How to make RSA Animate style videos with your class… Here is a post on how to make RSA style videos with half the work and time, and with a lot less tech experience needed. And another post on RSA-lite style videos. If you like the idea in this post, then you might also enjoy my other post 24 Assessments that Don’t Suck. Nothing fancy in this post, just the nuts and bolts of how to make an RSA Animate style video with your class! This is also one of those posts that is so long that there is simply not enough time in my life to go back and edit and revise it…so you get what you get and please don’t get upset.
Makey Makey We love seeing the things educators and their classes invent - they bring us closer to a world built by everyone exploring their ideas and reinventing the things around us. Makey Makey is perfect for the classroom. Students can invent projects that combine the tactile materials of the classroom with the coding projects they're creating on the computer to bring their creations to life. With the Makey Makey, students can make any conductive material act as the input device for a computer. Because it comes preprogrammed, students with no coding experience can use it and learn to experiment with it as they start to learn coding.
Lesson Plans ELA Candid Camera Lesson Plan Appropriate for grade levels ES to HS Combine Makey Makey with a webcam to create candid stories about your classroom. 5 Apps to Transform Teaching and Personalize Learning Transformation requires a journey for teachers toward great educational rewards for students. Knowing how to craft learning experiences that meld technology with the curriculum is key to crafting digital-age lessons. As digital tools are integrated seamlessly with sound pedagogical practice, a new classroom culture emerges.
The Personal World Clock Search Site / Articles City / Country Table of contents Mannequin.js is a simple library of an articulated mannequin figure. The shape of the figure and its movements are done purely in JavaScript. The graphics is implemented in Three.js. Click on an image to open a live demo. This is the fourth incarnation of the mannequin figure. Two tips for making gap fills in Word. – tekhnologic This example of a gap fill exercise has a column on the right-hand side for ‘betting’ if you have the right answer. This activity is also similar to a Grammar Auction. These two pictures show the same gap fill exercise. It’s just the formatting that is different. The first image shows the gap fill exercise in a table. The second image shows the same content, but in this example a smaller font size and a different color is used for the hints.
Tim van de Vall - Comics & Printables for Kids Make your own board game using a blank board game template! On this page you’ll find 6 unique board game templates in black and white and color. Throughout elementary, middle, and high school, students sometimes have to make their own board games as part of a Language Arts or Social Studies assignment. Drawing a game board by hand can be tricky, and for that reason I’ve created this set of blank game boards for kids, students and teachers to print. Blank Board Game Templates Download the game board you like best, and print it onto sturdy card stock paper.
Easy-to-use Online Vocabulary Games Generator The following list is yet another excellent resources for ESL/EFL teachers that will surely increase student engagement in the class. I am talking about easy-to-use, no-BS online vocabulary games generator where teachers can easily create vocabulary games for review or warm up activities. I chose these websites because they focus only on one or two games thus they are specialized, very user-friendly and so convenient to use that you will be done making your games in seconds! If you are not familiar with these warm up games, you may check out this post. VocabularySpellingCity is an award-winning educational website focusing on spelling and vocabulary used by millions of teachers and parents worldwide.
Cake hacking with open hardware Food and electronics don't usually mix well—unless you're cake hacking. I've been embedding electronics into edible cakes since 2008. And, in 2009, my group won the New York City Yahoo! Hackathon with a cake that showed rudimentary emojis via LEDs with emotions based tags.
Creating a Makey Makey Guitar in Scratch or Soundplant!: 5 Steps AdWords We use AdWords to deploy digital advertising on sites supported by AdWords. Ads are based on both AdWords data and behavioral data that we collect while you’re on our sites. The data we collect may include pages you’ve visited, trials you’ve initiated, videos you’ve played, purchases you’ve made, and your IP address or device ID.