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European History Primary Sources Jump to Navigation Browse digital repositories Country Language Period Subject Type of source Browse portals This website is maintained by the Department of History and Civilization and the Library of the European University Institute Evaluating Online Sources Introduction More and more research is done online, and there is nothing wrong with that. The key is to know when a source is trustworthy and credible. In an ideal world, we would cite only research that is peer-reviewed (vetted by other experts in the field). However, there are many excellent sources (like this website!) Lousy Sources Check out the following website and see if you can spot why this is not a quality online source: This is clearly a blog post that has been written in a hurry and contains mostly plagiarized or irrelevant content. Good Sources There is no one key indicator that will tell you if a website is trustworthy. The best approach, then, is to apply a number of criteria at the same time: If a website generally meets these criteria, you can mine it for ideas and quotations. The Best Sources The best online sources are often not found with just a simple Google search. Further Resources There are many resources for evaluating websites. Teaching resources General statistics

BILINGUAL CLASS: C.E.I.P. SAN MIGUEL. ARMILLA.: "Plickers" integrado en CLIL #gamificación * (Use the translator of the page if it is needed)¿Quieres conseguir seguimiento individualizado del aprendizaje de tu alumnado en clase? Muchas veces el trabajo de clase y la evaluación de un niño o una niña puede resultar tedioso, así como algunas actividades que se integran en clase si son sistemáticas y aburridas. Plickers ofrece una nueva fórmula para despertar el interés de los pequeños de una forma divertida y dinámica; al menos eso es lo que hemos estado tratando en las clase de ‘Natural and Social Science’ de 3º de Primaria. Afortunadamente, gracias a la tecnología digital de hoy día, los maestros podemos analizar y observar la evolución del aprendizaje a través de herramientas como ésta. El uso de Plickers, así como de Kahoot, ya es una realidad en la actividad de clase. Os dejo este tutorial de EdTech Tidbits que os puede servir de mucha ayuda: ¡Gamificación en el aula!

Svensk mediedatabas (SMDB) VOAHA II: Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive People have been crossing the border that now exists between the United States and Mexico since before either of them became a nation. That crossing continues, sometimes in conformity with the laws of both countries, and sometimes not. When railroad tracks were laid on both sides of the border, and then across it, the flow of people increased. Transportation, manufacturing and agriculture expanded in the American southwest at the same time that the Mexican Revolution of 1910 was beginning. One of the places those Mexican emigrants found jobs in the early part of the twentieth century was on ranches and farms in southern California. After the violence of the Mexican Revolution subsided, Mexicans continued coming to the United States.

Etudiez à l’université avec les cartes mentales et conceptuelles Comment mieux comprendre ? Comment mieux retenir ? Comment voir les liens entre les cours ? Comment visualiser les relations entre les concepts ? Les outils issus de la pensée visuelle – carte mentales, conceptuelles, argumentaires – constituent une batterie intéressante pour l’étudiant à l’université. Voici quelques exemples issus de ma pratique de coach étudiant dans ce premier article de la série Etudier à l’université. Beaucoup d’étudiants à l’université sont confrontés à des difficultés pour étudier. Surtout quand les méthodes d’études consistent en surlignage, recopiage, synthèses lues et relues pendant des sessions interminables. Il existe aujourd’hui des outils puissants pour rencontrer les exigeances croissantes des universités. Aujourd’hui, je vais vous donner un exemple issu de ma pratique de coach. La structure du texte : une mindmap "arbre droit" L’auteur structure son texte en cinq parties. Structure du texte de Paul Collier 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vous avez aimé cet article ?

The Top 42 Widgets To Add To Your Blog’s Sidebar Did you know that the fastest and easiest way to add new features to your blog is by adding widgets into the sidebar? Widgets are also a great way to personalize your blog and help it stand out from all of the others. Here is a list of the 42 most popular and most useful widgets used on class blogs, student blogs and personal educator blogs. We’ve set up a Widget Demo blog so you can check out most of these widgets in one handy location to see how they look in action! Scroll down to the bottom of this post for more instructions on how to add widgets to your blog. Authors Author widgets are a handy way of displaying information about yourself or providing a link to posts by different authors on a shared blog or individual student blogs. – Pulls your profile information, and a small screenshot of it, into your sidebar.Author widget – Provides a handy link to authors’ posts on a group blog. Clocks and Calendars Helpful for Readers Miscellaneous Multimedia Reading Talking Avatars

ICDL - International Children's Digital Library Hanover Historical Texts Collection The Hanover Historical Texts Collection makes available digital versions of historical texts for use in history and humanities courses. Search by keyword, or browse the listings below. The faculty and students of the Hanover College History Department initiated the Hanover Historical Texts Project in 1995, at a time when few primary sources were available outside of published anthologies. To make primary texts readily available for classroom use, they selected important documents, scanned print versions that were out of copyright, converted the scans into HTML format, proofread the resulting documents to correct OCR errors, edited them to provide page breaks, page numbers, and bibliographical information, and posted them online. We have since expanded the collection to include transcriptions of manuscript material from the Hanover College archives. Most of the texts in the Hanover Historical Texts Collection are in public domain. Ancient Greece and Rome Medieval Europe Early Modern Europe

Epinards crémeux : Recette de Epinards crémeux Accueil > Recettes > Epinards crémeux Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de commentaire à cette recette car vous l'avez déjà commentée Vous ne pouvez pas commenter votre propre recette Cette recette a reçu Avec 36 notes et avis r de ruamag • 17 août 2017 à 15h17 Bon. d de dosirom • 19 février 2016 à 14h47 Je l'ai fait avec des épinards en branches que j'ai ébouillantés, égouttés, trempés dans l'eau glacée pour garder leur belle couleur verte. de Nathalie06640 • 7 janvier 2016 à 19h16 Très simple et bon ! k de karinetnr • 1 décembre 2015 à 15h38 C'est parfait, comme cela a été dit, on ne perd pas le goût des épinards ; excellente recette. o de odalilie • 6 août 2015 à 22h14 Facile et bon. m de matdC62 • 17 juin 2015 à 19h07 Très bon et vraiment facile à faire b de bountydu11 • 28 avril 2015 à 17h52 Recette réalisée : Sans grand intérêt... y de ygaring • 27 février 2015 à 21h17 Un peu de tartare à la place de la crème, sinon tout pareil. de Gwenn44 • 7 juin 2014 à 13h01 de Fuji33 • 13 avril 2014 à 13h39 g

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Internet History Sourcebooks Project
