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Savage Chickens - Cartoons on Sticky Notes by Doug Savage

Savage Chickens - Cartoons on Sticky Notes by Doug Savage

humphry scolombe by Wyne Veen "humphry scolombe" is the latest cool photograph series by Amsterdam based photographer Wyne Veen. See a previous post and more info about Wyne's works here. See more; Obesssively Progressive Comics Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Remarkably Unremarkable During the Republican presidential primaries Rick Santorum posited that Mitt Romney was "uniquely unqualified" to be president. Here's what he meant. Mitt Romney has held exactly one public office, that of Governor of Massachusetts. He snuck in during the furor that followed the 9-11 attacks, at a time when the media completely forgot that it was a Republican administration that missed all the clues leading up to the attacks on the Twin Towers. And that all criticism of the Bus administration, especially from rotten old Democrats, was treasonous.

Salt on a White Picket Fence Dean cooking something in the kitchen, hands covered in flour - he’s trying for a pie again - but he doesn’t mind the white, dusty handprints he leaves everywhere. He opens the fridge to pull out the next ingredient and swears. They’re out. He should have checked earlier.

What have you done? Coming Soon - Stay tuned for a BIG announcement about an awesome project Jorge is working on! PHD Store - Our store was down for a while, but now it is back! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! The Secret Language Of Comic Strips When you think about it, the real world doesn’t have much to do with your favorite newspaper’s comic section. If you were a cartoon character, canaries would erupt from your cracked skull and fly around in circles every time you hit your head. When you swore, your curse words would censor themselves as a long, seemingly random series of nonverbal iconography. If you didn’t bathe, visible smell waves would waft off of you. And every time you said anything, it would result in words actually burbling up to hang in a cloud above you.

Drawing Nothing All I want to do is play and talk about video games. Someone pay me to play video games. Yeaaaaah Last year I posted this in a set of other winter drawings but this one alone I’ve seen circulating the internet on random blogs and even facebook. Go figure, everyone loves butts. Merry Christmas, hope you get to touch some butts.

Minimal Philosophy Poster Series by Genis Carreras September 7th, 2011 September 7th, 2011 Minimal Philosophy Poster Series by Genis Carreras Genis Carreras is an award-winner graphic designer based in London. He came up with these clever and perfectly minimal posters based on explaining philosophy through simple shapes. Bjork Explores The World Within For 'Hollow' : All Songs Considered Blog It takes an artist like Björk to turn the complex process of DNA replication and transcription into something as simple and beautiful as a pop song. For the video of her song "Hollow," from last year's app-based album Biophilia, Björk has collaborated with biomedical animator Drew Berry to create a partly-scientific representation of the haunting song. Explore innerspace in the video for Bjork's "Hollow" "Hollow's" instrumentation is sparse — a rhythmic organ-like pulse and Björk's echoing voice. The blending of the electronic manipulation of the vocals, which makes it sound like there's a whole tribe of Björks singing in unison, and the thudding electronic notes give the song a feel that is primal yet futuristic. The lyrics add to the sense of looking back hundreds of generations: Bjork yearns to "belong" to the "generations of mothers" that pulse through her body, to be part of the necklace of "jewels after jewels."

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