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History of the world

History of the world
World population[1] from 10,000 BCE to 2,000 CE. The vertical (population) scale is logarithmic. The history of the world is the history of humanity, beginning with the Paleolithic Era. Distinct from the history of the Earth (which includes early geologic history and prehuman biological eras), world history comprises the study of archaeological and written records, from ancient times on. Ancient recorded history begins with the invention of writing.[2][3] However, the roots of civilization reach back to the period before the invention of writing. Outside the Old World, including ancient China[27] and ancient India, historical timelines unfolded differently. Prehistory[edit] Early humans[edit] Modern humans spread rapidly from Africa into the frost-free zones of Europe and Asia around 60,000 years ago.[32] The rapid expansion of humankind to North America and Oceania took place at the climax of the most recent Ice Age, when temperate regions of today were extremely inhospitable.

MacroHistory : World History Scurvy Was Common in Columbus’s Colony Scurvy Was Common in Columbus’s Colony Wednesday, April 16, 2014 (Alfredo Coppa and Fernando Luna Calderón) SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC—Scurvy, a disease caused by a severe vitamin C deficiency, may have contributed to the decline of La Isabela, the colony established by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. “There were lots of diseases, fevers, epidemics, we know from their writing. It seems no one was spared. Ancient Digger Archaeology Historic Building | Downtown Gladstone Oregon Vogie’s Bar is in one of the oldest buildings on the block! Check out these historic pictures from around 1910. This used to be the site of City Council meetings. Portland Avenue looking north from Clarendon 1910 Portland Ave south of Dartmouth 1910 Like this: Like Loading...

Background Essay - Native Americans: Interactions at the Time of Settlement Cultural Contact in Early Americaby David Hurst Thomas Introduction and Early ContactEuropean explorers typically viewed Native Americans and Inuit (formerly called “Eskimo”) peoples as uncivilized savages who could be ignored, treated as curiosities, or manipulated to meet the goals of businessmen, clerics, scientists, or politicians. Civil interaction with native peoples was pursued only when it was critical to the success of European ventures such as procuring gold, silver, fur, and land. These exploitative or antagonistic relationships with native groups arose from ethnocentric attitudes which to some degree still persist in both public and private arenas. The BritishSubsequent European colonization pursued rather different settlement strategies. Despite this mercantile imperative, British settlers often cited evangelization of native inhabitants as their primary motivation for exploring and colonizing North America.

Chelsea Handler Makes Peace With Her Grandfather’s Nazi Past …and Finds a Closer Connection to Her Heritage. Born to a Jewish father and German mother, comedienne Chelsea Handler has always embraced her Jewish side. But she also has fond memories of her maternal grandfather, Karl Stöker, “a strong and loving man.” Although he never talked about his experiences, she knows Karl served in the German army in WWII — Chelsea and her siblings even joked that he had been a Nazi. But she’s afraid it might actually be true. Now is her chance to find out: What kind of allegiance did her grandfather have to the Nazi party? Her brother’s prior family research has yielded three fascinating documents to get her started: Karl’s birth certificate, a 1966 memoir written by their grandmother and a small green booklet with “Leistungsbuch” and a swastika on the cover that belonged to Karl. Chelsea heads to Karl’s birthplace, Bochum, Germany, and discovers the translated memoir offers a remarkable window into her grandparents’ lives. Previous Who Do You Think You Are?

Sima de los Huesos Produces Another DNA Gem Although your family tree on doesn’t go back hundreds of thousands of years, the family tree that links us to our ancient human ancestors does. Scientists recently sequenced the DNA from a bone of a long-lost relative of ours — a human species who lived (and died) 400,000 years ago in a cave in Spain. This marks the oldest human ever sequenced. Like many studies in science, this ones posits more questions than answers. So while you’re working hard building your own family tree, scientists too are puzzling over what this finding means for the family tree of the human species. Photo Credit:, Matthias Meyer et. al. About Julie Granka Julie has been a population geneticist at AncestryDNA since May 2013. Do Irish Own Record for World’s Longest Good-bye? Posted by on March 14, 2013 in Uncategorized When George Howard (Lord Viscount Morpeth) left his post as Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1841, he was presented with a remarkable parting gift: a roll of paper 450 yards long, signed by more than 150,000 well-wishers from all over the country. His unique bon voyage card was created by collecting 652 separate pages of signatures, splicing them together, and winding the whole thing around a giant wooden spool. The result is 2.5 times longer than the Washington Monument is tall, or almost as long as 4 football fields—including the end zones. Lord Morpeth supported a number of reform measures as Chief Secretary—including the Irish Tithe Bill, the Municipal Corporations Act for Ireland, and the Irish Poor Law Act—and the gift represented a rare tribute to an English administrator who was held in high regard. The preamble closes by telling Lord Morpeth: Discover your family story.
