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Explosions In the Sky

Explosions In the Sky

Homeless Mustard Brings New Meaning To ‘Creep’ @ Antiquiet News By Johnny Firecloud at 7:31 AM Wednesday, December 16th 2009 While it’s their most heavily played and easily recognizable song, Radiohead’s Creep scrapes the bottom of the band’s pre-electro songwriting barrel. It’s been covered more than any other Radiohead song (except maybe Fake Plastic Trees, but I doubt it), but it’s never been as convincingly owned by another performer as by Mustard, a homeless man that Sirius XM hosts Opie & Anthony recently discovered while engaging in a bit of downtrodden exploitation for fucks and chuckles. I stumbled across this video on BannedInHollywood in an insomnia-fueled pre-dawn blog blitz this morning, and was surprised as hell to hear the soul pour out of this lost brother of Zach Galifianakis: A Reddit user who goes by ‘fingerrockets’ shed light on the backstory: “I listen to the O&A show daily at work so I’ll give a little back story here.

Asaf Avidan
