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SOHO - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory

SOHO - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory

STEREO Yasuyuki Fukumuro, Practical Application of Space-Based Solar Power Generation TOP > Interviews > Yasuyuki Fukumuro, Practical Application of Space-Based Solar Power Generation Q. Could you explain the Space Solar Power Systems project. Laser beam-type SSPS The Space Solar Power Systems project is a space-based solar power plant that generates energy by collecting sunlight in geostationary orbit.

Griechenland: Geheimer Deal mit Goldman Sachs löste Euro-Krise aus Für die Investmentbanken sind die Politiker die besten Kunden: Sie brauchen immer Geld und verstehen nichts vom Geschäft. So werden am Vorabend des griechischen Schuldenschnitts neue Details bekannt, wie Goldman Sachs den Griechen half, die EU zu betrügen. Für Goldman war es ein extrem profitables Geschäft. Für die Euro-Zone war es das Initialereignis für die größte Krise ihrer Geschichte. AktuellNeue Griechen-Bonds entdeckt: Plötzlich wieder 30 Milliarden Euro Risiko 2012 March 12 - The Scale of the Universe Interactive Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12

The 1945 Proposal by Arthur C. Clarke for Geostationary Satellite Communications Sir Arthur C. Clarke's most famous prediction on the future is his proposal of geostationary satellite communications published in the Wireless World magazine in 1945. Not considered seriously at the time it became a reality within 20 years with the launching on 1965 April 6th of Intelsat I Early Bird the first commercial geostationary communication satellite. A satellite in an equatorial circular orbit at a distance of approximately 42,164 km from the center of the Earth, i.e., approximately 35,787 km (22,237 miles) above mean sea level has a period equal to the Earth's rotation on its axis (Sidereal Day=23h56m) and would remain geostationary over the same point on the Earth's equator.

Oldest organism with skeleton discovered in Australia A team of paleontologists has discovered the oldest animal with a skeleton. Called Coronacollina acula, the organism is between 560 million and 550 million years old, which places it in the Ediacaran period, before the explosion of life and diversification of organisms took place on Earth in the Cambrian. The finding provides insight into the evolution of life -- particularly, early life -- on the planet, why animals go extinct, and how organisms respond to environmental changes. The discovery also can help scientists recognize life elsewhere in the universe. The Ediacaran Period, named after the Ediacara Hills of South Australia, ranges 630-542 million years ago.

The Universe Magnified This is one of the most beautiful infographics we've ever seen: a high resolution view of different levels of the universe. Our favorite parts are the jaw-dropping nebulae and then the point where you see the size of Pluto compared to Texas. Puts things into perspective. Try it out in full-screen mode: Moon Fact Sheet Bulk parameters Moon Earth Ratio (Moon/Earth) Mass (1024 kg) 0.07342 5.9726 0.0123 Volume (1010 km3) 2.1958 108.321 0.0203 Equatorial radius (km) 1738.1 6378.1 0.2725 Polar radius (km) 1736.0 6356.8 0.2731 Volumetric mean radius (km) 1737.1 6371.0 0.2727 Ellipticity (Flattening) 0.0012 0.00335 0.36 Mean density (kg/m3) 3344 5514 0.606 Surface gravity (m/s2) 1.62 9.80 0.165 Surface acceleration (m/s2) 1.62 9.78 0.166 Escape velocity (km/s) 2.38 11.2 0.213 GM (x 106 km3/s2) 0.0049 0.3986 0.0123 Bond albedo 0.11 0.306 0.360 Visual geometric albedo 0.12 0.367 0.330 Visual magnitude V(1,0) +0.21 -3.86 - Solar irradiance (W/m2) 1367.6 1367.6 1.000 Black-body temperature (K) 270.7 254.3 1.064 Topographic range (km) 16 20 0.800 Moment of inertia (I/MR2) 0.394 0.3308 1.191 J2 (x 10-6) 202.7 1082.63 0.187 Orbital parameters (for orbit about the Earth)

Kolumbien: Europäischer Energieriese will Regenwald fluten An Herrn Juan Manuel Santos, Präsident der Republik Kolumbien Herrn, Juan Mayr Maldonado, Botschafter Kolumbiens in Berlin Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Santos, das von den Energiekonzernen Enel-Endesa geplante riesige Staudammprojekt von El Quimbo lehne ich ab. 82 Quadratkilometer Tropenwald, Weide- und Ackerflächen werden dadurch untergehen und der Fluss auf 55 Kilometern aufgestaut. Der Lebensraum von Tieren und Planzen wird großflächig vernichtet. Auch die dort lebenden Menschen verlieren ihre Heimat und müssen umgesiedelt werden. Bitte stoppen Sie die geplante Umleitung des Magdalena-Flusses und streichen Sie das gesamte Staudammprojekt.

How to Process Your Own Colour Images from Hubble Data The Hubble Space Telescope uses a number of different filters when taking images of objects. The best wideband filters for the production of colour images are F435W, F439W, F450W, F555W, F606W, F675W, F702W, F791W, and F814W. Narrowband filters used include F437N, F502N, F656N, F658N, and F673N. The numerical value designates the central passband of the filter measured in nanometres (F435W for example is a 435 nm wideband filter.) 1Locate the fourth image in the result for the search of NGC 604 above and you will find the file name "hst_05237_02_wfpc2_f814w_wf" below it. The second last item in the name (f814) is the filter used to take the image.

Mars Fact Sheet Bulk parameters Mars Earth Ratio (Mars/Earth) Mass (1024 kg) 0.64171 5.9724 0.107 Volume (1010 km3) 16.318 108.321 0.151 Equatorial radius (km) 3396.2 6378.1 0.532 Polar radius (km) 3376.2 6356.8 0.531 Volumetric mean radius (km) 3389.5 6371.0 0.532 Core radius (km) 1700 3485 0.488 Ellipticity (Flattening) 0.00589 0.00335 1.76 Mean density (kg/m3) 3933 5514 0.713 Surface gravity (m/s2) 3.71 9.80 0.379 Surface acceleration (m/s2) 3.69 9.78 0.377 Escape velocity (km/s) 5.03 11.19 0.450 GM (x 106 km3/s2) 0.042828 0.39860 0.107 Bond albedo 0.250 0.306 0.817 Visual geometric albedo 0.170 0.367 0.463 Visual magnitude V(1,0) -1.52 -3.86 - Solar irradiance (W/m2) 586.2 1361.0 0.431 Black-body temperature (K) 209.8 254.0 0.826 Topographic range (km) 30 20 1.500 Moment of inertia (I/MR2) 0.366 0.3308 1.106 J2 (x 10-6) 1960.45 1082.63 1.811 Number of natural satellites 2 1 Planetary ring system No No Orbital parameters Mars Observational Parameters Mars Mean Orbital Elements (J2000)

Nanopartikel verändern Eisenaufnahme im Darm - Gefährliche Zwerge Nanopartikel sind bis zu 100 Nanometer groß und haben unterschiedliche Ursprungsmaterialien. Ein Nanometer entspricht einem Millionstel Millimeter. So klein sie sind, ungefährlich sind sie nicht.

SOHO (SOlar & Heliospheric Observatory) est un projet international entre l'ESA et la NASA ayant pour objectif l'étude du Soleil de son coeur à sa couronne, jusqu'au vent solaire. by astro_drillaudweb Jun 28
