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List of colors
The following is a list of colors. A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined in terms of the sRGB color space. It is not possible to accurately convert many of these swatches to CMYK values because of the differing gamuts of the two spaces, but the color management systems built into operating systems and image editing software attempt such conversions as accurately as possible. The HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space values, also known as HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), and the hex triplets (for HTML web colors) are also given in the following table. Colors in alphabetical order A-F[edit] For the continuation of the list of colors, please go to List of colors: G-M#Colors. Colors by shade[edit] White[edit] Gray/Grey[edit] Achromatic grays are colors between black and white with no hue. Pink[edit] Red[edit] Main articles: Red and Variations of red Sources
24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Photography
Photoshop actions are the best — they save time and make you more productive during post-processing. They can be used to speed up repetitive tasks, make quick work of time consuming edits, and give you a little creative inspiration. So here are 24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Your Photography These actions are not simple, filter-playing actions. The steps they take have been studied and thoroughly tested, making these actions true image enhancers. Download PROActions Bundle – Film & Special Effects → HDR legendary image actions work for any image size (doesn’t matter how large it is) Download HDR Legendary Image Action → So, here are 100 photo styles to quickly enhance your images. Download 100 Photo Styles → 90 Premium Actions Set is a pack of professional Photoshop actions perfect for photographers and graphic designers. Download 90 Premium Actions Set → Download Photograph to Sketch Art – Photoshop Action → Download PRO Actions – 30 Film Effect Styles → Typograph!
FireSize 只需輸入圖片鏈結、設定尺寸,雲端快速調整圖片大小
一般在網路上搜尋圖片,但遇到不是我們要的尺寸時,大部分使用者會很自然而然地先把它另存新檔,保存到電腦後再以圖片工具調整大小,如果需要運用到網頁、部落格,還要再以編輯器或 FTP 工具手動上傳,這個過程非常繁瑣,有沒有更快、更簡單的方法,讓我們直接在雲端調整圖片大小呢? 有個名為 FireSize 的線上工具非常厲害,使用者只需要將相片鏈結複製、貼上,然後輸入你要的尺寸長寬像素,FireSize 就會立即把圖片處理好給你,而且還內建 CDN 功能,當產生新圖片後,你便可以直接利用該鏈結來載入圖片,測試期間無須付費。 使用者只需要利用簡單的超鏈結,就能完成複雜的處理圖片需求,無須使用任何的程式碼或圖片庫,喜歡的朋友不妨將它加入書籤,因為類似工具比較少看到。 網站名稱:FireSize 網站鏈結: 使用教學 開啟 FireSize 後,首頁會有一個範例圖片讓你參考,要如何使用它來重設相片大小呢? 當然你也可以直接修改 FireSize 網站的圖片鏈結,就能自動在線上處理相片,將相片快速重設為另外的大小。 因為 FireSize 已經內建 CDN 功能,產生的相片網址是可以直接使用的,在上面按下滑鼠右鍵,選擇「複製圖片網址」就能運用到其他網站、部落格。 值得一試的三個理由: 免下載、免安裝軟體,可在任何瀏覽器使用直接將圖片網址貼上就能轉換大小支援圖片 CDN 功能
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