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9 Technology Tools To Engage Students In The Classroom - 10 Technology Tools To Engage Students In The Classroom contributed by Sara McGuire, Technology distracts students, right? Keeps them from focusing? Bud the Teacher – Inquiry & Reflection for Better Learning Yesterday, I had the opportunity to sit in on a conversation with some smart folks in the maker education community1. We were continuing a conversation we started on Twitter a month or so back. You can watch a recording of yesterday’s piece of the conversation here. You should listen/watch the conversation. I learned a lot […]

Educational Technology Guy EdTech Blog 6 Tips for Connecting Students with an Audience for their Work Are you in need of an audience for students? Imagine your students have spent a couple of days, or a couple weeks creating a video about any topic. How to Use Education Technology - The Ultimate Guide In his popular book, Ditch That Textbook, Matt Miller argues that the textbook is a relic from the days when teachers were the keepers of knowledge to be delivered to students in healthy doses of lectures and notes. The fact of the matter is that in today’s digital world, educators are no longer the gatekeepers of information, and students know it. Instead, the role of the educator should be to guide students as they navigate the wealth of information available at their fingertips.

12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom, Even for Technophobic Teachers Everyone wants teachers to use technology in the classroom. But you're busy -- meeting standards, prepping students for tests -- and maybe you’re not too fond of computers, anyway. Never fear – there are easy ways to bring your classroom up-to-date, technologically. Do you have a iPad in your classroom for your use? How about iPads for students to use? Could you get a classroom iPad? judyoconnell Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom Timeline Home › Classroom Resources › Mobile Apps Mobile App Create a graphical representation of an event or process by displaying items sequentially along a line. Timelines can be organized by time of day, date, or event, and the tool allows users to create a label with short or long descriptive text. The ability to add an image encourages students to create a visually appealing project.

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator Darned Sock Productions Winner: Best App for Children “A brilliant combination of experiential digital design and traditional storytelling.”2015 Digital Book Awards Discover the mystery of the barbershop. Roland Bartholomew Dexter the Third’s whole life has been about routine and rules. Every day he wakes up, studies the books in his family’s library, sweeps the floor of his family’s barber shop, and goes to sleep. The barber shop has only one customer–a creepy old relative named Mr. Puddlewick—so his family is very poor. Engage young minds with creativity Pixie is exciting creativity software students can use to share ideas, imagination, and understanding through a combination of text, original artwork, voice narration, and images. Creating with technology appeals to diverse learners, and encourages thinking, creativity, and communication skills. Project work with Pixie engages students in the curriculum and helps you meet the goals of your curriculum.

6 Excellent Lego Apps to Enhance Kids Thinking Skills August 20, 2015 The educational potential of Lego has exponentially grown over the last few years raising the Lego status to the top ranks in educational gaming industry. In a previous post we shared here last year, we talked about about 7 important skills kids develop from engaging with Lego games. Here is a quick overview of these skills: Lego provides tools that develop lateral thinking in a fun environmentIt teaches kids to think in three dimensionsIt improves literacy as kids work with instructionsIt develops problem-solving, organization, and planning by constructionIt improves creativityIt enhances communication and critical thinkingIt boosts kids motor development. In today’s post we are sharing with you some great apps that kids can use to play Lego games on the go.
