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Oldboy-Velho amigo (2003

Sem Limites (2011 Drive (2011 Enter the Void (2009 Films For Action Presents: The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm By Films For Action / Film offers us a powerful tool to shift awareness and inspire action. By hosting community film screenings and sharing them online, they offer a method to break our dependence on the mainstream media and become the media ourselves. We don't need to wait for anyone or anything. Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries below. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. Our society needs a new story to belong to. But most of all, we need to see the promise of the alternatives - we need to be able to imagine new exciting ways that people could live, better than anything that the old paradigm could ever dream of providing. And all of this knowledge and introspection, dreaming, questioning, and discovery is essential for a cultural transformation that addresses root causes. So take this library of films and use it.

Fight Club (1999 I just discovered something awesome: via Snatch - Schweine und Diamanten (2000 Instant View Film Festival Der Maschinist (2004 Rescue Dawn (2006 Revolver (2005 Blade Runner Darjeeling Limited (2007) Freejack (1992
