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15 houseplants to improve indoor air quality

15 houseplants to improve indoor air quality

The Grigori The Watchers The Lord spoke: "Have no fear, Enoch, good man and scribe of goodness. Come hear my voice. Go speak to the Watchers of Heaven, who have sent you to intercede for them. Tell them, You should intercede for men, and not men for you. (1 Enoch) In the early days after the Fall, before the demons had escaped from Hell and before the War had begun in earnest, the Seraphim Council debated long and long about how best to safeguard humanity. Seemingly in answer, God created the Grigori, the Eight Choir. The Grigori were truly the most "human" of angels. The Grigori were also the only angels who really felt comfortable on Earth, and who didn't mind staying there. It made them very, very effective at their jobs. The "Second Fall" In 11,600 B.C., it came to the attention of Heaven that the Grigori had become entirely too human; they had taken wives, started families, and some were even succumbing to debauchery, immersing themselves in corporeal pleasures. The Grigori Today Resonance David

Learn whether you can reuse potting soil : HGTVGardens Q: Can I reuse old potting soil? When I started out as a container gardener I could not find literature that addressed this issue, the implication being that one would start out fresh each spring. This is fine when we’re talking about a pair of containers flanking the front door, but when containers ARE your garden, and the soil has to be carried up three flights of stairs without an elevator… I threw caution to the wind that second year and have never looked back. Potted soil is not technically soil at all. In the springtime, just before planting: Replenish depleted potted soil with organic matter such as compost or manure. Garden authority Gayla Trail is the creator of

City of Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs & Trees City of Colorado Springs / Forestry / Colorado Springs & Trees Colorado Springs & Its Trees This tree species information was developed to better help citizens of Colorado Springs select the right tree for planting along streets and in yards. Click here for suitable or unsuitable trees to go to the charts. Before selecting a tree, look at the location where it will be planted. Next, look at the site characteristics. Ask all these questions and more, then select the right tree! History of Trees in Colorado Springs Colorado Springs has a rich heritage of tree planting, beginning with General William Jackson Palmer's extensive street tree planting in the late 1800's. General Palmer planted one tree of every species known to Colorado in Monument Valley Park, his last gift to the city. Colorado Springs was one of the first cities west of the Mississippi River to have a City Forester. "TREES FOR COLORADO SPRINGS" Species Canopy density is an indication of how much shade a tree will provide. Top

Flashcards: The world's largest online library of printable flash cards Electrical Sensitivity – Research, Diagnosis and Treatment Electrical sensitivity (ES), Electromagnetic sensitivity, EMF sensitivity, Electrosensitivity, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), Intolerance to electromagnetic fields, Electrical Hypersensitivity, microwave sickness, radiation sickness, radio wave sickness…..there are many different terms used to describe this condition. In this article I will use the term electrical sensitivity. Professor Olle Johansson of Sweden, one of the leading scientists working in this area, defines electrical sensitivity as a functional impairment: Electrical sensitivity means different things to many different people. “EHS is characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms, which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to EMF.” The phrasing “which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to EMF” also attests to the controversy surrounding this subject. Research into the health effects of EMF exposure began in earnest in the late 1960s and continues to this day. How do I know this? Sensitization

How to grow a lemon tree from seed | Growing Wild When life gives you lemons, grow trees! If you’ve ever seen a flowering lemon tree, you’ll understand why. For those of you who haven’t, allow me explain. Their lush, dark green, oval leaves have a glossy texture that shimmers in sunlight. Their delicate white flowers bloom with a citrus fragrance and are soft to the touch. Typically, lemon trees flourish outdoors year-round in hot, sunny regions, but they can also thrive indoors as edible houseplants in cold-season climates. This is the little tree with big fruit in the shop I work at. And while rooting cuttings is a sensible option for fast fruit, lemon tree cuttings are not readily available in many parts of the world. Here is a step-by-step guide to growing your very own lemon tree from seed: Things you’ll need: 1. This is a Meyer lemon! 2. 3. 4. Method for sprouting the lemon seed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Here are my little guys one month after planting. At a little less than two months old, this little guy is upgrading to a larger home. 8.

DIY: Sharpie Tie Dye This is a great project for kids, or adults. I first saw the idea on the blog found here. All you need are some Sharpies, rubbing alcohol and something to drip it from (I had a syringe), and a t-shirt, or other clothing. I put a piece of cardboard in my tank top to prevent bleeding. Step 1: Use the Sharpies to make marks on your t-shirt. Step 2: Drip some drops of rubbing alcohol. Watch your design expand Step 3: Dry your t-shirt completely before washing. After I washed it the colors faded, but I still like the look: TIP: After drying the shirt with a hair dryer, allow it to set for 24 hours before washing.

‘Earthing’ – important discovery or mumbo-jumbo? ‘Earthing’ or ‘grounding’ has been getting a lot of attention of late in certain communities, so about a week ago I decided to take a look. Here, in summary is what I’ve learned. What is ‘earthing’? Earthing is the practice of connecting the body with earth by touching skin to a conductive material such as grass (preferably wet), wet sand, a river, lake or sea. Why would you want to do that? When the body loses contact with the earth it can carry a positive voltage relative to the Earth. Is there any ‘science’ to it? Actually, yes. During the normal processes of metabolism the body generates what are called ‘reactive oxygen species’ which are commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’. Free radicals are involved in the process known as inflammation, which is part of the healing process. Free radicals lack sparks of energy known as ‘electrons’. Carrying a positive charge may well affect the body in lots of different ways, which means that earthing may offer a range of wellbeing benefits. 1.

Organic Gardening – How to Start an Organic Garden All gardens benefit from compost -- and preferably you can make your own on site. Hey, it's free! Compost feeds plants, helps conserve water, cuts down on weeds, and keeps food and yard waste out of landfills (where it produces methane), instead turning garbage into "black gold." Spread compost around plants, mix with potting soil, use to bolster struggling plants…it's hard to use too much! According to Country Living, the best compost forms from the right ratio of nitrogen- and carbon-rich organic waste, mixed with soil, water and air. It might sound like complicated chemistry, but don't worry too much if you don't have time to make perfect compost. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chemtrail or Contrail: 50 Shades of Spray Image by David Dees at It is a documented fact that technologies exist to modify the weather, and or disperse chemicals onto unknowing populations. They are called Environmental Modification Techniques or ENMOD technologies. In 1977 the UN acknowledged these technologies at the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques. The United States, at the height of the Vietnam war, engaged in Operation Popeye using a method called ‘cloud seeding’ to weaponize the weather. The United States military and others from around the world take this topic very seriously. Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen in 1997 stated, “weather weapons,” which can set off earthquakes, hurricanes, and more through electro-magnetic waves already exist, and are a threat to national security. President Obama’s science czar, John P. “And by the way, it’s not really a moral hazard it’s more like free riding on our grandkids.”

Questions On Spider Plants Q: I've had three spider plants for about a week. After about three days, I saw that the leaves had droplets of water. Can you please tell me what this is? A: These are droplets of guttation being exuded from the leaf pores because of root pressure. Q: I watered my spider plants with vinegar instead of distilled water by accident. A: Give them two to three good waterings in a row to leach the vinegar out of the root zone. Q: I have a spider plant that I received as a gift. Since then my plant has not been doing as well. A: Your "Charlotte" has lived a pretty full four months! Q: I noticed that two of my spider plants, which are across the room from each other, have holes in the leaves. A: You didn't say if you have cats. Q: I have a question about spider plants. A: Leave it as is, but water it once a week or so. Q: I found your Web page about spider plants. A: I doubt that what you are seeing is mold. Q: We've had a spider plant for more than a year. A: What you need is patience.
