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Affichage environnemental - Cool Shoe Corporation Cool Shoe participe à l’expérimentation environnementale Depuis le 1er juillet 2011, Cool Shoe participe au dispositif d’information environnementale initiée par le Grenelle Environnement sur son produit phare : la tong ORIGINAL. Ce dispositif s’inscrit dans le cadre de sa politique de diminution son empreinte environnementale (projet Ecoological) ainsi dans celui de l’expérimentation nationale d’information environnementale menée par le Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement, à laquelle les industriels et les distributeurs ont été invités à participer volontairement. La mise en place de l’affichage environnemental s’est fait dans le cadre de l’action collective « affichage environnemental » portée par EUROSIMA CLUSTER et animée par la CCI des Landes. Pourquoi une telle démarche ? A chaque étape du cycle de vie du produit, des efforts supplémentaires vont être engagés pour améliorer notre empreinte. 1- Emissions de gaz à effet de serre Unité : kgPO43-

Clean Clothes Campaign BLIHR Legacy Page Limestone: Rock Uses, Formation, Composition, Pictures What is Limestone? Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the form of the mineral calcite. It most commonly forms in clear, warm, shallow marine waters. It is usually an organic sedimentary rock that forms from the accumulation of shell, coral, algal and fecal debris. Limestone-Forming Environment - Marine Most limestones form in shallow, calm, warm marine waters. Some limestones can form by direct precipitation of calcium carbonate from marine or fresh water. Today Earth has many limestone-forming environments. One of these areas is the Bahamas Platform, located in the Atlantic Ocean about 100 miles southeast of southern Florida (see satellite image at right). Limestone-Forming Environment - Evaporative Limestone can also form through evaporation. The limestone that makes up these cave formations is known as "travertine" and is a chemical sedimentary rock. Composition of Limestone The "Acid Test" for Carbonate Minerals Varieties of Limestone

OxfamNovib - home Super Natural Materials | Entropy Resins Our goal is to create high performance eco resins that optimize the sustainability of our customers' end products while improving performance and cost. We've replaced petroleum based chemicals with biobased renewable feedstocks. We are able to lower our resins' environmental impact from processing by employing bioderived materials sourced as co-products or from the waste stream of other bio-refining processes. Reducing Carbon Footprint Through Green Chemistry It is widely accepted that climate change caused by global warming is the largest environmental threat humans have ever faced. Sustainability Through Shared Biobased Feedstocks We believe by replacing fossil based carbon usage with biobased "living carbon" that is either shared with or from the waste stream of other industrial processes; we can help to further reduce this deficit in GHG production from our resins. *Based on PlasticsEurope report by I.

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