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A new approach to China

A new approach to China
Like many other well-known organizations, we face cyber attacks of varying degrees on a regular basis. In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft of intellectual property from Google. However, it soon became clear that what at first appeared to be solely a security incident--albeit a significant one--was something quite different. First, this attack was not just on Google. Second, we have evidence to suggest that a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. Third, as part of this investigation but independent of the attack on Google, we have discovered that the accounts of dozens of U.S.-, China- and Europe-based Gmail users who are advocates of human rights in China appear to have been routinely accessed by third parties.

WikiLeaks : l'espionnage de Google par Pékin serait "100% politique" LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Yves Eudes En janvier 2010, Google annonce avoir été victime au cours des derniers mois d'une série d'opérations de cyber-espionnage. Des pirates informatiques ont réussi à pénétrer ses serveurs et à voler des données personnelles et des messages privés appartenant à des citoyens chinois, notamment des dissidents politiques. En représailles, Google annonce son intention de contourner le système de censure imposé par l'Etat sur son moteur de recherche basé en Chine, en redirigeant les internautes vers son site de Hongkong, non censuré. Le gouvernement chinois nie fermement ces accusations de piratage, et s'indigne de ce projet de contournement de la censure officielle, présenté comme une violation de la souveraineté nationale chinoise. Les rapports diplomatiques américains obtenus par WikiLeaks et consultés par Le Monde montrent que l'ambassade des Etats-Unis à Pékin s'est fortement mobilisée pour en savoir plus.

Google password system was target of Chinese hackers | Technology Google's internal system which lets people access its services via a single password was the target of the Chinese hacking attack last December that led the company to withdraw from the mainland, according to the New York Times. The system, known internally as "Gaia" – after the overarching planetary consciousness posited by James Lovelock – is behind the interface which lets not just users but also Google developers to log in and gain access to the company's resources. Millions of people use that interface to access documents and email from anywhere in the world using Google's "cloud" services. But if the hackers could gain uncontrolled access to Gaia, they might be able to change the emails to which password resets are sent (for instance when people forget their original one), and then trigger a password reset – effectively capturing the account. The hacking was a two-stage process. Google began making "significant" changes to its internal systems as soon as it discovered the attack.

10 Things I Think I Think About 2010 We all do this. With the year coming to a close we all think forward and prognosticate about what the future will hold. To call 2009 an amazing year for our industry would be an enormous understatement. We’re going to see even more progress in 2010. So with that, I want to share with you the 10 things I think I think about 2010: 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Apple pourrait tripler son chiffre d'affaires en Chine Selon Katy Huberty et Mathew Schneider, analystes pour Morgan Stanley, Apple pourrait tripler son chiffre d'affaires en Chine d'ici deux ans. Alors qu'il a contribué à hauteur de 2,9 milliards de dollars au chiffre d'affaires d'Apple pour l'année fiscale 2010, le marché chinois pourrait représenter 9 milliards de dollars en 2012 — et l'influence des consommateurs chinois augmenter tout autant. La Chine est d'ores et déjà le marché asiatique possédant la plus forte croissance pour Apple : alors que le chiffre d'affaires d'Apple a augmenté de 58 % en Europe et de 75 % au Japon entre 2009 et 2010, il a cru de 160 % dans la zone Asie-Pacifique dans le même temps, une croissance en très grande partie due à la Chine (lire : 10-K : Apple embauche et Steve Jobs voyage). Selon Morgan Stanley, les investisseurs « sous-estiment les perspectives de croissance d'Apple en Chine ». Selon Tim Cook, le directeur général d'Apple, les quatre Apple Store chinois sont les plus visités au monde.

Google Threatening To Leave China Over Hacking, Email Leak UPDATE 4:31 PM ET: Get latest updates on Google's China developments on our liveblog here. SAN FRANCISCO — Google Inc. will stop censoring its search results in China and may pull out of the country after discovering that computers hackers had tricked human rights activists into opening their e-mail accounts to outsiders. The change-of-heart announced Tuesday heralds a major shift for Google, which has repeatedly said it will obey Chinese laws that require some politically and socially sensitive issues to be blocked from search results that are available in other countries Google disclosed in a blog post that it had detected a "highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China." Google did not specifically accuse the Chinese government. An excerpt from Google's blog post about It's unclear how much of a blow to its business Google would suffer by pulling out of China. On the Net: Google post:

50 Cool Search Engines for Serious Readers | Online Colleges The Internet has proven itself as a valuable resource for all types of readers, from collectors of rare books to tech-minded readers who shop, network and download books online. But if you’re having trouble finding exactly what you need, whether it’s a book review, a book by a certain author, or a digitized anthology for your class at an online college for creative writing, you’ll want to use sophisticated tools that direct you to high-quality resources. Here are 50 cool search engines for serious readers and students. For even more great search engines, read our updated list. eBooks When you want to read books online, use these search engines to find free versions, PDF files and .doc formats. Books to Swap, Sell and Buy Use these search engines when you need to swap, sell or buy a book over the Internet. Rare Books Collectors of rare, signed, and out-of-print books can use these search engines to help them complete their libraries. Book Reviews and Community Libraries

Les USA insistent sur la balance commerciale avec la Chine WASHINGTON, 5 janvier (Reuters) - La Maison blanche, qui s'apprête à recevoir le président chinois Hu Jintao en visite à Washington, a insisté mardi auprès du ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères sur la nécessité de réduire le déséquilibre commercial entre les deux puissances. Le conseiller à la sécurité nationale, Tom Donilon, a "souligné l'importance d'efforts efficaces pour réduire les déséquilibres tant dans l'économie mondiale que dans le commerce sino-américain", rapporte la présidence américaine dans un communiqué rendant compte des entretiens avec Yang Jiechi. Barack Obama, qui s'est joint à la réunion avec le ministre chinois, a réaffirmé lui sa volonté d'améliorer la coopération globale avec Pékin. Ces discussions servaient de préparation à la venue en visite d'Etat du président chinois Hu Jintao à Washington le 19 janvier. Les Etats-Unis reprochent à Pékin de maintenir délibérément le yuan à un taux de change minoré afin de doper les exportations chinoises.

Google attack puts spotlight on China's red hackers Feeding Greed - a major pastime So this is Christmas! I haven't been on for a while and now, in the late evening of Christmas day, I have a strange feeling of forebodance which urges me to write. A feeling born, I'm certain, out of nothing in particular but more from something general and omni-present. 2009 has been a very tough year for many of us and the troubles are not over yet. Our world is in a seriously sick state despite the wonderful things being achieved by some world leaders for care in this time of ill health. Unfortunately, greed is not only ever-present but growing stronger every day as per its nature and, here in the west at any rate, we are fueling its needs like never before! I'm not going to bang on about the commercialism of Christmas and how its real meaning has been forgotten because that's a very prickly thorn and grasping it without adequate protection could be very painful indeed. Greed lives, greed grows, greed conquers all, greed rules! More, more, waste, waste, buy, buy, bye, bye.

Un chef de la propagande chinoise prend une douche de billets Wu Hao, le directeur adjoint du département de la propagande, s'attendait à une après-midi tranquille lorsqu'il est entré dans l'amphithéâtre de l'université de Renmin. Mais avant même qu'il ait pu ouvrir la bouche, une pluie de billets s'abattait sur lui. Wu Hao allait commencer son discours, le 22 avril, devant les étudiants en journalisme de l'université de Renmin (Yunan), quand un jeune homme de 25 ans, qui s'est présenté comme un internaute, s'est approché de lui pour lui jeter une liasse de billets de 50 cents à la figure, en scandant "Wu Hao, Wu Mao !" Wu Hao est dans le collimateur des internautes chinois depuis l'année dernière. Pour l'étudiant, ces billets étaient donc un "hommage" au fonctionnaire chinois.

Yahoo Drawn Into Google's Cyber War With China Yahoo (YHOO) was drawn into the growing international cyber-war between Google (GOOG) and the Chinese government Saturday after it declared its support of the U.S.-based search giant. Google threatened to pull out of China after it became the victim of a massive cyber attack that is believed to be masterminded by the Chinese government. Now several other U.S. companies are also believed to have been victims of a similar attack, including Yahoo.Yahoo said it is "aligned with Google" in its rebuke of Chinese censorship, and condemned "any attempts to infiltrate company networks to obtain user information." By supporting Google, Yahoo has drawn the ire of Alibaba (ALBCF), the Chinese internet company in which it owns a 40% minority stake. "Alibaba Group has communicated to Yahoo! Other U.S. On Tuesday, Google revealed it had been the victim of the massive attack targeting Chinese rights activists' Gmail accounts. Meanwhile, U.S. Yahoo's Rocky Road in China

Vintage Ad Browser China cracks down on VPN use | Technology Chinese internet users suspect that their government is interfering with the method they have been using to tunnel under the "Great Firewall" to prevent them connecting with the outside world. Sites such as search engine Google and news site MSN have become difficult to access, they say. And a number of universities and businesses have begun warning their users not to try to evade the firewall. Since 6 May, a number of users says that internet connections via China Telecom, the largest telephone company, and China Unicom have become "unstable", with intermittent access when trying to access sites in foreign countries using a "virtual private network" (VPN) – a preferred method of evading the blocks put up by China's censors to external sites. Even Apple's app store has been put off-limits by the new blocks, according to reports. But this month that appears to have changed.
