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Créer en 1 seul endroit vos leçons numériques (QCM, Vidéos, Images, Sons, Diapos, Cloud, Prezi, Flashcards, Quizlet, 3D…)

Créer en 1 seul endroit vos leçons numériques (QCM, Vidéos, Images, Sons, Diapos, Cloud, Prezi, Flashcards, Quizlet, 3D…)

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12 Ways To Use Padlet In Your Classroom Tomorrow! Let me introduce you to one of my new go-to tech tools: Padlet. It’s free, it’s easy-to-use, and it’s awesome. Oh, and did I mention… no signup needed? Plan De Travail Et Ceintures De Compétences Your report has been submitted. There was a problem submitting your report. Please contact Adobe Support. Resume/CV + Cover Letter = Headache ? With the “calling card” format, you can also decline your CV in a more minimalist form: the mini-cv. Advocated for direct meetings with potential employers, such as during a job fair or when prospecting directly, the mini-CV is an additional tool for your job search. Having, with you, at all times a dozen of small size mini-cv gives you the possibility to distribute them when any opportunity presents itself, especially unexpectedly. With pico-cv, do not miss any opportunity. In the “card” format, your mini-cv includes, in a condensed form, your contact information and a summary of the proposed function as well as skills. Depending on your profile, other strengths may be more effective: explanation of your professional project, last diplomas, meaningful experiences, availability and so forth …

Sketchnoting For Reflection As a reader of my blog, you have followed my journey into exploring Sketchnoting since April 2014. I have come a long way by studying and learning from other sketchnoters: their techniques, their tools, their thinking process, their signature people, objects and metaphors. If have gone from asking myself WHAT can you Sketchnote? to Sketchnoting as a Form of…

Book Creator 5.1: Publish and read your books online - Book Creator app Options for reading on the web What about privacy? It’s super important, and we’ve baked it right into Book Creator. Firstly, students cannot publish their own books. It will always be the teacher using their own account that chooses whether or not a book can be shared online. Video: Why Everyone at Your Company Should Speak (a Little) English Why Everyone at Your Company Should Speak (a Little) English Tuesday, May 1, 2012 Tsedal Neeley, Harvard Business School assistant professor, explains why every company needs a language strategy.

30 creative ways to use Padlet for teachers and students I’m always excited when I’m using Padlet. Is it the interface, the way everything is designed, its purpose or the fact that I’m organizing things smoothly? I don’t know. It just makes me happy. 5 Alternatives to Padlet For the last 24 hours the Twittersphere has been buzzing about the recent changes to Padlet. While none of the following tools have as many features as Padlet, they all provide the core element of a digital wall to which you apply digital sticky notes. Here are five alternatives to Padlet. These are in the order in which I prefer them right now. LinoLino, sometime referred to as Lino.It, provides digital walls or corkboards to which you can add sticky notes that contain text, images, videos, or document attachments.

7 tips for those about to sail into uncharted waters 7 Tips for those about to sail into uncharted waters Whether you regarded learning technology a blessing or anathema makes little or no difference now. Your students are at home and your mission is to help them keep learning at a turning point of the academic year.

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