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RADIO METAL King Crimson foobar2000 Home | Geral Would life be an emergent property, resulting from the interactions among several components of a dynamical system composed by molecules? How is it possible that these non-alive molecules regulate each other collectively, reacting to the most diverse stimulus from their surrounding world, with all features we deem as life ? These are the questions that motivate our scientific research at LaBiSisMi (acronym for Microbial Systems Biology Lab, in Portuguese). Microorganisms are adequate models to study this transition, between the alive and non-living. Microorganism are small, often unicellular, and experimentally friendly. LaBiSisMi takes as mission to contribute to the study of such microorganisms, considered as a integrated dynamical system, seeking for multi-scale quantitative models to understand their behavior, guided by experimental molecular biology. undefined

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