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MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, wisdom, inspiration

MYSTICMAMMA.COM : consciousness, spirituality, wisdom, inspiration

108 – The Significance of Number 108, Sacred Number 108 You may have noticed the number 108 a few times, maybe you have heard about repeating Sun Salutations 108 times or about prayer beads that consist of 108 beads. You may have wondered what the significance of 108 was. 108 can be found in mathematics, astronomy, in scriptures and beyond. Some consider 108 a sacred number, some say there isn’t enough proof to determine the significance of 108. Yoga In Kriya Yoga, the maximum number of repetitions allowed to be practiced in one sitting is 108. 108 Sun Salutations in yoga practice is often used to honor change e.g. change of seasons, or at a time of tragedy to bring peace, respect and understanding. Mala On Mala, mantra counting beads, you will find 108 beads or some fraction of 108. Sanskrit Sanskrit alphabet has 54 letters, each has masculine and feminine form called shiva and shakti respectively. 54 times 2 = 108. Pranayama: It is said that if one can be so calm in meditation to have only 108 breaths a day that enlightenment will come.

Healthy Lifestyle Advice, News and Community - HuffPost Healthy Living CITATIONS : Thich Nhat Hanh En me réveillant, ce matin, je souris. Vingt-quatre heures toutes neuves se tiennent devant moi. Vivre en pleine conscience, ralentir son pas et goûter chaque seconde et chaque respiration, cela suffit. Méditer c’est regarder profondément dans le cœur des chose. Si vous ne pouvez pas être compatissant envers vous-même, vous ne pourrez pas l'être envers les autres. La vie n’est pas un endroit particulier ou une destination – la vie est un chemin. Notre joie ne peut survivre sans nourriture, notre tristesse non plus, notre désespoir non plus, rien ne peut survivre sans nourriture. Que j'apprenne à me nourrir de Joie chaque jour. Les notions que nous avons du bonheur sont un piège. Lorsque les flammes de la colère s'embrasent, nous avons tendance à nous prendre à ceux qui ont arrosé nos graines de colère. Si vous ne pouvez pas accepter les autres, c'est parce que vous ne vous acceptez pas vous-même. Le véritable amour apporte toujours de la joie, à soi-même et à la personne aimée.

30 Albert Einstein Quotes That Will Blow Your Mind Wide Open Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and among the most profound thinkers of the 20th century. He engineered the theory of general relativity and special relativity, and after winning the Nobel prize in 1921, Einstein was clearly solidified as one of the most influential people ever. He isn’t known only for his great mind or scientific accomplishments, but the man was also wise beyond his years, even in older age, and was insightful, philosophical, and witty at the same time. He was remarkably well rounded and his brilliance has left its mark. These are some of our favorite quotes of his that demonstrate that brilliance quite well. Enjoy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Thich Nhat Hanh: The 4 Aspects of True Love Republished from By Thich Nhat Hanh HAPPINESS IS ONLY POSSIBLE WITH TRUE LOVE. True love has the power to heal and transform the situation around us and bring a deep meaning to our lives. There are people who understand the nature of true love and how to generate and nurture it. The teachings on love given by the Buddha are clear, scientific, and applicable. During the lifetime of the Buddha, those of the Brahmanic faith prayed that after death they would go to Heaven to dwell eternally with Brahma, the universal God. The Buddha respected people’s desire to practice their own faith, so he answered the Brahman’s question in a way that encouraged him to do so. According to Nagarjuna, the second-century Buddhist philosopher: Practicing the Immeasurable Mind of Love extinguishes anger in the hearts of living beings. The first aspect of true love is maitri, the intention and capacity to offer joy and happiness. Without understanding, your love is not true love.

Spiritueller Aktivismus By Christoph on 26. Oktober 2012 Bedingungslos akzeptieren Wir kommen alle manchmal in die Lage, dass wir einer anderen Person gegenüber Widerstand empfinden und sie ablehnen. The Beauty of Nothing: Reflections on Impermanence “Everything flows and nothing abides, everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.” ~Heraclitus I’m reclining on a pebble beach, my bag tucked under my head, a can of Fanta to the right of me, above me, the sky and before me, the sea. It’s a few miles out. I came here alone. The sun is scorching everything today, partner-in-crime with the wind. I roll my spine into the pebbles and wonder what oysters taste like; I don’t eat animals, fish, crustaceans, or insects. A couple strolls down the concrete slipway on my left, stopping before the slippery green of the sea’s memory becomes a hazard. You see, her partner has a video camera, one of those expensive HD ones. The people, the beaches, the bustle, the oyster shells; all are turned into a copy and later that copy will become a copy too. I look at the woman through the secrecy of my sunglasses. Her partner continues to look at the world on the screen until her hints of moving on filter through the peripherals of the camera.
