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Application iTunes U à télécharger sur le iPad Khan Academy Concept-Centered Teaching | Biology Screencasting: How To Start, Tools and Guidelines Advertisement Some companies have made a living creating a sort of “virtual classroom,” allowing members to learn at their own pace when they have the time using video tutorials. The advantages of the classroom setting stem from a one on one experience and the ability of the instructor to show the ideas and theories rather than simply explain them. Screencasting, or sharing your virtual desktop via video presentation, has exploded in popularity with the advent of podcasting, and gives you the ability to bring the classroom feel to a media presentation that can be delivered over the Internet. The medium of screencasting is readily available to everyone and with a few tools of the trade you can be ready to produce your own. Why Should You Screencast? There are several advantages to screencasting both from the user’s side as well as from the creator’s. Althought the advantages may seem plentiful, screencasts do have their downside as well. Who Can Make a Screencast? Capturing Your Screen

Trabajo y energía I: conceptos - Física Los conceptos de trabajo y energía son conceptos complicados de entender. El trabajo se simboliza como W (work en inglés). Este es la fuerza que necesitamos entregarle a un objeto para moverlo de un lado a otro: W = Fuerza por distancia. La energía es la forma en la que el objeto recibe el trabajo. Se habla de dos tipos de energías: Cinética: Tiene que ver con el movimiento Potencial gravitatoria Si tenemos un cuerpo y lo queremos mover debemos hacer una fuerza. La aceleración depende de la fuerza entregada y de la masa. La energía potencial gravitatoria depende de la ubicación del cuerpo. Syllabus | Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping | Aeronautics and Astronautics
