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When Google comes into it! « A Piece of American Pie On peut apprendre beaucoup en analysant les mots-clés que les gens tapent dans la barre de recherche Google. C’est ce qu’à démontrer Google Insights for Search et Indu Chandrasekhar, journaliste au Telegraph. On remarque, par exemple, que Ron Paul est le candidat le plus populaire sur internet ou encore que beaucoup d’internautes cherchent à savoir si Newt Gingrich est raciste. Mais, question légitime qu’on peut aussi se poser: est-ce que les données de recherche et la e-réputation des candidats à la primaire républicaine est capable d’influencer le résultat des urnes ? Dans une campagne où les gaffes et les attaques personnelles se sont accumulées, il n’est pas étonnant de constater qu’une majorité des internautes s’intéressent plus aux déclarations de l’ex-femme de Newt Gingrich - l’accusant de préférer le mariage libre – qu’au programme de ce dernier. Car, depuis quelques années, grâce au boom de l’internet, il semblerait que certaines bévues seront plus difficiles à oublier.

The 12 Best Ways To Customize Your Facebook Pages When a service such as Facebook limits users’ creative freedom, it is inevitable that other add-on services will overcome this limitation. This is why then, we see more and more Facebook tab apps that give us more control and freedom when it comes to customizing a fan page or a personal profile. I can’t really understand why Facebook doesn’t create an editor that lets users create a super fan page. I can only guess they don’t want to deal with it and prefer their uniform design, which may be boring but at least it is consistent and familiar. I’ve written about this subject over, and over, and over again here at TechCrunch. Please note that starting today, if you own a page on Facebook, you will need to customize the page under your tab to a width of 520 pixels. But I digress. Miproapps—The newest service around, Miproapps allows users to design a fan page by simply dragging & dropping elements to the center of the page. Cost: 1 free page/ad supported. Cost: Profile pages are free.

Early Results: The Open Graph and Music - Développeurs Facebook Over the past few years, developers have started to demonstrate that when music is discovered through friends, people listen to more music and a wider variety of artists. At f8, we introduced an evolution of Facebook Platform and launched a dozen partners that we’ve worked closely with to re-think music discovery with the Open Graph. Our hypothesis was that integrating with the Open Graph would accelerate music discovery and make it a more valuable part of the Facebook experience, while improving key metrics for our partners. Since f8, people have shared their listening activity more than 1.5 billion times with their friends using the music apps that have integrated the Open Graph. Developer Successes A few highlights from the weeks following f8: Spotify: Already one of the defining social music apps on the web, they expanded to the US this summer and added well over 4 million new users since f8. But the music experience doesn’t end with listening to a song or discovering a new artist.

[Live] Hacker la presse Tout au long du mercredi 11 janvier, sept équipes de datajournalistes, designers et développeurs se sont affrontées à l'occasion de la seconde édition de Hack The Press, événement dédié au journalisme de données coorganisé par OWNI et La Cantine de Paris. Résumé de cette journée dédiée aux nouvelles frontières du journalisme. Retrouvez le direct de la journée en fin d’article Après le succès de la première édition, où les participants furent aussi nombreux que les grains du couscous engloutis le midi, Hack The Press a remis le couvert ce mercredi 11 janvier à La Cantine, en association avec OWNI, Silicon Maniacs, le magazine de Silicon Sentier, association regroupant des entreprises IT innovantes, Regard Citoyens, collectif spécialisé dans l’ouverture des données politiques et l’école d’informatique Epitech. Nous aurions pu reprendre la formule initiale : une confrontation d’une journée entre équipes pluridisciplinaires journaliste-développeur-designer, définies à l’avance.

Build Beautiful Apps with ShortStack’s New Themes | Custom Facebook Pages We’ve added 25 new themes to our growing list of options that our users can take advantage of when building their custom apps. We wanted to provide some additional themes that not only add a variety of options but some cleaner looks, more professional themes for businesses, and specific templates that our designers could benefit from. You can find our new themes in the tab designer within ShortStack under Theme Selector in the live preview column. ShortStack adds new themes to design options If you’re interested in knowing which exact themes are new here’s the list of the 25 names to keep an eye out for: Baby Blue Beach Scene Block Out Business Dark Business Red Business Green Cappuccino Copper Tile Corporate Corporate Neutral Gargoyle Granola Grapeful Luxurious Margarita Night Rider Organic Serenity Slate Spotlight Spotlight Blue Terra Cotta Trendy red Tree Hugger Wasabi Check out the 25 new theme options within ShortStack for custom page tab apps Share Comments comments

Early Success Stories: Timeline Apps and Open Graph - Développeurs Facebook There should be an app for everyone on Facebook, and people are quickly starting to use the apps you build to experience all of the things they love – shopping, reading books, eating and traveling – with their friends. A few weeks ago, more than 60 new timeline apps went live. These apps - many in the lifestyle category - broadened what was available to people on Facebook beyond the music, news and video apps that were introduced at f8 in September. Music apps like Spotify, Songza and Deezer are seeing dramatic increases in sharing and music discovery. People have shared more than 5 billion songs through these apps, and their availability has increased from eight to 50 countries. We’re now seeing new content discovery and increases in traffic and engagement happening more broadly for companies of all sizes. Shopping and Fashion Entertainment Food These apps have a few things in common. For example, Pinterest makes it easy for people to pin and share items (Figure 1).

Les data en forme Cette semaine, dans la veille des journalistes de données d'OWNI, les budgets sont en quatre dimensions, les chiffres survolent les villes et le petit chaperon rouge se fait petit poucet des data. Commençons ce nouvel opus par un voyage au cœur du budget fédéral 2013 de l’administration Obama. La visualisation que nous proposent les équipes du New-York Times est un petit bijou. Certes, les données choisies se prêtent bien au jeu, elles sont intelligemment tamisées et du coup très lisibles. Mais le cadeau que nous font les data-joueurs du NYT est ailleurs : dans les modes d’explorations multiples de ces données. Ces budgets et leurs évolutions sont présentés sous quatre formes, soit quatre manières de s’y immerger et de les analyser. Restons dans les budgets mais changeons de jeu de données pour aller fouiller les chiffres des fonds attribués à l’Aide Publique au Développement (APD) par les divers pays donateurs. Data in the sky Trêve de chiffres, passons de l’autre côté des données.

Growth and Mobile Apps - Développeurs Facebook In February, we announced early data points about the traffic that Facebook was delivering to mobile apps and games. Over the past two month, the traffic we drive to mobile apps continues to rapidly grow: Facebook sent more than 160 million visitors last month to mobile apps (up from 60 million in late February). These mobile visitors were responsible for more than 1.1 billion visits to mobile apps in the same time frame (up from 320 million in late February).Seven of the top ten grossing iOS apps and six of the top ten grossing Android apps are integrated with Facebook. As mentioned in previous highlights, features like Single Sign On and Open Graph increase installs, usage, and re-engagement for mobile apps, regardless of whether they are built for iOS, Android or the mobile web. Here are a few examples of mobile apps finding success using Facebook to drive growth: BranchOut: Personalized professional profile Connect professionally with friends Viddy:

Vous n’habitez pas chez vous Vous pensiez habiter à Paris ? Et bien non, d'après ce que vous pensez de votre territoire, vous habitez dans l'Eure. Si les données étaient ouvertes, ce genre de méprise n'arriverait pas. La preuve avec ce quiz. Entrez votre code postal dans l’application ci-dessus et faites le test pour découvrir que vous n’habitez pas chez vous… S’interroger sur la perception de son territoire, se dire que, finalement, même en pleine mégapole on habite à la campagne, le tout pour promouvoir l’Open Data – l’ouverture des données, en français. Ce questionnaire interroge le citoyen sur sa connaissance des données publiques de son territoire : pense-t-il vivre dans une ville de personnes âgées ? Pour chacune des 16 questions, nous évaluons s’il a “raison”, si sa perception correspond à ce que les données publiques décrivent de son territoire. Notre but : démontrer la différence qui existe entre cette perception et la réalité. Les dessous des données publiques L’INSEE a donc été notre source principale.

App Center Best Practices - Développeurs Facebook Last week, we announced the App Center, a new channel to grow canvas, mobile, and web apps that integrate Facebook. We encourage all developers to submit their app detail page this week. Having an app detail page is required for being listed in the App Center, and it will also become the new destination when non-users search for your app. We are already reviewing app detail pages for apps that have high enough quality signals to be listed in the App Center. We are impressed with the quality and number of submissions to date. We published the App Center guidelines to help you understand what we expect of apps that are listed. 1.) All websites and mobile web apps need to immediately present authenticated users with a logged-in experience. One of the easiest ways to detect user status is to use the JavaScript SDK and the FB.getLoginStatus call on your landing pages. 2.) 3.) Icons and promotional banners cannot have a white background, rounded edges or borders. 4.) 5.)

The Data Liberation Front (via @jeanlucr ) Importante: i dati di Google che scarichi non vengono eliminati dai server di Google. Scopri come eliminare il tuo account o come eliminare le tue attività. Puoi esportare e scaricare i tuoi dati dai prodotti Google che utilizzi. Puoi esportare, ad esempio: Email Documenti Calendario Foto Video di YouTube Puoi creare un archivio per conservare i tuoi dati o utilizzarli in un altro servizio. Importante: se le azioni vengono considerate rischiose, potrebbero non essere disponibili o essere rimandate per proteggere il tuo account. Passaggio 1: seleziona i dati da includere nell'archivio da scaricare Visita la pagina Scarica i tuoi dati. Passaggio 2: personalizza il formato dell'archivio Metodo di recapito Invia tramite email il link per il download Ti invieremo un link via email per scaricare l'archivio dei tuoi dati di Google. Seleziona Invia tramite email il link per il download come "Metodo di recapito". Aggiungi a Drive Seleziona Aggiungi a Drive come "Metodo di recapito". Aggiungi a Dropbox Note

Early Success Stories: Video and Open Graph - Développeurs Facebook In less than three months, more than 3,000 timeline apps have launched that span categories such as news, food, travel, and fashion. Among these are video apps seeing increased growth and engagement by building with the Open Graph and making it easier for people to share and discover videos on Facebook and their mobile devices. Early results show that as video clips go viral, so do the video apps and websites integrated with Open Graph. VEVO: The music video platform recently relaunched its site and iPhone and Android apps with a deep Facebook integration to make the user experience even more social. Since the Open Graph update, VEVO has seen exponential growth. Published actions on Facebook increased 600% from February to March, referrals from Facebook to VEVO have increased 130% in the same time frame, and 60% of Facebook referral traffic now comes from Open Graph stories. Provide social context throughout: The social context should continue throughout the user's experience.

Nos vies gérées par les données (InternetActu) Nous prenons des décisions avec des informations partielles. Souvent, nous ne savons pas répondre aux questions les plus simples : où étais-je la semaine dernière ? Depuis combien de temps ai-je cette douleur au genou ? Combien d’argent dépensé-je habituellement chaque jour ?… Pour répondre à cela, certains documentent leurs existences pour obtenir des informations précises et concrètes sur leur quotidien, comme c’est le cas de Robin Barooah, un concepteur de logiciel de 38 ans, qui vit à Oakland, Californie. Image : les journées de Ben Lipkowitz. Je me mesure, donc je suis “Ces gens semblent avoir un comportement anormal. Pourtant, les nombres s’infiltrent dans le domaine de la vie personnelle. Image : cliché d’une réunion du Quantified Self. La montée des capteurs de soi Cette autodocumentation est un rêve d’ingénieur. Pour cela, il faut prendre en compte quatre changements importants. Image : Le Zeo et un exemple de mesure de sommeil obtenu depuis cet appareil. Hubert Guillaud

State Department shifts digital resources to social media - The Hill's Hillicon Valley With little fanfare, the State Department has abandoned — an ambitious digital project launched three years ago to promote Democracy abroad — and shifted its resources to social media projects. A message on the front page of informs visitors that, as of March 31, the site is not being updated and will be archived. A notice directs visitors seeking information on U.S. foreign policy to the U.S. embassy and consulate websites or to The manpower once devoted to the site, provided through the State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), is being redirected toward the department’s “social media assets,” which use Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. IIP Deputy Assistant Secretary Duncan MacInnes called it a shift to a “more proactive” Web engagement strategy. “The new paradigm, particularly for reaching youth, is you have to go to where people already are on the Web. “We’re teaching people to write shorter,” MacInnes said.
