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Learn to Speak Elvish

Learn to Speak Elvish
A History of Elvish Mr. Tolkien produced many varieties of Elvish throughout the Middle Earth series. The two language variations with the most complete language and grammar are Quenya and Sindarin, High-elven and grey-elven respectively. So without further ado, here are some good basic conversational Elvish, which satisfies the curiosity of most people and is more than enough to effectively learn to speak elvish at its most rudimentary form. English - Elvish ____________________________________________________________ Good (day/morning/afternoon) - Uel (re/amrun/andune) Greetings (everyone) - Vedui' (il'er) Farewell - Namarie You are a mighty warrior - Lle naa belegohtar You are beautiful - Lle naa vanima You disgust me - Amin feuya ten' lle Are you ready? Run (for it) - Rima (ten'ta)! For the most complete dictionary of Elvish phrases available, please click here.

Middle-earth Recipes - recipes for Hobbits and Elves Middle-earth Recipes compiled by MithrandirCQ and Primula with additions. We encourage a visit to the Middle-earth Foodie blog for images and write-ups of some of the recipes you will find here. Jump down to Recipes Merry's Mulled Cider Mix together 2 quarts of apple cider, 20 whole cloves, 1/2 cup of sugar, 12 sticks of cinnamon, 14 whole allspice, and 1/2 teaspoon ofsalt. Bring to a boil. I will drink any tea, but prefer chai if I can get it. Merry's Spiced Chai 5 cups of boiling water 1 teaspoon of ground ginger 2 pinches of allspice 3/4 teaspoon of peppercorns 10 whole cloves 1 1/2 cinnamon sticks 1/8 cardamom seeds 2 tea bags (black tea; I used English Breakfast, but Earl Grey and Darjeeling are also recommended) Mix all ingredients, then simmer and let brew for 5 minutes. Tea is best served with milk and sugar. Mrs. Slice a large onion and 2 carrots and sauté in bacon fat until the onions are limp. top Mushroom Soup from the Inn at Bree Chop 1/2 pound of mushrooms very fine. top top

Portail:Comics Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Minnie Mouse est un personnage de fiction de l’univers de Mickey Mouse créé en 1928 par Walt Disney. Comme Mickey, elle se présente sous l’aspect d’une souris anthropomorphe. Mickey et Minnie sont d’éternels amants. Ils ne se sont jamais mariés et n’ont jamais habité ensemble, que ce soit dans un dessin animé ou une bande dessinée. Comme Mickey, Minnie s’est de plus en plus assagie au fil de ses apparitions. Lire la suite Auteurs Scénaristes Dessinateurs Encreurs Coloristes « Mon héros préféré, c'est Mickey. Cliquez sur [+] pour développer une catégorie Le projet Évaluation, qui a pour but de créer une version stable de Wikipédia francophone, propose à chaque projet d'évaluer leurs articles. {{Wikiprojet Comics|faible, moyenne, élevée, maximum|avancement= AdQ, A, B, BD, ébauche}} Vous pouvez explorer le projet comics pour en apprendre plus sur les manières de contribuer.
