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Cindermedusae My experiments for – a generative book. All these creatures were generated by an algorithm controlled by number of parameters that can be randomized and animated. The look was inspired by amazing works of Ernst Haeckel. Background Recently I was working on a project about underwater life. Short algorithm description: The base for the whole creature is the head made out of deformed sphere. To output images at hi-res print quality I decided to use OpenGL and new library called Cinder . Some more pictures: New version animated on the GPU: One of animated sketches: Process screenshots on Flickr . Experimenting with projections and materials . Various exhibitions . Marcin Ignac : Generative art and data visualization

Timeline.js Timeline.js is a compact JavaScript animation library with a GUI timeline for fast editing. Again? Why? As with ActionScript3 there exist many animation libraries for JavaScript. Some of them are too specific, some are too structured and others are too simple. simple apiworks easily both for short animations fired by e.g. mouse events and for long sequences Additionally there is the same problem with procedural animation coming over and over again: tweaking by hand (edit -> save -> refresh)hardcoded values And, Yes. Wouldn't it be easier to use graphical timeline like in Flash or After Effects? Meet Timeline.js Let's say we have a rect object with x and y properties and we want to animate x to 50 over 1s. Thant's it. If we want to edit this animation using graphical timeline just add the timeline-gui.js file This time I had to add "rect" string as a first parameter that will be used as an animation track name and is required for code export. Now we can: What Timeline.js doesn't do Notes Example

Generative art and data visualization The french touch of Network Sciences of nodes and edges | home page Portfolio de Raphaël Velt The Brewster Kaleidoscope Society - Kaleidoscope Writings Miriam tensely clasps in her hands the blue token and trinket --- this is a scene in the movie "Bee season." When you see this scene, you will instinctively know that it is an important motif. In this film, kaleidoscopes play an important role. The 'fragments' in Miriam's hands are the objects to be put inside the end of kaleidoscope, and they are the symbols of memories and recollections of daily experiences ; some are in turmoil, or with regrets or sorrows, others are with hopes, joys, or blessings. Those pieces of memory seem to be scattered in disarray, causing chaos. Richard Gere plays Saul, Miriam's husband and father of two children in the film. When Miriam comes across a holy child, she instinctively gives a kaleidoscope to him. From confusion to order, harmony ; from chaos to kaleidoscopes. {*style:<i>by Richard Wilbur Poet laureate of the U.S. in 1987 From: Atlantic Monthly, November 2002 </i>*} Hear the author read this poem (in RealAudio ) In this tube you see And abruptly make

The 5 most-useful social media tools this week The latest social media scoring system, a personalized search engine, a clever online newsroom, and more. It’s Platform 5, a weekly collection of the social media tools you need to explore. Now, let’s get down to business. 1. A new key performance indicator (KPI) for social media performance from Sociagility. 2. We will be announcing our selections for the top 50 new social media tools of 2011 in the next few weeks. Commercial Open Source Software Le Guide de la curation (2) - Les pratiques 01net le 15/03/11 à 15h44 Pour mieux définir la curation et en tirer les bénéfices, décrivons les différentes tâches qui constituent cette activité. Les tâches [D’après MasterNewmedia] Cette liste est relativement exhaustive et toutes ces tâches ne sont pas obligatoires pour faire de la curation. Si l’on considère le strict minimum, sélectionner et partager, peut-on encore appeler cela de la curation ? La curation introduit une étape essentielle : SélectionnerEditorialiserPartager L’éditorialisation du contenu est une phase clé, c’est elle qui va faire la différence entre une simple republication et une curation. Le positionnement L’arrivée du concept de curation a généré, dans les communautés des veilleurs et des documentalistes, des réactions très réservées : doutes, rejets, sarcasmes. Qu'est-ce qui différencie le curator des autres métiers ? Différences entre veilleur et curator Différences entre knowledge management et curation Différences entre journaliste et curator
