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Tips for hitchhiking Tips for hitchhiking This article is a travel topic Hitchhiking is one of the cheapest ways of traveling. By tradition, hitchhiking is defined as soliciting a ride by standing at the edge of a road, facing traffic, with one's thumb extended/upwards. Hitchhiking in itself is rarely illegal, but there are often rules about where you can do it (e.g. not on highways, near intersections, at bus stops), so read up on the rules first to avoid getting booked for "trespassing" or "obstructing traffic". There is a Hitchhiking Wiki, which has quite a lot of useful information. Before[edit] Be prepared to walk all day. Getting a ride[edit] Location[edit] The three most important factors for getting a ride are: location, location, and location. Attracting a ride[edit] Asking around doesn't hurt. Choosing a ride[edit] If you're waiting for a long time and all the cars that want to take you go in the wrong direction it can be a good idea to let them take you anyway - just to drop you at a better spot.

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