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Définition de SEM=SEO+SEA+SMO (search engine marketing)

Définition de SEM=SEO+SEA+SMO (search engine marketing)
Je commencerai ce post par la goutte qui a fait déborder le vase l’anecdote qui m’a poussé à l’écrire : il y a quelques semaines une collègue (que je salue si elle se reconnait et à qui je ne reproche absolument rien) m’a communiqué rapidement via téléphone qu’un de nos gros comptes pour qui nous gérons le canal " e-mail marketing " avait besoin d’une analyse SEM urgente et qu’il avait un budget de plus d’une centaine de milliers d’euros. J’ai donc réalisé une étude complète au niveau SEO et SEA pour le client avant de l’envoyer à ma collègue qui était surprise de voir la présentation divisée en deux parties : 1) SEO 2) SEA… Elle s’attendait à voir l’étude concentrée sur une analyse SEA puisque pour elle et malheureusement pour beaucoup d’autres, SEM = SEA… Aujourd’hui encore elle me demande comment va la campagne SEM alors que l’on travaille uniquement sur Adwords pour ce client ! Commençons par la base et définissons les différents acronymes: Pourquoi ce coup de gueule?

The inbound marketing explosion: infographic 47% of companies are expected to increase their inbound marketing budget for 2012, according to data from online business community G+. It's no wonder, since the average cost to acquire a new lead through outbound marketing in 2011 was $373, compared to just $143 from inbound marketing. The main reason for this budget increase however was found to be past success using inbound tactics, which attracts customers by offering useful, relevant information. G+ states that one of the biggest advantages companies find in using inbound marketing is that leads cost far less to acquire. Here, G+ explores the inbound marketing boom and how businesses are utilising it.

L’Inbound Marketing expliqué ! L’Inbound Marketing est un terme américain introduit par l’éditeur de logiciel Hubspot qui veut dire marketing entrant et qui s’oppose au marketing traditionnel, sortant, l’outbound marketing. Ce concept est donc a rapproché du Permission Marketing développé par Seth Godin. Définition de l’Inbound Marketing et principe Le principe de l’Inbound Marketing est de faire venir les clients vers soi plutôt que d’aller vers eux en les interrompant dans leur activité ou leurs consultations médias. En effet, les consommateurs sont de plus en plus sollicités et de moins en moins réceptifs aux messages publicitaires : ils peuvent avec les enregistreurs numériques sauter la publicité en TV, avec les podcasts écouter les émissions de leur choix en radio, avec des outils anti-spam et anti-bannières limiter la publicité sur Internet, et encore grâce à Pacitel refuser de recevoir des appels commerciaux. Fonctionnement et mécanique de l’Inbound Marketing 1. Ceci grâce à l’utilisation combinée de : 2. 3. A practical example Now lets look at a real life example I saw recently; a site offering to sell links (aka 'sponsored links') from one of its pages, stating that it was a PR6 site (*note, to anyone who wants to survive in online marketing for more than a week, don't ever buy links from a site that actually says it is selling PageRank. That is absolute anathema to Google). They stated the value of a link from their PR6 site to be worth $250 per month. On closer examination, the links page on offer was deeper in the site, and had PR5. Let's hypothesize that I own a PR3 page and want to see it increased to PR4 for some reason and am willing to pay $250 to do so. Assume a PageRank 3 page is linked to by one of a PR 5 page's 35 outgoing links. This highlights two important issues that anyone who either pays money for links or works hard to get 'organic' links should note:

SEO vs. SEM By most people's standards, the internet is still very young. New technologies and developments in existing technologies are appearing at an extraordinary rate. As technologies change, so does the terminology used to describe them. I worked for three years as a webmaster. Ask a dozen people to define that term, and you'll get a lot of different answers. The same is true for search engine optimization. Search Engine Marketing I see SEM as a rather broad term. Aspects of search engine marketing which I would consider to be outside the realm of search engine optimization include the following: Paid Inclusion This is simply the practice of paying a search engine or a directory to add a site to its database immediately, rather than setting up that site so that it will be found by the search engine spiders on its own. Traditional Ads This involves placing paid advertising on the search engine result pages (SERPs). Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising PPC ads are simple enough to look at. SEO First

Le SEA : quelle place face au SEO et au SEM ? Nous les geeks, quand on nous parle de SEO ou de SEM, on sait à peu près ce que ça signifie. Nous les geeks, on sait qu’en bref, le SEM souvent considéré comme le référencement payant, donc notamment les annonces Google. Nous les geeks, on sait qu’en bref, le SEO c’est le référencement naturel, donc les résultats dans les moteurs de recherche, ce qui touche de près ou de loin au trafic organique. Par contre, nous les geeks, on se pose beaucoup de question vis à vis des nouvelles appellations qui envahissent la toile ces derniers mois. Le SMO, le SEA. Aujourd’hui nous allons voir le SEA, le SMO sera pour la prochaine fois ! Pourquoi s’intéresser au SEA ? Mais alors qu’est ce que le SEA ? En effet, pour eux, le Search Engine Optimization consiste à promouvoir un site dans son ensemble, et non seulement par les liens sponsorisés comme nous le voyons en France. Ainsi le SEM serait la somme du SEO et du SEA et se répartirait comme suit : – SEO : référencement naturel

Facebook Has Decreased Page Reach, And Here’s Why Editors note: This is a guest post by Robin Grant, Global Managing Director of We Are Social, a social-media agency with offices in New York, London, Paris, Milan, Munich, Singapore, Sydney and São Paulo. Josh Constine wrote an insightful post last week, debunking the myth that Facebook has decreased page post reach to increase the sales of promoted posts. However, just because that wasn’t the reason, that doesn’t mean that Facebook hasn’t reduced page reach. Since the end of August there has been a precipitous drop in reach across pages of all sizes, there have been first hand reports of Facebook telling agencies who manage large numbers of pages for clients that they were going to experience a large drop in reach, and data clearly showing this drop from at least three independent sources – Facebook page analytics provider EdgeRank Checker, the head of social measurement at WPP’s Team Detroit and a study conducted by us here at We Are Social in conjunction with Socialbakers.

18 SEO Killers You Must Clean Up and Avoid for 2013 and Beyond By Jill Whalen There's a lot of talk lately of Google having finally killed SEO through their Panda and Penguin algorithms, which continue to ensnare more and more websites with every new update. So is SEO really (finally) dead? When you look at some of the Google organic traffic losses that companies have faced since the very first Panda algo (aka Google Farmer) hit in February 2011, you might certainly think so. Analytics data showing losses of over 50% of Google organic traffic is not uncommon for afflicted websites: And traffic that used to increase over time, suddenly took a huge dip: These patterns certainly make it look as if SEO could be dead. But is it really? In order to answer that question I went back through the multitude of lost traffic site audit reports I've been doing since early 2011. It didn't take long for me to conclude that, while SEO was certainly not dead, SEO tricks and shortcuts were definitely on life support – if not already completely dead. Jill
