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ClipYourPhotos - Do funky things with your digital photos

ClipYourPhotos - Do funky things with your digital photos

Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing Quick Picture Tools - Free Online Image Editors DrawIsland Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles 5 Awesome Things You Can Do With an IPad and an LCD Projector Photoscape - הורדה - Online Image Editor For Cartoon Style Speech Bubbles Quick Picture Tools Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces 15 Favorite iPad Apps As Selected By Teachers Out of 125 responses from teachers indicating their top 3 apps, these are the apps that were listed most often. Over the last few weeks, we ran a survey asking teachers to tell us about two or three of their favorite iPad apps that they use in an education-related context. Today we share the apps that were listed most often, and include some feedback from teachers regarding why they like them so much. As it turns out, free apps really outweighed paid apps in our survey responses. Here I list eleven free apps that rose to the top of the list when ranked by numbers of votes, followed by four paid apps that performed as well as the lower ranking free apps. Evernote and Dropbox easily rose to the no. 1 & 2 spots in the ranked list, with about 1 out of 3 respondents recommending at least one of these two popular applications. First, we list the Favorite FREE iPads Apps that teachers indicated they use in their roles are educators: 1. - “It makes my life simpler! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11.

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