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Glossary of instructional strategies Current number of strategies and methods: 1271 Last updated: 27 July, 2013 Definitions written by Kelly Jo Rowan. ©1996-2013 Kelly Jo Rowan. 10 + 2 (Ten Plus Two) Direct instruction variation where the teacher presents for ten minutes, students share and reflect for two minutes, then the cycle repeats. Hardest language to learn What is the hardest language to learn? Extremely Hard: The hardest language to learn is: Polish – Seven cases, Seven genders and very difficult pronunciation. The average English speaker is fluent in their language at the age of 12, in contrast, the average Polish speaker is fluent in their language after age of 16.Very Hard: Finnish, Hungarian, and Estonian – The Ugric languages are hard because of the countless noun cases. However, the cases are more like English prepositions added to the end of the root word.

Competenze digitali, ce ne sono di diversi tipi: ecco il quadro Le competenze digitali sono oggi al centro di un grande dibattito, che riguarda soprattutto la loro definizione, i modi in cui esse sono apprese e in cui dovrebbero essere insegnate. In questo articolo intendo chiarire due distinzioni necessarie a comprendere meglio il tema in questione e, successivamente, mettere a confronto cinque importanti framework concettuali sulle competenze digitali (Van Dijk 2005, Ferrari 2012, Helsper & Eynon 2013, Van Djik & Van Deursen 2014, Van Deursen, Helsper, Eynon 2015) elaborati negli ultimi dieci anni. L’obiettivo è tentare di individuare qualche tendenza generale nell’evoluzione dell’analisi teorica tali competenze. Un modo per analizzare le competenze digitali è creare un framework concettuale, cioè uno schema teorico, attraverso cui identificare e classificare le competenze in questione. La seconda tipologia di framework si riferisce invece a tutte quelle competenze che dovrebbero essere possedute dai lavoratori del settore ICT.

Advice. Staircase Wit. Faux Pas. Movies. Syrian Journey The Syrian conflict has torn the country apart, leaving thousands dead and driving millions to flee their homes. Many seek refuge in neighbouring countries but others pay traffickers to take them to Europe - risking death, capture and deportation. If you were fleeing Syria for Europe, what choices would you make for you and your family? Education Home of everything Gamification Education -- research, community, case studies and more -- as part of the family of wikis. Want to help us create this website? Contact us! Introduction Education affects everyone. Visual learning Visual thinking is a learning style where the learner better understands and retains information when ideas, words and concepts are associated with images. Research tells us that the majority of students in a regular classroom need to see information in order to learn it. Some common visual learning strategies include creating graphic organizers, diagramming, mind mapping, outlining and more.

Most students don't know when news is fake Preteens and teens may appear dazzlingly fluent, flitting among social-media sites, uploading selfies and texting friends. But they’re often clueless about evaluating the accuracy and trustworthiness of what they find. Some 82% of middle-schoolers couldn’t distinguish between an ad labeled “sponsored content” and a real news story on a website, according to a Stanford University study of 7,804 students from middle school through college. The study, set for release Tuesday, is the biggest so far on how teens evaluate information they find online. Many students judged the credibility of newsy tweets based on how much detail they contained or whether a large photo was attached, rather than on the source. More than two out of three middle-schoolers couldn’t see any valid reason to mistrust a post written by a bank executive arguing that young adults need more financial-planning help.

Tecnologie a scuola. OCSE indica che se troppe peggiorano l'apprendimento Il computer a scuola non basta, e se è usato troppo e male anzi fa danni. Lo dicono i dati Ocse in un rapporto su istruzione e competenze informatiche, basato su dati dell’indagine Pisa 2012, reso pubblico martedì. Ora che il «Digital divide» si è colmato e il 96% dei quindicenni del mondo ha accesso a un computer a casa, e 72 su cento usano un pc, un tablet o un laptop in classe, si è compreso che sarebbe meglio che i ragazzi non lo usassero troppo. Il principio è ben disegnato da una curva - spiegano i ricercatori -: i ragazzi che fanno un uso «moderato» del computer, per fare ricerche in Internet e come supporto per i compiti, ottengono risultati migliori di quelli che non lo usano affatto. Superata la soglia (che l’Ocse quantifica in «una-due volte a settimana») l’apprendimento è decisamente peggiore.

World Economic Forum. 8 digital skills we must teach our children The social and economic impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially. Experts are predicting that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. With the internet of things, the digital and physical worlds will soon be merged. These changes herald exciting possibilities. But they also create uncertainty. How secure is my password? Entries are 100% secure and not stored in any way or shared with anyone. Period. As Seen On Learning and training: statistics and myths How Effective is Training? Laurie Bassi measured how well employees are trained and developed (Delahoussaye, et al., 2002). She writes that organizations that make large investments in people typically have lower employee turnover, which is associated with higher customer satisfaction, which in turn is a driver of profitability (p22). A second driver is manager proficiency — good managers determine if people stay or go, and this is also influenced by training and development. She further writes that the education and training variable is the most significant predictor of an organization's success as compared to price-to-earning ratios, price-to-book statistics, and measures of risk and volatility. Bassi puts her theories to the test — her and a fellow partner launched an investment firm that buys stocks in companies that invest heavily in employee training.
