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Gardnerian Book of Shadows Index

Sacred Texts Neopaganism Contents Start Reading This is the text of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. The Book of Shadows was attributed by Gardner to an ancient, clandestine witch cult, which he claimed to have been initiated into. The copyright status of this text can best be described as 'orphaned.'

Love Spells, Witchcraft, Witchcraft spells, Wiccan spells Chants, Blessings, Prayers and Charms A Spell to Cast Away Darkness Belisama Fire 2001 In the center of the darkest storm, Is a brilliant rainbow, bright and warm. Look past the darkness that you see, There's more than what you think might be. There now is freedom, so you can find, The path to stimulate your mind. So don't despair, let hope shine bright, The sun will rise, just past the night. A Spell for Healing May the light that shines from deep inside, Flow ever out, and never hide. May the shining light within my soul, Heal me now, and make me whole. May the light that shines so very bright, Help heal ________, on this night. May the shining light within my core, Bring peace and love, forever more. A Happy Positive Day Now close your eyes and visualize the day you want to have, image who is there, what you are wearing, the place, surroundings, the atmosphere, what the weather is like and other things that you would like to happen. Hold this image for as long as you can, then repeat the following 3 times: "God and Goddess hear my plea,

Claude Monet Oscar-Claude Monet (French: [klod mɔnɛ]; 14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926) was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting.[1][2] The term "Impressionism" is derived from the title of his painting Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris. Monet's ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons. From 1883 Monet lived in Giverny, where he purchased a house and property, and began a vast landscaping project which included lily ponds that would become the subjects of his best-known works. Monet and Impressionism Biography Paris

Make a Set of Ogham Staves - How to Make Ogham Staves Ogham staves are a popular method of divination among Pagans who follow a Celtic-focused path. Although there are no records of how staves might have been used in divination in ancient times, there are a number of ways that they can be interpreted. There are 20 original letters in the Ogham alphabet, and five more that were added later on. Each corresponds to a letter or sound, as well as a tree or wood. To make your own set of Ogham staves, start with sticks or twigs in even lengths.

Bougaivillea's Book of Shadows : Member's Books of Shadows White: A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color candle. Yellow: Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain another’s confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy. Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy. Orange: Creativity, ability to speak one's mind, ambition, career matters and the Law, self-confidence. Solar color and also stands for Leo. Pink: Promotes romance, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table. Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights, and fertility.

Salvador Dalí Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, connu comme Salvador Dalí, marquis de Dalí de Púbol, né à Figueras le 11 mai 1904 et mort dans la même ville le 23 janvier 1989, est un peintre, sculpteur, graveur, scénariste et écrivain catalan de nationalité espagnole. Il est considéré comme l'un des principaux représentants du surréalisme et comme l'un des plus célèbres peintres du XXe siècle. Influencé très jeune par l'impressionnisme, il quitta Figueras pour recevoir une éducation artistique académique à Madrid où il se lia d'amitié avec Federico García Lorca et Luis Buñuel et chercha son style entre différents mouvements artistiques. Sur les conseils de Joan Miró, il rejoignit Paris à l'issue de ses études et intégra le groupe des surréalistes où il rencontra sa femme Gala. Il trouva son propre style à partir de 1929, année où il devint surréaliste à part entière et inventa la méthode paranoïaque-critique. Biographie Enfance

Internet Book of Shadows Index This is a large (+9Mb) collection of articles related to Neo-Paganism which can be found archived at a number of FTP sites (for instance, here). This is a collection of posts to bulletin boards from the late eighties to the mid nineties, essentially predating the modern Internet. According to a recent communication, the original editor of this archive was Durwydd mac Tara at PODS net. We acknowledge Durwydd's hard work to preserve this archive. We have taken the liberty of removing about twenty-five articles which were too far 'off topic', posted elsewhere at this site, or had serious copyright issues. Practically all of the files below are copyrighted but redistributable for non-commercial purposes. NOTE: As most of these postings were archived many years ago, we have no way to contact the authors of any of these documents.

Casting a Circle The Purposes of a Circle A sacred circle has several purposes, the most significant of which is to define an area where formal ritual work can be performed. A circle is a place in which the rules and conditions are different to that of the everyday world. A circle is not a barrier, but a doorway to another world. To contain any magickal energy raised and to prevent its dissipation until it has been used up is another purpose of the circle. The sacred circle does not need to be physically represented (drawn or marked on the ground), it just needs to be visualized. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This completes the casting of your circle. How to Close a Circle Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. What is Thou looking for?
