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A sophisticated first novel introduces readers to death row Listen Story audio Aug 1, 2013 37min 9sec Elizabeth L. Silver's debut novel introduces readers to Noa P. Singleton, a woman on death row for murder. The older woman will help Noa avoid execution, she says, if Noa will explain what led her to commit the murder. Silver is well prepared to write legal thrillers, having one degree in creative writing and another in law. In naming "The Execution of Noa P. • Are there any skills you learned from your legal career that you've found particularly useful when writing? • Review: The Execution of Noa P.

Ejercicios de audio en inglés nivel básico - En esta sección de AUDIO EN INGLÉS se encuentran recopilados y agrupados los Ejercicios de Listening de NIVEL BÁSICO publicados en nuestros Cuadernos de Inglés para que tengas un acceso más organizado y sencillo a los mismos. El material publicado SE INCREMENTA PERIÓDICAMENTE agregando los nuevos ejercicios que van incorporándose a cada cuaderno. Cada Sección de Ejercicios consta de VARIAS PÁGINAS para cada apartado. Al final de cada página encontrarás la opción para acceder a la siguiente o trasladarte a cualquier página de la actividad que estés realizando. *Si deseas disponer del nuevo material en menor tiempo suscríbete a nuestro Cuaderno de inglés.

Payless fools social media influencers with a fake luxury store (by Amy Lieu, Fox News) – Payless, the affordably priced shoe company, revealed an advertising campaign Wednesday (Nov. 28) that attempted to show the quality of its shoes by fooling fashion-savvy influencers at a fake posh store in Los Angeles. The company took over a former Armani store and renamed it “Palessi.” They created a sleek website and an Instagram account. The fake store held a grand opening and invited social media fashion influencers to walk on a red carpet. Once inside, champaign was served, according to Palessi’s Instagram profile. Unbeknownst to the partygoers, the brightly lit store was stocked with $19.99 pumps and $39.99 boots, AdWeek reported. “They’re elegant, sophisticated,” one partygoer said. [About 80 influencers attended over two nights, according to Payless. When it was revealed that the shoes were actually Payless shoes, partygoers were shocked. “Are you serious?! Amy Lieu is a news editor and reporter for Fox News. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Resources

Listening (niveles A1, A2, B1 & B2) - EPAP Formación ¿Necesitáis mejorar ésta parte del idioma? Las pruebas de listening suelen ser temidas por muchos de vosotros, suelen necesitar de un conocimiento álto en gramática, vocabulario y sobre todo, capacidad de atención y concentración. Pero no os preocupéis, estas cualidades se pueden trabajar desde casa y con tranquilidad, por eso hemos reunido estos ejercicios para que podáis seguír mejorando vuestro nivel y aptitudes desde casa, o desde cualquier parte y en cualquier momento. Listening Como habréis podido observar estos enlaces contienen audios de aproximadamente 5 minutos, y están ordenados de tal forma que la dificultad de la escucha se vaya incrementando en función del audio que estáis escuchando, los primeros de cada nivel serán más «asequibles» o fácile de interpretar que los últimos y esto tambien pasa con los niveles (como ya sabreis? Si queréis más contenidos como este dejadnos un comentario diciendonos que más ejercicios os gustaria practicar. Bibliografía:

The Connected Classroom - News Kids need the news presented to them in a manner that they can understand with the background that they may not have learned yet. Here are some sites that gives the kids the news that they need to know. CNN Student News CNN has a site devoted to kids news. You can even watch today's edition of Student News online if you miss it on TV. KidsPost From the Washington Post, a news site just for kids. New York Times Learning Connections The New York Times Learning Network is a free service for students in grades 6-12, their teachers, and parents. PBS Newshour for Kids A "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer special for students." Time for Kids Online This popular weekly news magazine is presented to many classrooms in the U.S. and their Web site has much more information. Headline Spot for Kids A collection of news sites for kids. CBBC News On this site from the BBC, kids can read the news and even hear some of the stories. Student News Net This site is news for kids grades 3-5. Scholastic News Weekly Reader

Breaking News English | 20 Questions | Screen Time Breaking News English Home | Help This Site The 1,000 Ideas &Activities e-Book Sean's 9 Other Free Materials Websites Listen to the 20 Questions. Put the words below in the correct order to make the questions. 1. you you headline did when the What think read? Back to the screen time lesson. MY e-BOOK See a sample This useful resource has hundreds of ideas, activity templates, reproducible activities for … warm-ups pre-reading and listening while-reading and listening post-reading and listening using headlines working with words moving from text to speech role plays, task-based activities discussions and debates and a whole lot more. STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) What did you think when you read the headline? STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A) Did you like reading this article? Print Read Grammar Spell Words

Edpuzzle -steg för steg hur du gör filmer interaktiva med frågor och kommentarer – Fröken Jingfors När jag använder film för att flippa min undervisning vill jag veta vad min elever har lärt sig, vilka slutsatser och reflektioner de gör, om de har några frågor och om de verkligen har sett filmen. Jag vill kunna planera nästa lektion efter deras förkunskaper och frågor och ge dem personlig återkoppling. Med Edpuzzle kan man göra allt detta och mycket mer! Jag kan lägga till muntliga och skriftliga förklaringar och frågor (öppna eller flervalsfrågor) till filmer jag har hittat på YouTube eller filmer jag har gjort själv. När eleverna tittar på filmen kommer filmen att pausas vid varje fråga och de skriver in sitt svar direkt på skärmen och sedan fortsätter filmen. I detta blogginlägget kan du steg för steg lära dig hur du skapar dina egna interaktiva filmer med hjälp av Edpuzzle och dela den med dina elever. Hur gör man? Först skapar du dig ett konto som lärare på På vänster sida hittar du olika sidor där du kan söka upp en film. kryss. Det finns fler funktioner! /Sarah

The UN Secretary-General speaks on the state of the planet | United Nations On 2 December at Columbia University, the UN Secretary-General delivered a landmark speech on the state of the planet, setting the stage for dramatically scaled-up ambition on climate change over the coming year. See excerpts below, or download or watch the speech. More information here The state of the planet is broken Humanity is waging war on nature. Nature always strikes back – and it is already doing so with growing force and fury. The fallout of the assault on our planet is impeding our efforts to eliminate poverty and imperiling food security. And it is making our work for peace even more difficult, as the disruptions drive instability, displacement and conflict. Make peace with nature Nature needs a bailout. The trillions of dollars needed for COVID recovery is money that we are borrowing from future generations. We cannot use those resources to lock in policies that burden them with a mountain of debt on a broken planet. It is time to flick the “green switch”. Solidarity is humanity.
