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JSNES: A Javascript NES emulator

JSNES: A Javascript NES emulator

How To Find Time For… Everything! Smashing Magazine Advertisement Time management is one of the most important skills a freelance worker can learn. With a good time management system you can easily find the time to do the things that are important to you, whether in your professional or personal life. Successful time management can be challenging, especially to those who are new to freelancing or being self-employed. When you have a boss telling you what to do and when to do it by, it’s much easier to prioritize and figure out what needs to be done and when. Below are sixteen tips to help you better manage your time and find the time to participate in the things that are important to you. Also consider our previous articles: 1. Taking time away from your work to find things, whether on your computer or your physical desktop, can be one of the biggest time-wasters out there. Experiment with different organizational systems until you find one that really works for you. 2. You need to have a dedicated workspace. Get a desk. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

HTML5 Reset David Mandelin's blog Don’t you wish there were one? That was my first thought upon coming across the Valve Handbook for New Employees. It has sweet comic book art and everything. After skimming it, my next thoughts were along the lines of: 300 employees and no managers at all? But of course I also remembered that Mozilla is not so different. The MoCo Cheat Sheet for New Employees (This is written by someone from engineering, so it may be engineering-centric, but I have to imagine it’s not terribly off-base elsewhere. You’ll hear the word “open” a lot. Mozilla is all about open. Open also means people won’t be telling you what to do very much, but rather expecting you to figure out how to contribute. Becoming Effective. There are all kinds of new procedures, skills, and/or codebases to learn, but what’s special about Mozilla is that you need to learn how to decide what to work on. What to work on. Why don’t we just tell people what to do? So how do you figure out what to do? Also: watch out for tar pits.

Самая длинная прогулка Алмазного пса. Дэвид Боуи в СССР (дэвид боуи, поп-рок, транссиб, находка, владивосток, москва, берлин, поезд, ссср, realussr... Наряду с Джоном Ленноном и Элтон Джоном в начале семидесятых Дэвид Боуи был культовым персонажем западной культуры. Хамелеон Попа, прозванный так за умелую игру с музыкальными стилями и яркие костюмы, совершил беспрецедентный по тем временам поступок — проехал через весь Советский Союз из Находки в Москву за восемнадцать дней в купе обычного вагона. Достойное эксцентричного персонажа событие. В те времена, когда Железный занавес плотно закрывал социалистическое пространство от тлетворного влияния Запада, по меньшей мере удивительно, как Дэвиду удалось попасть в страну. Понравилось ли Алмазному псу в СССР? Дэвид Боуи на Красной площади в Москве, апрель 1973 Будучи в Москве, Боуи осмотрел обычные, входящие в топ-10 достопримечательности вроде Оружейной палаты и Красной площади. Праздник Первого Мая в Москве, 1973 Забавно, что после того, как Дэвид добрался до цивилизованного мира, западные СМИ назвали фотографии, которые вы видите, поддельными и вообще — частью очередной промо-басни.

Verbatim DVD+R DL 8.5GB 2.4X-6X Shiny Silver DVD Recordable Double Layer Media 20 Pack - 95310 | SuperMediaStore Have you arrived at this webpage from your search of the Verbatim branded DVD+R DL 2.4X double layer media? Then you’ve made a good choice in choosing Verbatim as your choice of brand – Verbatim has become a producer of premier blank media products, many of which benefit from its patented Azo color recording dye technology. In order to get these Verbatim dual layer DVD+R’s for cheap, buy them from LINKYO. Every disc of the Verbatim 95310 media is manufactured with the Verbatim trademarked logo, media specs, and some label designs embossed onto the labeling side. Sold in cake boxes of 20 discs each, the Verbatim 95310 media product is assured to satisfy your DL recordable blank media wants.

Dirty Dancing Soviet Style At Raven, we experiment a lot. We consider our projects as our own version of skunkworks. Sometimes the experiments are driven by mere curiosity, while others are meant to see how far we can push the boundaries of a service. All of our experiments have one common element, problem solving. When we first created the URL shortener, we did it to solve a problem. Campaign variables are great, because you can assign a source, medium, and name, like Twitter and/or Social Media Campaign. So campaign variables is the main reason we built, period. Several months after we debuted an SEO friendly URL shortener that supported campaign variables, many existing and new shorteners added them to their service. With the mass support of campaign variables, it wasn’t necessary for us to keep running. Spammers use of became epic. We appreciate everyone who properly used in their campaigns and on a daily basis.

. - 5.0 / 3800 В Австралии нашелся кот, пропавший без вести три года назад на острове Тасмания. За это время пушистый зверь переправился через 300-километровый пролив и прошел более 3800 километров. Как сообщает РИА Новости, кот гималайской породы по кличке Клайд бесследно исчез в городе Хобарт на острове Тасмания в 2006 году. Через три года животное объявилось в небольшом городке Клонкарри в штате штат Квинсленд на северо-востоке Зеленого континента. Там домашний питомец четыре месяца жил у медсестры из местного госпиталя. Однако женщина не могла оставить кота у себя навсегда. Утверждены новые правила для иномарок Домой Клайда доставили самолетом, и вся дорога заняла несколько часов. Отметим, что наиболее загадочным моментом в этой истории осталось путешествие Клайда через 300-километровый пролив, разделяющий Тасманию и материковую Австралию.

First handmade subpixel type family, ever It has x-height of 3 pixels, it is italic, inspired by old masters and most important – made by hand. You must not look too closely, because colors get visible. It's work in progress. Here: I am also writing a program which will set text automatically. It can be used in favicons and for … well, one reason is enough :-) Scroll down for additional weights of roman, bold & bold italic. The title was "First Handmade Subpixel Type Family, Ever*". [* Moderator's note: Miha's enthusiastic use of the claim "first ever" has been seriously challenged by StoneCypher. PS: Ken Perlin's work is interesting too.
