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Why design cannot remain exclusive

Why design cannot remain exclusive
Related:  FABLABS, HACKING, libres

The Strength of Social Media's Weak Ties In my meanderings yesterday, I happened across this interesting post on Noah Brier’s blog. Here he mentioned "the strength of weak ties" in relation to social media (and a link to a PDF). I was fascinated immediately by the title and wanted to learn more. Interestingly enough, this must be a promiscuous idea, as I had already written a draft on this exact topic some weeks ago but didn’t realise it until I did a picture search for "granovetter diagrams". This article by Mark S Granovetter dates back to 1973 and was published by the American Journal of Sociology (vol 78, issue 6). There is a lot of detail in the article, so I just want to look at a couple of key points. First adopters and early adopters The article points out the difference between FIRST adopters and EARLY adopters. Weak ties drive actionOne of the surprising results of the analysis is the connection between weak ties and action. More reading and ideas

Ben Pawle: Design and invention Il principio antropico - Finalmente la casa editrice Adelphi, che già in passato si è dimostrata particolarmente sensibile ai temi proposti dal cosmologo Barrow (è possibile trovare nel catlogo Adelphi altri suoi titoli dal "sapore" più o meno antropico come , e ), affronta l'impresa che di sicuro ha un forte valore storico. Infatti la sua pubblicazione costituisce uno degli ultimi, ma forse ancora possibili, casi di culturale che, in quanto tale, guida l'ardito lettore attraverso tutti gli aspetti più importanti del nostro sapere rivisitati alla luce di questo principio. Un'operazione senz'altro onesta in quanto, se di paradigma si tratta, deve comunque risultare applicabile all'astrofisica, alla biologia, alla meccanica quantistica, per citare solo alcuni degli ambiti con i quali si sono misurati gli autori fra le pagine del libro, nel tentativo di mostrare la consistenza di una visione del mondo che tenta di restituire all'uomo una posizione centrale nel progetto cosmico. Il giornale di Astronomia

ARTICLE : the secret world of hackers -En Hackerspaces are the digital-age equivalent of English Enlightenment coffee houses. They are places open to all, indifferent to social status, and where ideas and knowledge hold primary value. In 17th-century England, the social equality and merit-ocracy of coffee houses was so deeply troubling to those in power that King Charles II tried to suppress them for being "places where the disaffected met, and spread scandalous reports concerning the conduct of His Majesty and his Ministers". It was in the coffee houses that information previously held in secret and by elites was shared with an emerging middle class. As part of the research for my book, The Revolution Will Be Digitised, I travelled to Berlin to meet the group of hackers known as the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). In Berlin, just after Christmas last year, more than 2,000 hackers and information activists gathered at the CCC's annual conference to discuss technology and the future. The group makes decisions based on consensus.

Learn From Unconventional Entrepreneurs: Help Others And Do What You Love Some of us enjoy taking our cues from a boss in an office. Others like Chris Guillebeau, author of The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future, published on May 8th, favor a different approach. The 34-year-old high school drop out--he did manage to squeeze out a master’s in International Studies--just wasn’t a great employee. “I wanted to keep my own schedule and set my own rules,” says Guillebeau. The $100 Startup features “unexpected entrepreneurs,” like Selena Cuffe whose Heritage Link Brands helps support black-owned vineyards in South Africa and Mr. Co.Exist: Why is now the time to create a microbusiness? Guillebeau: People have been creating microbusinesses for a long time. Your book features all these “ordinary” individuals who got started accidentally--often without a formal business plan. When I say ordinary people, I’m really referring to non-traditional business people. You favor action over planning.

HackerspaceWiki John David Barrow Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. John David Barrow (Londra, 29 novembre 1952) è un cosmologo inglese, professore di matematica all'Università di Cambridge. Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Nel 2006 è stato insignito del Premio Templeton per "i suoi scritti sulla relazione tra la vita e l'universo, e sulla natura della consapevolezza umana [che] ha prodotto nuove prospettive sulle questioni centrali riguardo alla scienza e alla religione". Per il teatro ha scritto lo spettacolo Infinities (2002) che ha esordito al Teatro Piccolo di Milano, poi a Valencia, conseguendo il Premio teatrale Ubu 2002 come spettacolo dell'anno. Opere principali[modifica | modifica sorgente] La mano sinistra della creazione (con Joseph Silk) - Mondadori, 1985Il mondo dentro il mondo - Adelphi, 1991Teorie del Tutto. Voci correlate[modifica | modifica sorgente] Altri progetti[modifica | modifica sorgente] Collegamenti esterni[modifica | modifica sorgente] (EN) Pagina personale di John D.

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