Women Studies Diccionario terminológico de las ciencias farmacéuticas - Alfonso Domínguez-Gil Hurlé, Enrique Alcaraz Varó, Raquel Martínez Motos Dicionário jurídico Remição da pena 07/abr/2014. A remição da pena é um instituto pelo qual dá-se como cumprida parte da pena por meio do trabalho ou do estudo do condenado. Assim, pelo desempenho da atividade laborativa ou do estudo, o condenado resgata parte da reprimenda que lhe foi imposta, diminuindo seu tempo de duração. " A contagem de tempo referida será feita à razão de: I - 1 (um) dia... Acórdão 07/abr/2014. Ab-rogação 07/abr/2014. Vício redibitório 04/abr/2014. Carta rogatória 04/abr/2014. Tutela cautelar 04/abr/2014. Bens públicos 04/abr/2014. Aborto Eugênico 04/abr/2014. Adjudicação 04/abr/2014. Exequatur 27/mar/2014. Veja o índice completo de A a Z ›
América Latina y el Caribe - Salud Sexual Reproductiva Intercultural para Mujeres Indígenas Regional Bolivia Ecuador Guatemala Perú Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas - Tacila Rivera ***Salud Intercultural Justificación y antecedentes En América Latina y el Caribe, las mujeres indígenas presentan una esperanza de vida considerablemente menor que las no indígenas, así como altas tasas de desnutrición, fecundidad y mortalidad materna, llegando esta última a alcanzar la cifra de hasta 800 por 100.000 nacidos vivos en algunas comunidades de Bolivia y Guatemala. Desde hace aproximadamente una década se ha venido desarrollando en la región un proceso de fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de mujeres indígenas. Actualmente, el Plan de Acción del Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas (2005-2015) hace un llamado al UNFPA para apoyar el desarrollo del eje de salud integral, salud sexual y reproductiva y prevención del VIH en las mujeres indígenas.
Blog Archive » Large Spanish-English medical glossary Welcome to the Anglo Premier Translations blog.For information about my translation services, please visit the main site. Bienvenue au blog d'Anglo Premier Translations.Pour des informations sur mes services, merci de regarder le site principal. Bienvenidos al blog de Anglo Premier Translations.Para información sobre mis servicios de traducción, visite el web principal. Here‘s a Spanish-English medical glossary containing 11,529 entries that’s fairly easy to import. I recommend replacing the slashes with tabs to get one column of Spanish terms and various columns of English terms. Those who translate into Spanish may prefer to use this file, but I’ve not tested how easy it is to import. Acronyms and Abbreviations Deutsch: Geben Sie ein Akronym ein. (Ein Akronym ist ein aus den Anfangsbuchstaben mehrerer Wörter gebildetes Wort.) English: Type in an acronym. Beispiele / Examples USA - United States of America NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ALA - (mehrere Bedeutungen / several meanings) Hinweis: Die spezielle Datenbank für Abkürzungen von Namen chemischer Verbindungen ist jetzt hier integriert. Note: The special data base of abbreviations of chemical compound names has been incorporated into the acronym database. Disclaimer: The acronym data base was compiled from various sources.
El cuerpo humano Loading... by euyinTube 30,342 views by euyinTube 16,025 views by euyinTube 130,499 views by euyinTube 36,142 views by fisicayquimicavideos 181,132 views by euyinTube 638,729 views by euyinTube 975,697 views by euyinTube 213,131 views by euyinTube 133,887 views by euyinTube 998,304 views by euyinTube 62,232 views by euyinTube 65,491 views by euyinTube 46,050 views by fisicayquimicavideos 934,087 views by euyinTube 376,121 views by euyinTube 191,649 views by euyinTube 170,484 views by euyinTube 244,538 views by euyinTube 556,807 views by euyinTube 85,684 views by euyinTube 820,967 views by euyinTube 322,627 views by euyinTube 108,406 views by euyinTube 66,660 views by euyinTube 31,225 views by euyinTube 30,191 views by euyinTube 15,050 views by fisicayquimicavideos 114,947 views by euyinTube 918,367 views by euyinTube 121,649 views by euyinTube 487,288 views by comosalvarvidas 518,445 views by euyinTube 194,100 views by euyinTube 155,057 views by EderNauta 341,198 views by smartplanet 17,821 views by buenrato 206,337 views
Traduction médicale et biomédicale : Liens utiles Voici quelques liens particulièrement utiles pour le domaine biomédical. Certaines de ces ressources sont hébergées sur les sites-web de sociétés commerciales. Sauf indication contraire, je n'ai aucune relation professionnelle avec ces sociétés, qui sont d'ailleurs seules responsables pour le contenu de leur sites-web (En cliquant sur les liens suivants, vous quitterez mon site). Je tiens tout de même à remercier ces sociétés d'avoir mis de telles ressources à notre disposition. Trouver un traducteur Mon activité de traduction est spécialisée exclusivement dans le domaine biomédical et je traduis uniquement du français vers l'anglais. Si vous avez besoin d'une traduction vers le français, dans un autre domaine que le biomédical ou dans une combinaison de langue autre que français-anglais, je vous suggère les sites ci-dessous, qui ont tous des annuaires de traducteurs indépendants. Comment choisir un traducteur ? Dictionnaires médicaux et biomédicaux monolingues En anglais En français
Internet Acronym Server This is not Google. If you want to search the web, try Got a new acronym to tell us about? Use our form. Latest changes 2011-08-13. 2010-12-31. 2010-12-31. 2010-11-22. Who we are and what we do Yes, this is the Internet Acronym Server you know and love; we've just changed location and changed appearance. Bookmark the new address now: acronyms.silmaril.ie/ We've been collecting acronyms from all over the Internet for the best part of two decades, and we just reset the counter back to approximately the right number, taken from the logs to 2006 (so we're missing a few million hits but we don't know how many).