/Latitude Demonstrator Demonstrates latitude and longitude with an interactive globe, providing an analogy to the celestial and horizon coordinate systems. Running this animation on your computer... right-click to download longlat.swf and longlat.html to the same directory open the html file in a browser to run the animation Linking to this animation... copy and paste the code below into your webpage or blog: Putting this animation on your website... upload longlat.swf to the same directory as your webpage copy and paste the following code into your webpage:
